How to Get All Missable Achievements/Trophies

How to Get All Missable Achievements/Trophies

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The Mass Effect: Legendary Edition gives fans the perfect excuse to revisit the beloved franchise and play through Commander Shepard’s iconic journey again. Even if you are new to the trilogy, the Legendary Edition packs every piece of content alongside several improvements and enhancements into one neat bundle, allowing you to enjoy the greatest science-fiction story ever told in video games.

For completionists though, it is all about achieving the coveted Platinum achievement/trophy for Mass Effect 1 in a single playthrough. That requires you to know every single missable achievement/trophy in the game, and there are several. This guide ensures that you do not have to reset your playthrough mid-game.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: The Most Beloved Characters Of The Series

These iconic characters remain some of the most beloved among fans in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.

Mass Effect 1
has a
missable difficulty achievement
. You must
on Insanity

without changing the difficulty settings. Make sure to switch your difficulty level before heading to Eden Prime, or else it will not count.

Do not sweat though. Compared to the following two installments,
is pretty easy.

Missable Character Missions in ME1

Mass Effect 1 - Squad Members

You can recruit up to six loyal companions in Mass Effect 1, but only two can join your squad for missions. With nearly a hundred missions, you have plenty of time to switch squad members to unlock all their achievements/trophies in ME1.

While there is a specific mission order where certain allies are suitable for certain missions in light of the storyline, you can take anyone anywhere without worrying about consequences. Sure, your companions will be disgruntled. Some might even be killed depending on your choices, but having a high enough Paragon/Renegade level takes care of that.


How to Get


Asari Ally

Complete 5 missions with the Asari squad member.

Include Liara in your squad. She can be recruited from Therum.

Krogan Ally

Complete 5 missions with the Krogan squad member.

Include Wrex in your squad. He can be recruited from the Citadel.

Quarian Ally

Complete 5 missions with the Quarian squad member.

Include Tali in your squad. She can be recruited from the Citadel.

Sentinel Ally

Complete 5 missions with the Alliance Sentinel squad member.

Include Kaiden in your squad. He joins you from the beginning of the game.

Soldier Ally

Complete 5 missions with the Alliance Soldier squad member.

Include Ashley in your squad. She can be recruited from Eden Prime.

Turian Ally

Complete 5 missions with the Turian squad member.

Include Garrus in your squad. He can be recruited from the Citadel.

Missable DLC Missions

Mass Effect 1 - Bring Down the Sky

Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition includes the Bring Down the Sky DLC mission by default. While it is not part of the main storyline, your decisions can slightly impact the narrative of ME2 and ME3. Bring Down the Sky is optional, so you might accidentally miss it. Hence, make sure to complete it before heading to the Ilos planet, which is the point of no return for Mass Effect 1. You cannot return afterwards for the DLC mission.


How to Get


Colonial Savior

Complete the Bring Down the Sky mission.

Complete before going to Ilos.

Missable Ability Masteries

Mass Effect 1 - Drone Action

Apart from a few abilities, all the rest can be completed using Liara and Tali if you are playing as a Soldier class. However, you do not necessarily need to take them on missions for the achievements/trophies because a popular glitch still works in Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition. The orange Citadel Rapid Transit points on the Citadel (as well as the Mako) are considered a combat target. So, spamming targetable abilities on them counts towards their respective achievements/trophies.


How to Get


AI Hacking Specialist

Use AI Hacking 25 times.

  • Be an Engineer character.
  • Alternatively: Use Tali.
  • Only Geth, Drones, and Turrets can be hacked.
  • It should say “HACKED” below their health bar to count.
  • Can be completed in the UNC: Rogue VI assignment.

Barrier Mastery

Use biotic Barrier 25 times.

  • Be an Adept, Sentinel, or Vanguard character.
  • Alternatively: Use Kaiden, Liara, or Wrex.
  • Keep casting while walking around the Citadel.

Damping Specialist

Use Damping Field 25 times.

  • Be an Engineer or Infiltrator character.
  • Alternatively: Use Garrus or Tali.
  • Casting on the fast-travel Citadel terminals counts.

