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Back in Act 1 of Fantasian Neo Dimension, when you only had Leo, Zinikr, and Ez, you might recall a rather ominous chest in the back room of the Maxi Toy Box. Maybe you even opened it, and were forced to face (and be defeated by) Eternal Holy.

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While it might have been impossible that time around, you’re just in luck this time. Eternal Holy can be fought and beaten this time, and even comes with a great reward for Leo. That said, be prepared for a battle that it perhaps more difficult than you’re expecting.
How To Start The Forbidden Chest Quest
Starting the quest is simple as anything. Just revisit the Maxi Toy Box after you’ve begun Act 2. A marker will even appear on the Maxi Toy Box on the world map to indicate that a side quest is available there.
It does have a recommended level of 47, though you might want to beef up a little more before taking this one on. Helpfully, there is a Save Point and terminal you can shop at right beside the chest, so you can stock up on any materials you need right there without needing to warp away.
Battling Eternal Holy
Party Set-Up
This quest, and the battle against Eternal Holy, are available as soon as you begin Act 2. That said, there are some prerequisites you should get out of the way before you attempt to take on this battle. For one, you should complete the Dark And Holy Elemental Trials to unlock the respective nodes on Zinikr and Cheryl’s Growth Maps.
These trials are unlocked after first entering the Communication Network through Valrika’s Lab, while the Holy and Dark trials are both found north of Vence, which requires completing the Echoes of the Sandsea quest to access.
We will be running two teams effectively during this battle, and we want everyone to be at the strongest they can be. Ez will be our main support for both parties, while Kina will serve as the primary healer. Leo and Valrika will act as back-up attackers, with the former using attack and defense debuffing moves, and the latter using Slow on the boss.
Here are some key skills you’ll want to unlock before heading into this battle:
- Leo – Fire Samidare +2
- Zinikr – Double Charge, Radiance Strike
- Ez – Quick All, All Potion L, All Potion +
- Cheryl – Darkness Strike, Double Charge, Concentrate
- Kina – Resurrection, Radiance
- Prickle – Barrier All, Revive
- Tan – Mystery Potion, Rudy Strike
- Valrika – Darkness, Slow (Piercing)
And on top of that, we want to give our team some powerful Jewels. For Tan, we want to give him the Crystal Quartz to negate the effects of Mystery Potion, while he and Leo should also equip a Ruby L. For Cheryl, we want to equip a Ruby XL, and a Diamond XL (which you’ll have gotten from the Holy Trial).
For Zinikr, equip him with an Onyx XL (from the Dark Trial) and an Opal XL to give him the most strength possible. Every other character can be equipped with the Jewels you see fit. There are no status ailments to worry about, so equip Jewels that increase damage and defense.
This build will give you two teams to work with, Cheryl to handle Eternal Holy, and Zinikr to handle Eternal Darkness. As they swap positions, you should be doing the same so that both party members are already at full strength by time their opponent comes around.
Buffs are retained when a party member is swapped out, letting you set them up in advance.
How To Defeat Eternal Holy
If you remember fighting Eternal Darkness the first time you came to the Maxi Toy Box, then Eternal Holy is functionally identical. They attack at a distance, then close in. Three turns later, they pull away. The biggest difference in their moveset is that they use Holy instead of Darkness. That’s all.
The largest change in the battle is Eternal Holy’s ability to summon Eternal Darkness. This isn’t done after the boss gets to a certain amount of remaining HP either, and is summoned after they pull away from the party for the first time.
After being summoned, Holy and Darkness will alternate positions, with one always at a distance, and one up-close. Eternal Darkness is much weaker though, with half the HP that Eternal Holy has, and lesser attack and defense as well. This is also where our two teams come into play.
While Eternal Holy is up-close, Cheryl should be brought out to attack them. After attacking, her next few turns should be spent casting Concentrate and Double Charge, and then swapping her out again once Eternal Darkness pulls up. Then the same should be done for Zinikr. As the bosses rotate, you should be doing the same.
As the bosses’ attacks can deal quite a bit of damage, you should only use Resurrection to raise fallen party members.
While Ez will always be present to provided buffs, the third party member should be consistently changed to fit the scenario. Prickle and Kina for healing and barriers, Leo and Valrika for debuffs on the bosses, and Tan can be brought in during free moments to deal immense damage with Rudy Strike.
And that’s the whole battle. The introduction of Eternal Darkness can feel very daunting at first, but once you nail the pattern, you’ll have them down in no time. Both bosses do need to be defeated though, not just Eternal Holy.
As a reward for this obscenely challenging boss, you will be given the Tyrfing sword for Leo, with the bonus effect of God Killer. That’s a mystery tool for later.

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