Updated December 13, 2024, by Christopher Norman Worcester: Cyberpunk 2077 ends 2024 as one of the best redemption stories in gaming history. After a rocky start, the 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty DLC marked the final step on a long journey back to greatness for CDPR. This update will ensure that our guide for the Cybperunk 2077 best Netrunner build in 2.1 is as good as it can be as the game and its players begin a new year.
With the recent release of Cyberpunk 2077‘s 2.1 and Phantom Liberty updates, the game has become decidedly more friendly to those players hoping to embrace the Netrunner play style. While hacking was featured in the base game, it often felt like any difficulty and strategy were taken out when playing as a high-level Netrunner. With Cyberpunk 2077‘s 2.0 and 2.1 updates, the entire Cyberware and quickhack systems received major overhauls, forcing players to strategize in ways the base game simply didn’t.
In many ways, both of these new content updates make it the best time to play Cyberpunk 2077. This is especially true for players looking to immerse themselves in a Netrunner build based on real-time strategy and problem-solving. This guide will help players sift through the many available options in Cyberware and quickhacks, along with how to use those options to be the best possible Netrunner in Cyberpunk 2077.

This Cyberpunk 2077 Invisibility Build is Completely Broken
An inventive Cyberpunk 2077 player comes up with a ridiculous build that essentially makes V permanently invisible in the latest version of the game.
Cyberpunk 2077 2.1 Netrunner Overview
Netrunners are an incredibly important facet of Cyberpunk 2077 lore. These cyber-warriors prefer to use their Cyberdecks and Cyberware implants to engage from the shadows, letting their Solo and Edgerunner counterparts do the “up-close-and-personal” style of fighting. That’s not to say that Netrunners do not face risk. In the early section of Cyberpunk 2077, players see what happens to Bug, a Netrunner who is discovered during the Konpeki Plaza heist. Netrunners must consider both offense and defense when planning their builds.
Best Netrunner Intelligence Build 2.1 – Cyberpunk 2077
This Cyberpunk 2077 best Netrunner build is for end-game players, who already have max attributes and perk points from the base game and Phantom Liberty. The philosophy that is behind the build, and the best ways to build up to it, will be covered in the subsequent sections.
Best Cyberpunk 2077 Netrunner Intelligence Attributes Overview:
Body: 17 – Body is subjective, and depends on personal play style. If players do not mind the hit to overall health, there is really no lower limit.
Intelligence: 20 – The most important category for a Netrunner. Full maxed out.
Reflexes: 9 – This is the recommended minimum for Reflexes, as Dash can be very helpful for Netrunners trying to quickly fight or escape. Any Netrunner who wants to wield a blade for up-close fighting should consider this as well.
Technical Ability: 20 – Maxing out Technical Ability is smart for all Netrunners. Edgerunner is one of the most useful perks for any build, allowing for extended Cyberware Capacity.
Cool: 15 – For the silent type, Ninjistu will be extremely helpful. Deadeye and Focus are also great for the Netrunner who packs a Sniper Rifle for when the hacks just won’t cut it.
Best Cyberpunk 2077 Netrunner Perks Overview:
Perks are incredibly subjective, but there are several that any self-respecting Netrunner should have. Here are the most important of the bunch, in each attribute:
Body: Painkiller, Fury Road, Adrenaline Rush Lvl. 3 (must be level 15+)
Intelligence: In many ways, the best Netrunner build is also the best Cyberpunk 2077 Intelligence build. All six of the key perks from pillar one and two. Fully upgraded. All Level 4 perks (possible exception, ‘Warning: Explosion Hazard’). Essentially, every perk here has a benefit for Netrunners.
Reflexes: Slippery, Dash Lvl 2.
Technical Ability: Select health item recharge perks if needed – depending on player ability. Glutton For Punishment and Health Freak Lvl. 2 recommended. Center tree is fully recommended. Anything that enhances Cyberware and Cyberware Capacity is good for all players.
Cool: One of the main reasons why level 15 is recommended here is to acquire the Ninjitsu perk, which allows players to increase base crouch movement speed, increase mitigation chance while crouched, and unlocks crouch sprint. This will primarily be used for navigating the combat zones quickly, and remaining undetected. Players looking for a more aggressive approach to Netrunning can allocate their points to Body or Reflexes.

