How To Beat The Titanic Serpent In Fantasian Neo Dimension

How To Beat The Titanic Serpent In Fantasian Neo Dimension
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While all of Fantasian Neo Dimension’s party members are memorable in their own way, Ez is undeniably the most unique in terms of how he plays. So much so that basically all of his quests centre around his abilities.


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This leads to the Merging Powers quest. With the Guild and the Workshop now working hand-in-hand, they want to reward Ez’s role in that with the most powerful weapon they can envision. Accept it’s going to need some rare materials, a good bit of realm-hopping, and a particularly challenging boss.

How To Start The Merging Powers Quest

Valrika talking about Chaos with Ez and others in fantasian neo dimension.

Starting the Merging Powers quest is relatively simple, though it does have a few other quests you’ll need to have completed first. The most obvious, you need to have rescued Ez already, and then completed the follow-up quest, Ez and the Guild. After this, the Guild and Workshop agree to work together.

At this point, the Merging Powers quest will become available. All you have to do is enter the back room of the Workshop to find the Professor and the head of the Guild sat together chatting. Talk to them to get the quest, and start Ez’s search for his ultimate weapon.

The Extreme Dimengeon quest will also become available now, and is acquired from the same child as the original True Dimengeon quest.

Getting The Smushy Yet Hard Rock

Leo picking up the smushy yet hard rock in the blue chaos caverns in fantasian neo dimension.

You are first tasked with finding a material that is both soft and hard, flexible yet sturdy. Valrika, previously occupied petting a cat, informs you that the material in question sounds like the composition of Chaos itself, and that such a material could easily be found there.

Warp now to the Chaos Caverns and find the Smushy-Yet-Hard Rock not too far ahead of you. You can even open the map to find it’s exact location. That’s it, no bosses or enemies, no surprises. Head back now to the Workshop to discover the next item you need to forge Ez’s new weapon.

Defeating The Titanic Serpent

a orb around the center of the sandsea in fantasian neo dimension that lets you access the echoes of the sandsea mission.

Finding The Titanic Serpent

After being told you get the tooth of a Sandsea Serpent, you are also told that they are extremely dangerous. And that’s about it. Not exactly stellar information on where to find them. The hint, of course is in the name, and as well the location you originally fought this boss – in the Sandsea.

There’s no specific spot though, as it is entirely random. You just have to sail around the Sandsea in the Uzra, and the Titanic Serpent boss will eventually appear. It might only take you a few seconds, or even a few minutes.

For the ease of it, we would recommend emptying the Dimengeon beforehand so it’s less likely to overflow during your search.

Make sure to have the Dimengeon activated during your search, as this will make the Titanic Serpent the only fight that will automatically appear. Before you start your search, save in the Bridge of the Uzra so you don’t lose much progress if you’re defeated. And get ready for a challenging fight.

Party Set-Up

Ez being told about the giant sandsea serpent in fantasian neo dimension.

For this battle, we will exclusively be using just three party members: Valrika, Ez, and Leo. As always, Ez will be our support member, though their healing will be all we should need during this fight as well. The boss hits like a truck, so Ez will almost constantly be healing.

First off, let’s look at some key skills we should invest in from the Growth Map:

  • Leo – Fire Samidare +2, Blade Break, Counter
  • Ez – Quick All, All Potion L, All Potion +
  • Valrika – MP Per Hit, Counter Break, Counter Crush

We have a very simple strategy here that just involves attacking the boss over and over again, and that’s it. Nothing fancy. What we also need are some intense defenses and extra speed where possible. As such, try to have completed the Lightning Trial as this will give you an Amethyst XL. Equip this to whoever of the above three has the lowest defense, and then an Ameythst L to the other two.

We also equipped Ez with an upgraded Cyclone Ring to give him Speed Up, and the Large Jade to give him a massive HP boost. Valrika was given Hermes’ Brilliance (this can be substituted with Hermes’ Stone if you haven’t collected all the Mechterite yet), and Leo was given a Ruby XL. That’s everything we need.

Make sure to stock up on all of Ez’s crafting materials in advance. You can purchase everything he would need at Valrika’s Lab.

How To Defeat The Titanic Serpent

When the Titanic Serpent appears, they will look quite similar to the Sandsea Serpent you fought back in Act 1, with some added Sandphin enemies to support them. They prove to be the hardest part of this battle, and are what you should be aiming for at all times.

Let’s take a quick look at the boss’ moves before we get into the strategy:




Attacks a single character, and inflicts Poison and Mist.

Hyper Bite

Attacks the whole party for high damage.

Thunder Ball

Fires off three Lightning balls that attack the entire party.

Thunder Breathe

After gaining three charges, the boss will unleash this devastating Lightning attack on the whole party.

Every attack they perform charges them up. After three attacks, they will be able to perform their ultimate attack, Thunder Breath. On the run-up to this move, make sure your party is healed and has defense up. With the Amethysts equipped, you should be fine without a barrier.

The boss is predictable, and none of their moves are exceptionally challenging. Bite is the most damaging as it inflicts Mist and Poison. These should be cured with a Remedy, with Ez healing them. You don’t want to risk swapping out your party during this battle as anyone without an Amethyst or defense up can easily be one-shotted.

For the Sandphin, take out one with Leo’s Samidare to make sure it’s defeated in a single turn, and defeat the other with Valrika’s Arrow Rain. You should ideally aim for the left Sandphin with Arrow Rain as you will then be able to deal damage to the boss at the same time.

Only one Sandphin can be summoned per turn, so consistently use Arrow Rain to defeat them. If they survive, use Leo to defeat them. The Sandphin heal the boss, and you don’t want to make this battle drag any longer.

And that’s it. Leo should be using Helm Bash and Blade Break to weaken the boss whenever possible, and then bombarding them with Fire Samidare every other turn. Valrika will constantly be using Arrow Rain, and Ez will be buffing. Quick All is a massive help here too, so try to keep it active throughout the fight.

Once they’re finally defeated, you will be granted the Sandsea Serpent Tooth, and you can return to the Workshop with it.

Collecting The Olympus Calculator

It would be nice to say that the Titanic Serpent was the end of your searching, but not quite yet. Thankfully, there are no more bosses or enemy encounters left to worry about either. This next item requires just a short jaunt to the Machine Realm.

Located in the Junkyard, the Olympus Calculator is as easy to find as the earlier rock in the Chaos Realm. After warping to the Junkyard, head westwards to the second area, and open the map to find exactly where the item is awaiting you. Pick it up and head right on back to the Workshop to finally get this heavily promised weapon.

If you haven’t yet made your way back to the Junkyard, you can return to it during Ez’s Treasure Mountain quest.

After returning to the Workshop with all the requested items, you hit a new snag in the road – they haven’t actually finished the blueprint for the weapon yet. Ez was much faster than expected. No worries though, it’s nothing Ez can’t finalise himself. After a brief cutscene, Ez creates his ultimate weapon, Carnwennan, which also grants him immunity to all status ailments. A powerful weapon indeed!


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