Most Beautiful Locations Zelda Games, Ranked

Most Beautiful Locations Zelda Games, Ranked

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Key Takeaways

  • Lurelin Village is a secret townlet near Tuft Mountain, visually enchanting but isolated.
  • Great Plateau is a stunning starting area in Breath of the Wild, a paradise for Zelda fans exploring nature.
  • Skyloft is a picturesque floating island in Skyward Sword where residents fly around with Loftwings.

The Legend of Zelda series has not been shy about giving players gorgeous vistas and environments to explore. Throughout the series, players have been treated to various stunning environments that have pushed hardware to its limit.


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The most recent entry to the series, The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, blended traditional 2D elements with 3D to create one of Zelda’s best-looking adventures from Princess Zelda’s perspective. The Zelda games have delivered some of the most attractive gaming environments, bringing the lands of Hyrule to life.

8 Lurelin Village

Scenic, but Hidden Away


March 3, 2017

Nintendo EPD

OpenCritic Rating

Lurelin Village is a secret townlet in both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, near Tuft Mountain, that many players have likely missed on their Hylian travels. Lurelin Village is nestled near the peak and is based on Outside Island in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

While small in stature, the town is surrounded by lush palm trees and has a small beach reminiscent of a seaside holiday, making the village a lovely sight for the eyes when players stumble upon it. Due to its isolated nature, this location comes at the bottom of this list despite being enchanting.

7 Great Plateau

Stunning, Iconic Starting Area

  • First seen in Breath of the Wild

The starting region of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the Great Plateau, was jaw-dropping when players first got to experience it at the start of the game. From the fresh blades of grass that shuddered in the wind to the lush trees adorned with apples surrounding the Temple of Time, the Great Plateau was paradise for Zelda fans, having them explore its nooks and crannies before they venture off into the vast wildernesses of Hyrule.

To this day, the Great Plateau is one of the best-looking environments in the Zelda games, acting as a little microcosm of open-world Zelda goodness.

6 Windfall Island

Charming, Picturesque Island

September 20, 2013

Nintendo EAD


One of the central islands in The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker, Windfall Island, is central to the game’s story and acts as the title’s version of Hyrule. Hence, its name, the town features a large windmill attached to a castle that consumes most of the island.


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Link really needs to work on respecting people’s boundaries and personal space.

However, where Windfall Island truly shines is among its backdrop, against the quite picturesque nature of the wide open seas. A small chateau in the middle of the ocean sounds as enchanting as it is gorgeous and a glowing example of how great the Wind Waker looks visually.

5 Skyloft

Stunning, Serene Skybound Village


November 20, 2011


The starting area and base town of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Skyloft, is a floating area consisting of several islands and is the home of sky folk descended from the Goddess Hylia. Skyloft is a stunning location with lush green meadows and bustling settlements similar to the dense fields of Hobbiton in the Lord of the Rings series.

Skyloft is also picturesque, drifting in the sky, with its residents using birds known as Loftwings to fly above the clouds and to travel to the ground. A simple, gorgeous environment, Skyloft is one of the Zelda series’ best environments from an appearance standpoint.

4 The Sky Islands

Vibrant, Breathtaking Skyward Landscapes

  • First seen in Tears of the Kingdom

Inspired by Skyloft, the Sky Islands were introduced in Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom as new areas for players to explore above the clouds. These areas, such as the Great Sky Island, donned warm-colored vistas reminiscent of an Autumn day, with the island’s trees’ leaves gold and the grass just as fair. The Sky Islands are the best-looking environments in Tears of the Kingdom and some of the best in the entire series due to their fresh color palette.

3 Satori Mountain

Serene, Spiritually Rich Mountain


May 12, 2023


OpenCritic Rating

The Satori Mountain, named after the later Nintendo President, Satori Iwata, is a beautiful location where the Lord of the Mountain, a spirited horse who protects the animals of Hyrule, lives. Alongside its spiritual aura, the area is a tranquil paradise adorned with lush trees and a small lake next to a large cherry blossom tree. The peak is a sight, with even better views off its cliff edge. Satori Mountain can be discovered in both Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild – players across the series adore it as an area of beauty.

2 Rito Village

Stunning Tranquil Mountain Retreat

  • First seen in Breath of the Wild

The ambiance of Rito village in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom is second to none. Home to the Rito, bird-like creatures with a fierce warrior temperament, Rito village is nestled in the center of Lake Totori and surrounded by vast mountains that hit the skyline.

The town itself and the surrounding area are breathtakingly gorgeous. Players can climb Rito Villiage to get a stunning view; the great vistas combined with an excellent atmosphere heightened by its calm but upbeat music only strengthened its ranking as easily one of the most captivating locations in the Zelda games.

1 Hyrule Field

Majestic, Timeless Open Wilderness

  • First seen in Ocarina of Time

Without surprise, Hyrule Field comes at the top of this list as the most beautiful location in the Zelda games, from the great vistas in Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess to the most recent adaptation of the expansive region in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, Hyrule Field has always been stunning, acting as an exemplar for game design. In Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, Hyrule Field is an entirely open world, enabling players to explore its vast wilderness, whether that be on a horse or by foot.

The land is immense, with every corner of its environment an intricate piece of art, from the rummaging deer to the hobgoblins making tea in the middle of a small woodland. At night, the area is as attractive, giving you the sense you are in a living, breathing world that has just gone into slumber. Hyrule Field is the best-looking environment in the Zelda games.

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