How Michael Myers’ Rework Devastated One Playstyle

How Michael Myers' Rework Devastated One Playstyle

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Michael Myers saw some adjustments in the latest Dead by Daylight update that did heavy damage to one of his most famous playstyles. Myers is one of Dead by Daylight‘s oldest killers, even being the first licensed killer to have entered the game. With him being in the game for so long, it’s only natural that he would eventually see some changes. His most recent rework made a few notable modifications to the way his mechanics work, although his gameplay is still perfectly recognizable. Despite that, Myers saw a few key changes that skewered one of his most well-known builds.

What makes The Shape so interesting in Dead by Daylight is the way his playstyle can shift dramatically depending on his add-ons. By default, he’s a fairly straightforward killer with an occasional one-hit-down ability. However, he can also trade that one-shotting ability for aura reading with the Vanity and Scratched Mirror add-ons, or make his one-shotting power endless with the Fragrant Tuft of Hair. Combining the hair with Judith’s Tombstone made him even deadlier, letting him kill every Survivor without even bothering with hooks. Myers isn’t Dead by Daylight‘s deadliest killer, but he’s enjoyed a steady level of popularity nonetheless.

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Michael Myers’ Instakill Build in Dead by Daylight Just Became Much Harder to Use

Michael Myers’ Instant Kill Setup Now Takes Far Longer

Myers’ Infinite Tier 3 Mori build was one of Dead by Daylight‘s deadliest killer builds, using both of his iridescent add-ons to lethal effect. However, the 8.4.0 update granted a major nerf to both. Both the Fragrant Tuft of Hair and Judith’s Tombstone had a downside that required Myers to gain more stalk than normal to reach Tier 3 and activate their powers. With the update, those penalties have doubled. The build’s biggest weakness was already the amount of time it took to activate, and that problem just became far worse. Now it has a good chance of not reaching Tier 3 at all.

The amount of Stalk that Myers can generate from each Survivor has been doubled, but that doesn’t affect how quickly he generates it.

One of Dead by Daylight’s Most Challenging Achievements is Now Absurdly Hard

This change also complicates any attempt to get an achievement only accessible by playing Myers in Dead by Daylight. The Evil Incarnate achievement requires players to Mori all 4 Survivors in a match with Myers’ Tier 3 Mori. However, the iridescent add-ons that players would normally use for this getting a major nerf makes future attempts at the achievement exponentially harder. As it stands, players will need a lot of luck or extremely disorganized opponents to have a shot at the achievement. The other option is a modified Mori build that sacrifices the convenience of Infinite Tier 3 after the nerf.

Myers’ Kit is Fine Aside From His Mori-Focused Strategy

Despite the damage to his most powerful playstyle, Myers’ other builds are mostly unharmed. While not among Dead by Daylight‘s strongest killers, normal Myers still works perfectly fine. As for Scratched Mirror Myers, the changes to Stalk didn’t affect him at all due to his Stalk being replaced with aura reading, and he kept his slower movement despite Tier 1’s speed being buffed otherwise. The only real difference is Stalk building more efficiently from distant Survivors rather than those nearby, which admittedly hurts Myers on indoor maps. Myers did see some changes with the update, but only his deadliest setup took any real damage.

After Dead by Daylight‘s latest patch, Infinite Tier 3 Myers has lost a lot of its luster. While Dead by Daylight‘s future could see these changes get reworked or reversed, right now all players have is Myers’ current state. For the time being, the double iridescent build on Myers has lost its strength. It’s simply too time-consuming to set up, and Killer players simply can’t afford to lose that much time. Suddenly, Michael Myers’ most fearsome setup in Dead by Daylight seems much less threatening.

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