Cyberpunk 2077: How To Get The Lizzie Iconic Pistol
For players looking to find Lizzie’s Iconic Pistol, this guide will break down how to find it.
Best Netrunner Cyberware 2.1 – Cyberpunk 2077
To get the best possible selection, players should visit the Ripperdocs in Dogtown. This will require the
Phantom Liberty
expansion. If only the base version of the game is available, most items will be available at any Night City Ripperdoc, as 2.0 has made all Night CIty Ripperdoc inventory the same.
While there are several categories of Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077, there are a select few items that are extremely helpful to the Netrunner.
Best Netrunner Cyberdeck:
The most important tool the Netrunner has in their arsenal is not a traditional weapon, but their Cyberdeck. While each of Cyberpunk 2077‘s legendary Cyberdecks has benefits based on play style, there are three that share the top spot:
- Tetratronic Rippler Mk. 5 – The 2.0 update has significantly changed this Cyberdeck. It is now a perfect choice for the Netrunner that uses both weapons and quick hacks. It’s +12 Max RAM at Tier 5++ is also the largest single addition to RAM a player can get.
- Netwatch Netdriver Mk.1 – The only Iconic Cyberdeck in the 2.0 update, the Netdriver is made for the Netrunner that prefers to remain stationary, attacking through devices like cameras. Its -50% RAM cost for device and vehicle quickhacks make it the perfect tool for the classic Netrunner.
- Militech Canto Mk. 6 – This cyberdeck is not available until the end of the Phantom Liberty DLC, and can be fun to use for an ‘experimental Netrunner’ build. It cuts the number of available quickhacks in half, but includes the new Blackwall Gateway quickhack, which spreads to a max of 5 enemies within 30m. The first use of Blackwall Gateway costs 12 Ram, with each spread uploading faster, but costing more. The description says it will use health if you don’t have enough RAM. There have been several reported issues with the quickhack not spreading. It worked in some instances when making this guide, but we could never get it to spread to a full 5 enemies.
Best Netrunner Frontal Cortex:
The brain is the main region for Cyberware that deals in RAM, which is central to the Netrunner’s system. Here, any legendary option on offer is helpful, but there are a few that seem to rise above the rest:
- RAM Reallocator: This iconic piece of Cyberware automatically recovers up to 30% of a player’s max RAM when available RAM falls below 20%.
- Ex-Disk: This item increases max RAM by up to 6, and increases max upload speed for quickhacks by up to 23% (at the Tier 5++ level).
- Self-Ice: This item automatically negates one enemy quickhack, and increases max RAM by 2.
- Memory Boost: Neutralizing enemies returns 1.25 RAM (Tier 5), adds +1 RAM.
- COX-2 Cybersomatic Optimizer – This is a questionable item, as it reduces overall max RAM. It does, however, allow quickhacks to deal critical hits. This is a trade that each player will have to weigh. Players that have optimized their use of a few hacks, with low RAM, may want to make this trade.
Best Netrunner Skeleton:
While there are several items here that would be helpful for any build, there is one item that Netrunners should consider:
- RAM Recoup: Restores RAM equal to a percentage of damage received.
Best Netrunner Face:
The 2.0 update brings with it several new Kiroshi optics. There is one item that Netrunners should consider:
- Kiroshi “The Oracle” Optics: This set of optics highlights enemies, cameras, turrets, traps, and explosives from varying distances depending on tier. It really is the only choice for Netrunners.
Best Netrunner Hands:
There is one item that Netrunners should consider using here:
- Smart Link: The Smart Link adds +2 to max RAM, and is essential when using Smart Weapons.
These are the key pieces of Cyberware that specifically help Netrunners. All other available slots should be filled based on each player’s distinct style.
Best Netrunner Quickhacks:
Netrunners will have to decide what area they would like to specialize in. Each Cyberdeck is unique, and will require consideration when deciding the appropriate quickhacks to apply. There are, however, a select few that should be on every Netrunner’s deck:
- Ping: Legendary Ping allows players to hack devices through walls. This is especially helpful when using the Netwatch Netdriver Cyberdeck, as having access to cameras is essential. Knowing enemy locations is important regardless of which deck a player uses, and Ping is the best route.

