The wonderfully helpful Prickle is one of Leo’s first companions in Fantasian Neo Dimension, yet he disappears for the remainder of Act 1. When he finally rejoins, he’s gained some new moves, and is now the Great King of the free machines as well.

Fantasian Neo Dimension: Prickle Character Guide
With plenty of offensive and defensive options, let’s see how to get the most out of Fantasian’s best robot, Prickle.
And as part of his kingly duties, he feels the need to protect them. Following the death of Vam, the robots of the Secret Base were spread across the Human Realm. Help Prickle return them all home, and unlock some great items and helpful gameplay mechanics along the way.
Every Missing Robot Location
While there are technically more than ten robots to find, as some of them come in pairs of two, you literally only need to find ten sets of robots in total. This makes that larger number they initially give you to save a bit more manageable.
As soon as you revisit the Secret Base with Prickle and Clicker, they ask for your help in locating the missing robots. And with that said, you are free to find them all with the help of the computer, which gives hints as to their approximate location.
You can also find the missing robots in any order you want without the help of the computer to locate them.
Robot #1
Found by the dump around the left corner of the New District of En.
Robot #2
Found in the north of the drained canal in West Vence. This is right beside the entrance to the Fortune-teller.
Robot #3
This robot is found at the very end of the harbour in En, right beside a chest.
Robot #4
This robot is found on the beach of the Outskirts in the Royal Capital.
A piece of Mechterite can be found to the right of them.
Robot #5
Found on the roof of the housing complex in the Town Center of the Royal Capital.
Robot #6
On the port side of the Uzra near the bow of the ship.
A piece of Mechterite can be found on the starboard side.
Robot #7
This robot is found near the entrance to the Southern Forest, by the pool of water.
Robot #8
This robot is found by the gondola stand in East Vence.
Robot #9
This robot is found above the entrance to the Volcanic Cavern in Falcion Bypath.
If you’ve found them as part of Tan’s quest, make sure to enter the cave to unlock the Warp Point first, as saving the robot will bring you right to the Secret Base.
Robot #10
This final robot is found in the first area of the Center of the Mech Infestation. You must first complete the Echoes of the Sandsea quest before you can enter here.
Defending The Secret Base
After you have saved five robots, the Secret Base will be attacked by a series of machines. Get ready to defend the base against a horde of enemies, and multiple boss battles. There’s not breaks in between either, so keep yourself well-stocked in battle.
You can leave the Secret Base by warping, though you will not be able to find any more missing robots until you have successfully defended the Secret Base.
First Wave of Enemies
When you enter into the front of the Secret Base, you are immediately greeted by a horde of enemies. 50 of them, to be exact. So like the other battles of this variety, you can’t look at any enemy or their health here individually.
As such, unleash your strongest piercing attacks here. Lightning Slash with Leo, Lightning with Prickle, Shock Grenades with Ez, and so on. Arrow Rain from Valrika is pretty powerful here too. This isn’t exceptionally challenging, and is more of an appetizer to the main course.
Atomecha 2.0
Do you recall fighting this particular machine with Kina and Cheryl the first time they came to the Machine Realm? They’re back now, stronger than ever. Thankfully, they’re not actually all that different and don’t have any new moves, just a slightly altered pattern.
They will alternate between a powerful laser attack and firing Defense Down missiles on the party, and not much else. If you take these turrets out, they lose access to these moves, though Prickle is the only one with an arcing attack that can significantly damage them.
Damaging these turrets depletes from the boss’ main HP as well.
We had Ez saved at this point, and used him to buff our attack and defense on Leo and Prickle. Leo assaulted from the front with Lightning Samidare, while Prickle took out the laser turret with Lightning. That’s the whole battle. Make sure to lower their attack and defense as well either with Leo or Valrika.
As the boss gets low on HP, they will turn red and rev the engines, attacking the whole party with a powerful attack on the next turn. If you’re fast enough, you can defeat them before they’ve even unleashed this attack. Otherwise, keep your defenses up and HP to the max to make sure it doesn’t wipe the party.
The Robo Organizers
That’s not the end though. Now you have to fight the Robo Organizer. Two of them, at the same time. Yeah, it’s cruel. Graciously, they have a more limited moveset compared to their Complete sibling, though that doesn’t make them easy.
As before, Ez will be providing support throughout this fight, though Valrika will be more present this time. For the most part, the bosses will attack with a single physical attack. Eventually, they will strike the party with Elemental Resist Down missiles and then raise up their arms for an elemental attack. Typically, both bosses will perform this move at the same time, giving you four arms to destroy.
If you have a Barrier active when the Elemental Resist Down missiles are fired, your defenses won’t be lowered at all.
It is pretty hard to destroy all four arms, so prioritise. If you are weak to an element, destroy that one. Leo’s Fire or Lightning Samidare should be used to destroy any opposing arms, while Ez’s grenades are your next best bet. Otherwise, make sure to heal up and buff your defenses.
After the bosses attack, they will Overheat for a turn, and then waste another one standing back up, giving you plenty of time to heal and attack them. Keep up this pattern and you’ll have them defeated in no time. As a reward, Prickle is granted his Divine Artefact.
Every Missing Robot Reward
With each Robot rescued, you are given a new reward. This is irrespective of the order in which you found the robots, but is instead based on how many you’ve saved. As such, you are guaranteed to always get each reward in a set order.
Here’s all of them:
Reward |
Robots Saved |
Notes |
Machine Key |
1 Robot |
Phantom Quartz |
2 Robots |
Also unlocks ‘Lost In The Multiverse’ quest. |
Machine Key |
3 Robots |
Also unlocks equipment upgrading. |
Anima Globe |
4 Robots |
2 Machine Keys |
5 Robots |
Also unlocks the ‘Defend The Secret Base’ quest. |
Unfamiliar Stone |
6 Robots |
Also unlocks the ability to roughly locate chests you have keys for. |
Machine Key |
7 Robots |
Mirage Band |
8 Robots |
Also unlocks the ‘Omega’ quest. |
2 Machine Keys |
9 Robots |
Hard Bullet |
10 Robots |
Also fully awakens Prickle’s Divine Artefact. |
Honestly, they’re all great rewards, and even come with more quests, too. One of the best is the equipment upgrading system, which lets you improve any piece of equipment with a yellow name, potentially adding new effects and increased stats.
Once every robot has been returned to the Secret Base, Prickle is also granted the full power of his Divine Artefact, letting him upgrade his Tension skill.

Fantasian Neo Dimension: How To Get Iron And Mechteria Keys
Here’s how to farm for Iron and Mechteria Keys in Fantasian: Neo Dimension.
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