How To Level Up Fast In Supervive

How To Level Up Fast In Supervive

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Key Takeaways

  • Gain XP and upgrade abilities by actively participating in the action, like eliminating hunters or completing objectives.
  • Loot stray chests for quick XP and rare loot items, but prioritize other XP-farming methods over this less rewarding strategy.
  • Defeat high-value enemies like ghosts at night and tough PvE enemies like Soul Bosses for massive XP boosts and leveling advantages.

One of the most frustrating aspects of a battle royale game is camping, where players hide away and wait to ambush someone daring enough to actually explore. Supervive, fortunately, tackles this lingering habit with a level system. Actively participating in the action, like eliminating hunters or completing objectives, grants XP that counts towards your levels.


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The more you level up, the further you can upgrade your abilities, so there’s a clear strategic advantage. To ensure a degree of balancing, there’s a soft level cap in place, gradually increasing as the match goes on. Still, match-based restrictions aside, your main goal is to gain levels and upgrade your abilities, and when you’re at that maximum point, your chances of surviving an encounter become much more likely.


Loot Stray Chests

Finding a gray chest in a match of Supervive.

As you explore the map, you’ll often find gray-colored chests scattered across the map. Opening these chests grants a decent amount of XP and, at times, even rare loot and a Tome of Knowledge. The best part is how accessible these chests are since you don’t need a key and the entire unlocking process is fairly simple.

However, this XP-farming method feels more stringent because of the low output overall. Thus, you should rely on this strategy if you strictly don’t intend to open vaults or engage in PvP. That said, it’s always better to open these stray chests, given you don’t prioritize them over other objectives.


Rob The Train

Standing on a moving train in a match of Supervive.

Almost every match in Supervive has a train moving across the map, and it often harbors exquisite loot, like an exotic Power or Legendary armor. Apart from that, you can capture the base on it to spot enemies along the path, giving you another avenue to earn XP. As such, if you’re fortunate enough to drop on the vehicle uncontested, you’ll have an opportunity to gain a massive early-game lead.


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The only issue is staying on the train itself — if you accidentally glide off it or want to make a quick stop, you won’t see it again for some time. Thus, you must fully commit to looting it; otherwise, you might waste too much time or, worse, die in the process.

To unlock the train’s treasure chest, examine the colors of the quad-triangular pattern near it. These colors correspond to the four switches on the train, so you must flip them according to the pattern to solve the puzzle.


Defeat Ghosts At Night

Finding two ghosts during the night cycle in a match of Supervive.

Ghosts are high-value enemies that only spawn at night, and killing them provides tremendous XP. Their groups are similar to the creep camps you find in the daytime, but ghosts are much easier to kill, grant more XP, and don’t have anyone to heal them.

These enemies pose almost no threat if you use a gunner like Hudson or Ghost, since they can easily spam critical hits. Although ghosts don’t drop as many extra resources, like shard scraps, you can effectively farm them in case you’re behind the soft cap. In most instances, defeating a group of ghosts should be enough to raise your level by one.


Beat Soul Bosses

Finding a Soul boss in a match of Supervive.

Souls Bosses are the toughest PvE enemies in the game, so killing them is a one-way ticket to a massive leveling boost. This is a three-phase fight, where the first two phases include attacking the surrounding crystals, with the final phase being an assault on the boss itself.


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You can track down Soul Bosses through their red, pinpoint-like symbol appearing on the map roughly midway through the match. Alongside a boatload of HP, these enemies also drop a Meteor Soul, a permanent buff that can be extremely helpful in the game.

The game can spawn one, two, or no Soul Bosses each match, and you can find the Meteor Souls they’ll drop in the top-right corner of your screen.


Find Bigger PvE Targets

Finding an elite enemy in a match of Supervive.

Thanks to the abundant brute-like PvE enemies, reaching the soft cap by farming creep mobs is extremely reliable. You can find their camps through the deep-purple marker on your map, and, once you find them, you’ll come across at least one brute-like enemy. Fortunately, their damage output isn’t anything serious, so you can comfortably kill them with a couple of hits.

If you want to take things to the next level, you can start farming elite enemies, like an Abyssal Demon. These appear less frequently, but they’re easy to pinpoint because of their distinct markers. Like brutes, these are mainly bullet sponges, but mind your movement when facing them.

Creep mobs will often drop shard scraps when defeated; collecting a certain amount of scraps will automatically upgrade your equipment.


Prioritize Vault Quests

Hudson standing in front of the shopkeeper and selecting a quest in a match of Supervive.

When you’re not actively seeking blood during a match, you’re likely to complete quests assigned by the Quest Giver. Among the three most common quest types — eliminating hunters, farming creeps, and unlocking vaults — the latter is usually the better choice for getting XP.


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Not only do you receive a Tome of Knowledge as a reward, but you also get an excuse to unlock vaults and potentially get high-tier consumables and gear. Getting the tome isn’t always guaranteed, but the way vault quests are so quick and intuitive is already a major incentive. Also, the labor-intensive nature of finding PvP and PvE targets makes your decision easier.


Eliminate Hunters In PvP

Two teams fighting each other in PvP in a match of Supervive.

Although a high-risk attempt, killing other players not only grants a ridiculous amount of XP, but enough kills actually let you exceed the soft level cap. If skilled enough, this means you can stay ahead of the curve and unlock or upgrade your abilities quicker than other opponents.

The amount of XP you get with each hunter depends on their level — the higher their level, the more XP you’ll receive after killing them. Aside from the leveling bonus, you also receive large shards from wiping enemy teams to upgrade your equipment, so you’re essentially boosting your firepower in multiple ways.

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