- System Collapse: Of all the ‘instant death’ quickhacks, System Collapse is the best for one simple reason: it is untraceable. Tracing has made Netrunning much more of a challenge in 2.0, but using untraceable quickhacks is the easiest way to get around it.

- Short Circuit/Cyberware Malfunction pairing: Either one of these quickhacks is formidable on its own, but in tandem they are incredibly powerful. Both have relatively low RAM costs, and cost even less when stacking. They are exceptionally helpful against drones and any non-human enemy.

- Contagion: Contagion is the original spreadable quickhack, and it still serves this purpose extremely well. Using it in conjunction with Overheat will create a powerful explosion.
- Experiment with Pairings: Read each quickhack description to see what they pair with. Many of the legendary quickhacks are designed to work together in very interesting ways. Try to collect all the Iconic versions of each legendary quickhacks to get the best possible version.
Though most clothing no longer provides any combat benefits, it is still worth mentioning that
Cyberpunk 2077
‘s Legendary Netrunner Armor
can still be found in the same locations, and still goes a long way towards creating that ultimate Netrunner fantasy.
Cyberpunk 2077 Best Netrunner Build 2.1 Explained
The first area any player must consider when planning their builds is how they will allocate their attribute points. By far, the most important attributes for Netrunners are the Intelligence and Technical Ability categories. No matter where the other points are allocated, intelligence should be maxed out at 20. Everything else will depend heavily on play style. Players can also max out Technical Ability, and have a Netrunner capable of using the Edgerunner perk, making them proficient in both traditional combat and hacking. Choosing between Cool and Reflexes will depend on whether players want to go full stealth. The Cool tree allows for several perks that make sense for a Netrunner who sticks to the shadows. Luckily, players can now respec perks at any time, so there is no penalty for taking the time to try various secondary options.
Character Creation:
Players will begin the game with 3 points in each of the five categories: Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical Ability, and Cool. Cyberpunk 2077‘s Character Creation system allows players to add 7 points, with the condition that no single category can be set above 6. So players can add 3 points to Intelligence, 3 points to Technical Ability, then 1 point in whichever category they desire. Body is a safe choice, as it raises Max Health.
Generally speaking, Body will be the safest choice for the third category for Netrunners to focus on in the early section of a playthrough. Once they feel more comfortable, there are several perks in Cool that make sense for the Netrunner. With the new Phantom Liberty DLC, players will have access to 10 more attribute points by the end of their playthrough, allowing for much more versatility in builds. It is important to stress, however, that intelligence and Technical Ability should be the primary targets for aspiring Netrunners.
A sneaky Netrunner, proficient in both ranged combat and hacking, can have a wide range of possible point allocations. Here is an example of a build that allows for both Overclock and Edgerunner, two extremely powerful perks:

Cyberpunk 2077: 7 Characters That Deserved Better
Night City isn’t a nice place, and some of the most memorable Cyberpunk 2077 characters deserved better fates than this city gave to them.
Perk Points:
Netrunners will find most of their most important perks in the Intelligence Tree. Assuming players have established the basic requirements for surviving in Night City, they should then consider working their way up the Intelligence tree as quickly as possible. It is fair to say that just about every perk in the tree will be helpful to Netrunners.
Optimization, Embedded Exploit, and Eye in the Sky are great starting points. Ultimately, Overclock should be acquired, which allows players to use health to pay for quickhacks when RAM is unavailable. Here are some key thoughts to keep in mind when building out the Netrunner:
- The key considerations should be Max Ram, Ram Recovery, and Quickhack Damage.
- Perks like Eye in the Sky, which highlights cameras and access points automatically, are extremely helpful in the 2.0 update. Players cannot hack through walls anywhere near as easily as the base game, so having access to cameras, and the knowledge of where they are located, is priceless.
- Learning to use 2.0’s new Queue system can massively increase a Netrunner’s abilities. Investigate the left side of the Intelligence tree to see perks related to Queue, which allows multiple quickhacks to be uploaded on a target at once. Several of the surrounding perks will increase RAM recovery, damage, and several other stats based on the Queue system.
- Netrunner is not an absolute class. One of Cyberpunk 2077‘s founding ideas was the fluid class system, so make sure to have fun when choosing how to make a unique Netrunner.

- How Long To Beat
- 25 Hours
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