SAKAMOTO DAYS Dangerous Puzzle, based on the highly anticipated anime is set for a Japan launch in 2025

Sakamoto Days Dangerous Puzzle Game Cover

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  • Sakamoto Days Dangerous Puzzle is a puzzle game inspired by the highly anticipated Sakamoto Days anime, created by Yuto Suzuki.
  • It features match-three puzzles, battles, character collection, and more.
  • According to the App Store, the game is planned for release on April 2, 2025.

GOODROID,Inc. has announced their upcoming puzzle game, SAKAMOTO DAYS Dangerous Puzzle, scheduled to launch in Japan on both Android and iOS in 2025. This is the first game adaptation of the popular manga Sakamoto Days, which is also launching as an anime on Netflix around the same time as the game’s launch.

SAKAMOTO DAYS Dangerous Puzzle Game will feature many new exclusive voices to the game

SAKAMOTO DAYS Dangerous Puzzle is a match-three puzzle game based on the highly anticipated Sakamoto Days anime by Yuto Suzuki, featuring original game illustrations and new voices exclusive to the game. The game follows the story of Taro Sakamoto, a former legendary assassin turned convenience store owner, who is also the main protagonist of the manga.

In this game, you can enjoy casual match-three puzzle gameplay by erasing pieces, performing combos, and unleashing special moves on your enemies. As you progress, you will meet a variety of unique assassins, and you can recruit them on your team to fight your enemies.

Additionally, you can assign them to work as part-timers in the store, which can be expanded for more revenue. You can then upgrade your characters from the money you earn from the store. There are some nice additions like the characters also provide special comments while working. Many popular characters from the manga make special appearances as customers in your store.

SAKAMOTO DAYS Dangerous Puzzle is set to launch in Japan on both Android and iOS. You can pre-register the game from the Google Play Store or App Store. According to the App Store listing, the game is planned for release on April 2, 2025. For more information, make sure to visit the official website.

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