The Best JRPGs To Play As A Paladin-Style Character

The Best JRPGs To Play As A Paladin-Style Character

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  • RPG Paladins embody noble heroes with magic abilities like healing and defense.
  • Bravely Default’s Templar class focuses on boosting stats and protecting allies in battle.
  • In Dragon Quest 9, the Paladin class combines healing, defense, and sacrificial abilities for allies.

Paladins come in all forms in RPGs from Japanese-centric ones to Western games. That said, they all kind of embody the same concepts. They are knights usually with capabilities to use some magic like a way to heal allies or an ability to rebuke the dead.

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They are generally noble heroes in stories too and as far as Japanese RPGs go. They follow the light – and law – without question, and sometimes stories feature characters who are brought into the light from darkness in one startling example. There are many types of Paladins out there, so let’s look at the class and see what games benefit the most when players embody the role in JRPGs.

7 Bravely Default (Templar)

Learning Light Magic And Building Defenses

Templars in Bravely Default

Bravely Default was the spiritual successor to Final Fantasy which dialed things back to the good old days of Jobs and crystals. Players can eventually become a Templar which is basically a Paladin in style. There are a lot of stat-boosting skills players can equip that can boost critical attacks and defense. They can also boost the defense of allies in battle with abilities like Rampart which will form a shield around everyone. They can’t heal allies but they do have some Light-based spells to cast on foes.

6 Dragon’s Crown (Fighter)

A Stalwart Wall Of Attack And Defense

Fighter in Dragon’s Crown

Dragon’s Crown is a 2D action RPG from Vanillaware that borrows heavily from Dungeons & Dragons themes and class systems. Fighters are typically all about combat but Dragon’s Crown is different in this way as they are more Paladin-like.

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The Fighter can cover allies with its sheer body taking up a good portion of the landscape. There is a cover-based ability called Distraction which will have enemies focus their attacks on the Fighter over other allies. They even have an ability called Sacrifice which will take damage for all allies kind of like Distraction but more brutal.

5 Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels Of The Starry Sky (Paladin)

A Combo Between A Priest And Martial Artist

Female paladin artwork in Dragon Quest 9 Sentinels Of The Starry Sky

Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Sky has a lot of Vocations that players can mess around with. It might be the biggest class system in the Dragon Quest series. To get to the cooler classes, players have to put work into others. For example, the Paladin can be unlocked by progressing a character in the Priest and Martial Artist Vocations. They are a classic example of a Paladin who can equip a variety of weapons but prefer spears. They can heal allies literally with a spell called Heal and increase their defense via the spell Buff. Their best sacrificial spell is called Kerplunk which gives the user’s life to revive and heal the three other allies in battle.

4 Fantasy Life (Paladin)

A Lighthearted Take On The Job

Paladin in Fantasy Life

Fantasy Life is a little 3DS RPG from Level-5 that has made a ton of hits on the level of Atlus or Square Enix. Players can begin this action RPG as standard RPG classes like mages and knights along with odder ones like tailors. The Paladin is a class set aside for RPG fans who want to experience it like they would a Dungeons & Dragons campaign. They can get swords and armor, cast a few abilities, and get through the story relatively easily without much grinding.

Side content can be played in co-op, allowing Paladin players to help guide their less-action-focused partners along as they defend them in battle like a true Paladin should.

3 Final Fantasy 4 (Paladin/Cecil)

An Iconic Rise From The Ashes

Cecil in Final Fantasy 4 (DS)

Cecil is the main character of Final Fantasy 4 who goes through the wringer. He begins as a Dark Knight, a soulless puppet of his kingdom doing everything he is tasked to do. Eventually, he starts to wise up to the corruption of his kingdom and throws away his dark tendencies to evolve into a Paladin in one of the most climactic moments in the game.

It’s a classic fall-from-grace story that then picks up into a redemption arc. He is a glowing Paladin, courageous through and through, and will stop at nothing to right the wrongs of his past and his kingdom’s. Besides being good with the blade, Cecil is given healing and holy spells along with the ability to cover his party members who are near death.

2 Fire Emblem Engage (Paladin)

Horses To The Rescue

Amber as a Paladin in Fire Emblem Engage

Paladins exist in different ways throughout the Fire Emblem series but let’s focus on how they are portrayed in the latest entry, Fire Emblem Engage. Units can evolve into other classes via various Seals like Cavalry. Weapon proficiency for the evolved Paladin will depend on what kind of a Cavalry is used from sword masters to axe wielders.

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Paladins have a high mobility in the game thanks to their horses, making them a great unit to swoop in to rescue allies. They also have high defense, so they can jump in and defend an ally if paired next to them on the battlefield.

A Defensive Knight With A High Counter

Paladin in Metaphor ReFantazio

Metaphor: ReFantazio is the latest RPG from the same team that develops Persona within Atlus. Every party member in the game can adapt themselves into classes called Archetypes that originate with a particular character. Hulkenberg, for example, begins as a Knight which can then become a Magic Knight, Paladin, Dark Knight, or Royal Knight.

Every iteration of this Archetype, including the specific Paladin, is based around high defense, protecting party members, and then countering for massive damage. There are some healing spells and supportive abilities they can learn too to round them out as a proper guardian.

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