Electronics Specialist

Use Shield Overload 25 times.

  • Be an Engineer, Infiltrator, or Sentinel character.
  • Alternatively: Use Garrus, Kaiden, Liara, or Tali.
  • Casting on the fast-travel Citadel terminals counts.

Lift Mastery

Use biotic Lift 25 times.

  • Be an Adept, Sentinel, or Vanguard character.
  • Alternatively: Use Kaiden or Liara.
  • Casting on the fast-travel Citadel terminals counts.

Neural Shock Specialist

Use Neural Shock 25 times.

  • Be an Engineer or Sentinel character.
  • Alternatively: Use Kaiden.
  • Casting on the fast-travel Citadel terminals counts.

Sabotage Specialist

Use Sabotage 25 times.

  • Be an Engineer, Infiltrator, or Sentinel character.
  • Alternatively: Use Garrus, Kaiden, or Tali.
  • Casting on the fast-travel Citadel terminals counts.

Singularity Mastery

Use biotic Singularity 25 times.

  • Be an Adept character.
  • Alternatively: Use Liara.
  • Casting on the fast-travel Citadel terminals counts.

Stasis Mastery

Use biotic Stasis 25 times.

  • Be an Adept or Sentinel character.
  • Alternatively: Use Liara or Wrex.
  • Casting on the fast-travel Citadel terminals counts.

Throw Mastery

Use biotic Throw 25 times.

  • Be an Adept, Sentinel, or Vanguard character.
  • Alternatively: Use Kaiden, Liara, or Wrex.
  • Casting on the fast-travel Citadel terminals counts.

Warp Mastery

Use biotic Warp 25 times.

  • Be an Adept or Vanguard character.
  • Alternatively: Use Liara or Wrex.
  • Casting on the fast-travel Citadel terminals counts.

First Aid Specialist

Use Medi-Gel 50 times.

8 Most Fun Exploits In Mass Effect Games

BioWare’s sci-fi franchise has several cool ways for players to get ahead. Here are Mass Effect’s funniest (but also quite useful) exploits.

Other Missable Achievements/Trophies in Mass Effect 1

Mass Effect 1 - Mako in the Sunset

The Archivist is the only missable achievement/trophy you should be worried about in Mass Effect 1. This is because two of its codex entries can only be unlocked during the prologue section. Hence, if you miss them, you have no choice but to restart the game. These are the Prothean and Geth codex entries. As a rule of thumb, exhaust all dialogues when speaking with someone, especially their “Investigate” dialogue wheel.


How to Get



Find all primary Alien: Council Races, Extinct Races and Non-Council Races codex entries.

  • Ask Nihlus about the Protheans during the Prologue.
  • Ask Ashley about the Geth during your first conversation.


Use Charm or Intimidate to resolve an impossible situation.

  • Virmire: Reason with Wrex about destroying the Genophage cure.
  • Citadel: Convince Saren he’s indoctrinated.

Medal of Exploration I-III

Land on 8 uncharted worlds.

Scan asteroid belts to discover uncharted locations.


Accumulate 75% of total possible Paragon/Renegade points.

The Long Service Medal
achievement/trophy requires you to finish all three games with the same character. Hence, after beating
, import the same character/class into

Can You 100% Mass Effect 1 in a Single Playthrough?

Mass Effect 1 - Geth on the Wall

Unlike the original Mass Effect game, you do not need multiple playthroughs to unlock all its achievements and trophies. Thanks to several changes introduced with the Legendary Edition, you can 100-percent Mass Effect 1 in a single playthrough.

This is primarily because the Insanity difficulty is available from the start. You do not need to beat the game once to unlock it. Additionally, achievements/trophies that require you to use certain abilities can now be easily unlocked via squad members during the same playthrough. You just need to know where to invest their skill points.

The only achievement/trophy most players tend to miss is Archivist, which must be partly completed during the prologue, before taking off for Eden Prime. Other than that, you should not have any problem unlocking Platinum for Mass Effect 1 in a single playthrough.

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