While most of your time in Infinity Nikki will be sent collecting clothes to fill out your compendium, there are other times when you’ll need to use your abilities to collect resources and defeat powerful monsters. Esselings are difficult to beat when in large numbers, and even more formidable when great in size.

Monsters like the Caged Greed are worthy of your attention. They’re not as easy to defeat as the standard esselings, but we’ll show you how to beat the giant fluffy bird with ease. Here’s everything you need to know to take down the Caged Greed boss in the Abandoned District of Miraland!
How To Beat The Caged Greed Boss
When you meet this boss in the Abandoned District, you’ll see how the Piecey’s have been struggling to bring it down. The boss has a single weakness, and it will do everything it can to protect that weak point.
To defeat Caged Greed, you need to squash the gem on its head. Thankfully, the boss summons floating platforms that circle it. You can use them to get up high, then angle yourself to drop onto the crown jewel and smash it.
Each time you do this, Caged Greed will rise higher and higher.
Caged Greed will summon esselings to slow you down. You can ignore them, but clearing them out will bring you peace of mind in case you fall. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by them.
After you hit Caged Greed the second time, get ready to run. The boss will summon two spectral blades and begin chasing you. When it stops, you’ll have to dodge these blades as you ascend the floating platforms.
The third hit will bring down the boss, wrapping up the fight. Don’t rush, lest you fall and get swarmed by smaller esselings. If you’re patient and dodge the beams while reaching the highest platform, one last plunge into the jewel will finish the job.
After defeating Caged Greed, you can unlock the Pearly Bird sketch for making shoes inspired by your battle!
Realm Of The Dark Caged Greed Rewards
After you defeat Caged Greed in the main story and reach Mira Level 30, you’ll get a message from Tokar about revisiting the warp spires and the Realm of the Dark. Inside, you’ll find a new series of trials that include more exclusive rewards!
These new bubbles can be used to glow up clothes and can be obtained for 40 Vital Energy after you defeat the boss. Below are the trials and the rewards:
Trial Name |
Rewards |
Phantom Trial: Caged Greed (Ascend) |
160 Glitter Bubbles (Elegant) |
Phantom Trial: Caged Greed (Tremor) |
160 Glitter Bubbles (Cool) |
Phantom Trial: Caged Greed (Wind Dance) |
160 Glitter Bubbles (Sweet) |
Phantom Trial: Caged Greed (Spin) |
160 Glitter Bubbles (Sexy) |
Phantom Trial: Caged Greed (Flip) |
160 Glitter Bubbles (Fresh) |

Infinity Nikki: Dream Warehouse Dungeon Guide
Every wish that’s ever been made in Florawish is kept within.
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