Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is a celebration of the series, bringing forth a new story in the Indiana Jones mythos to rival that of the best movies. Those who have put on the fedora and threaded the bullwhip in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle may have already experienced the thrills of its puzzles, but they may have also missed a few amazing easter eggs involving their favorite archaeologist.

The Best Indiana Jones Games Of All Time, Ranked
Indiana Jones inspired iconic games like Tomb Raider and Uncharted, but what about the ones based on Indy himself?
Some of the best easter eggs in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle might just be a tad too obscure of a reference that the player might have missed them, but listed below are some of the best easter eggs found in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle that will make fans want to go back and watch the movies and experience other Indiana Jones adventures.
Potential spoilers ahead for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
8 The “Love You” Student Gets a Name
A Student With Eyes for Indiana Writes Him a Note
When players enter Marshal College, they can head into Doctor Henry Jones Jr.’s classroom, which is a spitting image of how it looks in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Inside the classroom, situated on the closest desk to the right of the room, is Shirley’s Letter, which reads as a love note from student to teacher.
Those who remember Raiders of the Lost Ark will remember fondly the student who sat in this seat, and how she wrote “Love you” on her eyelids to Indiana Jones. This note is all but confirmed as hers due to its lustful nature, and the fact that it’s marked with the name Shirley means that the infamous character finally gets a name.
7 Willie Scott’s Career Takes to Marshall College
The Talented Temple of Doom Companion Features in Text
On one of the notice boards inside Marshal College, there’s an advertisement for the Marshal College Grand 1937 Dance, and if players notice at the bottom of this advertisement, it says that the music is by Willie Scott, the same American singer that got caught up in Indiana Jones’ archaeological schemes back in 1935.

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Indiana Jones has punched his fair share of Nazis, but what hits harder than his fist are these great quotes from the man himself.
The fact that Willie Scott’s career has ascended to the point where she has her own music is rather sweet, and it’s a nice callback to one of Indy’s companions from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. It would’ve been nice to see if Willie herself was performing at the dance, but since Indy’s adventure takes him to the Vatican, audiences may never know.
6 Henry Jones Sr. and the Search for the Holy Grail
A Surveillance Report from the Vatican Shows That Spies Watch Indy’s Dad
Indiana Jones and his father, Henry Jones Sr., do not exactly have the best father-and-son relationship. They are rather estranged by the time of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, which takes place just a few years before Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. As such, Indiana Jones can find a note in the Vatican through the Father and Son puzzle that details a surveillance report from the Vatican’s spies involving Henry Jones Sr.
The report itself has the Vatican spying on Henry Jones Sr. as he continues to search for the Holy Grail, which is Henry’s lifework that has taken him away from his son for far too long. This report is a great reference to Henry Jones Sr. and the importance of the Holy Grail that comes to fruition later in the franchise.
5 Losing Marion Ravenwood
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle takes place a year after Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, and as such, it’s nice to get a few connections to the love of Indy’s life, Marion Ravenwood. Marion is mentioned throughout the game, and it’s a key conflict for Indy as he tries to solve mysteries he loves, while still feeling guilty for living in the past.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: Trophy/Achievement Guide
With 45 Achievements in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, it might serve the collectors out there well to know just how they can get them all.
Marion’s name is mentioned a few times, and players might have even missed the note from Marion at the start of the game in Indy’s journal that reads “For your next adventure.” It’s rather heartbreaking to think that this couple wouldn’t reunite until decades later.
4 The Staff of Ra’s Medallion
The Sun-Shaped Piece That Was Used to Find the Ark of the Covenant
The Headpiece to the Staff of Ra was integral to the plot of Raiders of the Lost Ark, and it was in the possession of Marion Ravenwood, passed down from her father. In the search for the Ark of the Covenant, the Headpiece to the Staff of Ra was used to locate the Lost Ark in the Map Room of Tanis.
In a dream sequence during one of Indy’s Fieldwork missions, Indiana can find the Headpiece once more, along with a few more old goodies like the Fertility Idol that he lost at the beginning of the movie. The inclusion of the Staff of Ra not only indicates Indy’s love of adventure but also the love he lost with Marion.
3 Shooting the Tail of the Plane
“Son, I’m Sorry. They Got Us.”
Once Indiana Jones reaches Shanghai with Gina, there are a few references to this location featured in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. One missable easter egg comes from Club Obi-Wan which features in the background when Gina flies a plane, but one that might be even more obscure than that is the plane’s tail.
When Indy takes to the gunner seat, he can actually shoot the tail of the plane by mistake, to which he will explain to Gina “They got us.” This is a direct reference to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, where Henry Jones Sr. does the exact same thing, and says the exact same line. Like father, like son!
2 Marya Smirnova
A Journalist from the Indiana Jones Comics
A hard-cut reference to more obscure Indiana Jones media is that of Marya Smirnova, a journalist reporting for The Globe of New York City who often had interviews and adventures with Indiana Jones in the young archaeologist’s early years of the late 1920s. This character comes from the French comics, starting with Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Pyramid.
While Marya is a tad obscure, players can in fact find a letter from her during an investigation at Voss’ camp in Gizeh. The letter is addressed to Voss, and speaks of Indiana Jones and in defense of his escapades. Players who read the note can find her name at the bottom of the page, and it’s one that can easily be missed.
1 The Temple of the Forbidden Eye
A Disney Ride Adventure Made Canon
The Temple Map is a hidden note that players can find in Marshal College within Indy’s back office, and it’s a map that showcases the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. The written text of the map also warns of traps and treasures that players might find, and those who have experienced the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland may remember this ride well.
The ride that focuses on the Eye of Mara features as a map, perhaps as a prelude to Indy’s next adventure that he is looking into. It’s a cute reference to a rollercoaster from the beloved Disney parks, and it seems that Indiana knows it all too well.

- Released
- December 9, 2024
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