Power Rangers fans have been surprisingly starved of video games over the years, but that’s finally changed thanks to the release of the retro-style arcade beat ’em up, Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind.

Rita’s Rewind Is Shaping Up To Be The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Game Of My Dreams
And don’t worry – Tommy Oliver is almost definitely making it in.
Rita’s Rewind tells a remixed version of the show’s first season and kicks off with five Power Rangers as playable characters. As fans know, there’s one extra-special Ranger who eventually ends up joining the team later down the line.
How To Unlock Tommy Oliver
I am, of course, talking about Tommy Oliver, the beloved Green Ranger who is played by the late Jason David Frank in the show. As one of the most popular Power Rangers of all time, it was inevitable he’d show up in Rita’s Rewind, which he does during the last episode of the game as an antagonist.
Just like in the show, Tommy Oliver is being controlled by Rita Repulsa and isn’t actually evil, leading to him joining the team for good as the Green Power Ranger once she is defeated. This is reflected in Rita’s Rewind, as Tommy Oliver actually becomes a playable character after you complete the main story on any difficulty.
This means that to unlock the Green Power Ranger, you’re going to need to finish all 15 stages in Rita’s Rewind. You don’t need to do any bonus objectives or collect anything to unlock Tommy, so just make your way through to the end and you’ll be able to add him to your roster of Rangers.
Unlocking Tommy Oliver also adds increases the number of local co-op players to six on PC, Switch, and Xbox. PlayStation only allows for four players, though.
Is The Green Ranger Different From The Others?
Considering the extra effort that’s required to unlock Tommy Oliver, you might be wondering whether there’s anything that separates him from the rest. That isn’t the case, though, as all of the Power Rangers play the same as one another aside from unique animations for their movement, combos, and special abilities.
The only time the Rangers differ from one another is during the Zord sections, as they all drive different robots with slightly different properties.

Which Power Rangers Team Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
The Power Rangers, with their diverse teams and missions, reflect unique traits aligned with zodiac signs.
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