Robert Kirkman returns with Invincible Universe: Battle Beast, a new ongoing comic set in the timeline of the original series

Robert Kirkman returns with Invincible Universe: Battle Beast, a new ongoing comic set in the timeline of the original series

Seven years after he wrapped up the original series, Invincible creator Robert Kirkman is returning with a new comic focused on one of the superhero title’s most popular characters. Invincible Universe: Battle Beast is a new ongoing series written by Kirkman and drawn by Ryan Ottley.

“What can I say? I just can’t get enough of the Invincible Universe!” said Kirkman in a statement. “Moving from the comic series directly to the animated series, I haven’t really had a break. That said, while adapting the series to animation, I’ve been itching to do something new! Longtime fans will know there’s a massive gap in Battle Beast’s appearances in the series between Invincible issue 19 and issue 55. There’s a lot of story to tell and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have Battle Beast co-creator Ryan Ottley on board to tell it with me!”

Check out the opening few pages of the first issue in the gallery below.