As a retro-style arcade beat ’em up, most of Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind is focused on brawling action as you make your way through stages and beat or shoot the snot out of Putties.

Rita’s Rewind Is Shaping Up To Be The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Game Of My Dreams
And don’t worry – Tommy Oliver is almost definitely making it in.
That being said, there are some moments of downtime between stages which, just like in the show, take place in the iconic Angel Grove Juice Bar. Beyond letting all the characters chill out and chat with one another, this Juice Bar also has a unique quest of its own.
How To Repair The Arcade Machines
When you first find yourself in the Juice Bar after completing a few of Rita’s Rewinds’ early stages, you might notice that there are three arcade cabinets towards the top of the room. If you interact with them, you’ll be told that they’re all broken and need different complicatedly-named parts to be repaired.
As you can imagine, this means looking for and finding the parts when playing through the side-scrolling brawling stages of the game. Each arcade machine requires a different part, and discovering them and bringing them back to the Juice Bar will allow you to play their respective minigame.
How To Repair Drive Bomber
The first arcade machine you’ll be able to fix is called Drive Bomber and, as Billy tells you when you first learn about the machines, you’ll need the Synchronic Converter in order to get it working again. Don’t worry about that long name, though, as the only thing you should be concerned with is where to find it.
To grab the Synchronic Converter and repair Drive Bomber, head to the fourth level, Industrial Waste Site. Once here, make your way through the level as normal. After you’ve destroyed the first Time Disruptor, keep going forward until you see the blue shipping container as pictured above. Smash the crate next to it to grab the Synchronic Converter and fix Drive Bomber.
The arcade machine pieces usually look a lot brighter and shine more obviously, but I revisited the level to get a better screenshot of its location.
How To Repair Karate Chopshop
In order to fix the Juice Bar’s second broken arcade machine, Karate Chopshop, you’re going to need the Trilinear Deflangelator, another ridiculously named bit of tech but one that’s not hard to find. This part can be found in the game’s seventh level, Carnival, shortly after Alpha 5 calls you to say that Rita is using your own power against you.
Once the call is finished, head forward and defeat every enemy you come across until you see a game called Frogflipper. Destroy the wooden crate located next to the stand and the part will be sitting there waiting for you to collect it.
How To Repair Nanopilot
The third and final arcade cabinet, Nanopilot, requires you to find a part with the longest name yet, as you’ll need the Logarithmic Omnithrottle to fix the machine. This machine part can be found in the game’s tenth level, Downtown Angel Grove, and is located very early on in the stage.
As soon as you’ve defeated the first wave of Putties and left the Juice Bar, look for a blue mailbox that’s sitting right outside. Break it open and you’ll find the Logarithmic Omnithrottle and finally be able to repair all of the arcade machines.

Which Power Rangers Team Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
The Power Rangers, with their diverse teams and missions, reflect unique traits aligned with zodiac signs.
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