It truly is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Here in Scotland I’ve seen my first flurries of snow, caught my mandatory Christmas cold, and had my first sip of Bailey’s hot chocolate. As the nights grow darker I’ve been spending most of my free time on Supervive, spiking unsuspecting foes into the abyss and trying my best to dodge those pesky bullet trains as the storm rolls in. In the wake of a successful open beta, the MOBA brawler hybrid’s first winter event is here, and it’s going to make League of Legends players oh so very envious.
One of the first features I ever wrote at PCGamesN was an impassioned plea for Riot to bring back League of Legends’ seasonal Rifts. There was nothing quite like seeing the map dusted in a cool coating of fluffy snow, and each and every year I cross all of my fingers that, for whatever reason, it makes a comeback. While next year’s Noxus-themed Rift provides a glimmer of hope for Runeterra, Supervive has stepped up to the plate for 2024, with its new winter update showering the Breach in white.
While the northern areas of the MOBA‘s map are always encrusted with snow, the frost has slowly but surely made its way into the rest of the map, adding areas of destructible ice. There are some festive decorations hanging around, too, and a brand new Christmassy lobby. Then there’s the new gift-giving NPC, and perhaps if you give them something, you’ll end up with something exciting in return – and no, of course I don’t know what it is; that’s all part of the fun.

But with a frosty map comes brand new Storm Shifts, all themed around the festive season. Snowball Fights ensure that everyone spawns with a soulbonded snowball power (more on that later), Snow Bombers sees a series of blitz runs across the map that turn players into snowpeople if they’re hit, and Gifts from Above…drops gifts from above.
There are new powers, too, including the aforementioned Snowball and its sister, Snowball Launcher, then everything from Massive Avalanche to Penguin Emergency. While Theorycraft hasn’t gone into too much detail about these yet, I can’t wait to (hopefully) add an army of penguins to my squad. Snowballs are also consumables now, too. Just make sure they’re not yellow – trust me when I say yellow is bad in every universe.
On top of all of this, there are five seasonal missions to complete, as well as new PvP content and a slew of fixes. The overall balance has been adjusted, too, with Hudson being taken down a peg and Brall getting a bit of a boost. The Amplifier, which increases ability power and reduces cooldowns, is also getting a slight nerf.
To top all of this off, if you refer a friend you’ll get double the amount of points, allowing you to unlock two survival-style outfits for Elluna (one olive green and one pink), a glider skin, and much more.
The Supervive Cosmic Winter Jubilee event begins on Wednesday, December 11. The full patch notes will also go live then, which will allow you to check out all of the nitty gritty details.
If you’re planning to strap on your festive gear, check out our Supervive tier list to ensure you’re dropping in with the right Hunters. Alternatively, if you and your pals are looking for something brand new this holiday season, here’s our guide to all the best multiplayer games.
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