Path of Exile 2 brings a revamped and bigger-than-ever passive tree for you to enjoy, with hundreds of different nodes making up the tapestry upon which you will build your character. As you might expect, there are a near-infinite number of ways to construct your build.

Path Of Exile 2: How To Use Charms
Charms are a unique accessory that attach right to your belt in Path of Exile 2. Here, you can learn how to get and use them.
New to Path of Exile 2 are Weapon Set Passive Skill Points, which are a different type of skill point that bring even greater customization to your character’s build. Below, we’ll take a look at what exactly Weapon Set Points are, how to spend them, and how they’re different from normal skill points.
What Are Weapon Set Passive Skill Points?
Weapon Set Passive Skill Points are a different type of passive point that you can allocate to your skill tree. Weapon Set Points are typically rewarded from side quests through items called Books of Specialisation, which will give you two Weapon Set Points to spend.
Functionally, Weapon Set Points work exactly like normal Passive Points, and the ‘Weapon Set’ aspect can be entirely ignored, if you want.
From the skill tree menu, look at the top right corner, and you will see your current allotment of Weapon Set Points for Weapon Sets One and Two. The number inside the parenthesis shows the total number of Weapon Set Points you can allocate, while the number to the left of the parenthesis shows the current number of Points you have already applied.
Essentially, what this means is that you can ‘split’ a Skill Point so that it either applies to Weapon Set One or Weapon Set Two, depending on which Weapon Set you currently have equipped.
Let’s use the image above as an example. Here, you can see that the branch splits into two different paths, one red and one green. The red nodes indicate that they are assigned to Weapon Set One, while the green is for Weapon Set Two.
The nodes selected in the red line, for Weapon Set One, will only be applied to your character when you have Weapon Set One equipped, and likewise for the nodes in the green line for Weapon Set Two. This allows you to create two different, branching builds that change depending on which weapon you have equipped.
The red and green lines can only be added to using more Weapon Set Points; normal skill points that you gain from leveling up can’t be used to continue the red or green lines to expand the skill tree.

Path Of Exile 2: How To Respec Skill Points
Did you invest in the wrong passive skill point in Path of Exile 2? Here, you can learn how to refund these points to allocate them elsewhere.
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