Final Fantasy 16 protagonist Clive Rosfield is coming to Tekken 8 as the first guest character.
As revealed at tonight’s The Game Awards, Clive will be joining the game on 20th December for general access (with 72-hour early access for Year 1 Pass holders) bringing plenty of fiery Ifrit moves and swordplay to the fist fight.
His addition rounds out the first season DLC, meaning sadly it looks like Final Fantasy 7‘s Tifa won’t be joining despite Tekken boss Katsuhiro Harada acknowleding fan interest.
It seems the character will have lines from Ben Starr and a new arena based on the game will be added: a flaming pit with battling Ifrit in the background.
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“The only fantasy here is yours,” says Clive, in a nod to the famous line from the game.
Earlier in the evening, Tekken 8 won the award for best fighting game.
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