In Path of Exile 2, Support Gems are essential for upgrading the strength and effects of your Skill Gems. After using an Uncut Support Gem, Path of Exile 2 players will be brought to the Gemcutting menu for Support Gems, where they can create one of many powerful Support Gems to add new abilities to existing Skills.

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But after getting the first Support Gem from a quest in Act 1, many players have found it difficult to get more Support Gems. Path of Exile 2 essentially has two ways to get Support Gems – by completing Quests that reward Uncut Support Gems, or by getting Uncut Support Gems as loot by defeating Rare and Boss enemies.
How To Get More Support Gems In PoE 2
Farm Rares & Bosses In All Acts, But Farm Higher-Level Acts For Higher-Tier Gems
To get Support Gems, Path of Exile 2 players must consume an Uncut Support Gem and use the Gemcutting menu to create their desired choice. The most repeatable source of Support Gems Path of Exile 2 players can farm are Rares and named Bosses.
Rare enemies have their names highlighted in yellow and are significantly stronger than normal and Magic enemies, with random abilities to empower themselves and debuff the player. These can appear in any zone, and have a higher chance to drop items like Rare equipment, Currencies, and both Skill and Support Gems in PoE 2.
You can also simply farm normal enemies anywhere in the game for a chance to get Support Gems, though the chance is significantly smaller than the chance to get Support Gems from Rares.
During the main campaign, and as part of several side missions and side map objectives for each zone, you will come across named Bosses. These enemies have enormous Life bars that take up the whole screen and typically spawn inside a special Boss Arena area next to a Checkpoint.
These spawn in pre-determined zones, so if you fight a boss you can defeat easily, remember which map it was on to farm it later.

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By shift-clicking on a location you will create a new Instance of that map, generating a new layout and random Rares as well as respawning Bosses. One of the best ways to get Uncut Support Gems is to farm these zones repeatedly, especially in later Acts where the chance to get useful items like high-tier Currencies and Support Gems generally increases.
Complete Quests & Side Quests For More Uncut Support Gems
Though you can repeatedly farm Rares and Bosses to get Support Gems, Path of Exile 2 players can also get Support Gems as a reward for completing certain quests. In fact, your first Support Gem will likely come from the completion of a quest in Act 1, but that’s far from the only quest that rewards Support Gems in Path of Exile 2.
When you pick up a main or side quest, look under the NPC’s portrait, on the bottom left of their dialogue box, when the “Accept Quest” dialogue box appears. Here you will see a preview of the rewards you will get for completing the quest – if an Uncut Support Gem is on offer, you’ll be able to create a Support Gem when you turn it in.
You can also open the World map and check your Quest Log on the right side of the screen – all rewards for active quests will be shown beneath the quest description.

- Franchise
- Path of Exile
- Engine
- Proprietary Engine
- M For Mature 17+ // Blood and Gore, Nudity, Violence
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