Completing requests and Blathers’s Treasure Trek isn’t the only way to obtain crafting materials in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete. If your friendship is high enough with the animals, they may give you a gift the next time you speak with them. However, speaking to animals isn’t the only way to obtain a gift or two. You’ll want to start expanding your Camper Cards and register other players in Pocket Camp Complete. More villagers and animals means more materials, which you’ll absolutely need to craft furniture and clothing.
The type of gifts mentioned in this guide are different from the gifts you can send and receive from friends in
Pocket Camp
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Where to Get Gifts
What Level Do Animals Give Gifts?
As mentioned, you can get gifts from animals in Pocket Camp Complete. Once your friendship is high enough, you may receive a message when you warp to your campsite or cabin. This will display a row of villagers that are currently in your camp. You’ll want to speak with them and select “Tell me a story!” to potentially receive a gift. You’ll also earn some friendship points.
Your animal friend will give gifts so long as you speak to them at your campsite/cabin. If you’ve been fulfilling requests or raising their friendship regularly, then they’ll have a higher chance of giving you a gift. Thus, it’s important to keep leveling friendship and using Pete’s Parcel Service to complete requests in bulk.
If you see “Tell me a story!” and select it, bear in mind that they may not always have a gift for you. Sometimes they’ll want you to choose a gift for another villager. Typically, any dialogue prompts
in red text
will give your friendship with that animal a small boost.
Another way to get gifts is to open your menu. Occasionally, you’ll see a package with a red or gold balloon. Tapping them will allow you to receive crafting materials/essence. If you see a gold balloon, you may even get a treasure map, which can be used for Blathers’s Treasure Trek. Treasure maps are another method of obtaining materials and bells, but if you get a rare map, you can meet new animals you wouldn’t find anywhere else.
You can also get gifts from your Camp Caretaker. You can set a helper by doing the following:
- Open the menu, and tap the camper icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- You can choose to Change Animal if you want a new Camp Caretaker.
- If you select Relieve as Camp Caretaker, you’ll go without a caretaker until you assign someone. During this, you won’t be able to receive any gifts from your caretaker since there won’t be any.
How to Get Camper Cards
How to Receive Gifts from Villagers
You should register Camper Cards in Pocket Camp Complete. Normally, you’d have to get a Camper Card from someone online or offline, but if you’re struggling, there are ways around this. You can visit Pocket Camp Complete‘s official website and register 10 free Camper Cards.
- Scroll down to the images with the QR codes (in the above link) and save them to your camera roll. If you have camera roll accessibility enabled on your phone, then you should be able to scan them directly from Pocket Camp Complete.
- In Pocket Camp Complete, select Cards in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- Select an empty Camper Card, and you’ll be prompted to Scan QR code. Select Images and pull up the QR code.
There’s also a direct link to the official website when you go to register a Camper Card.
Once you have some Camper Cards, you can go to Whistle Pass and speak with them. Usually, the first villager you speak to will give you a gift. You’ll receive a furniture item that matches the theme of any in-game event. You will also receive a variety of materials, including Friend Powder, which can be tricky to obtain anywhere else.
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What Can You Get from Gifts?
Materials & Bells
Gifts normally obtain crafting materials, but the type of materials will depend on the type of animal. For example, Goldie (dog) will give Natural Essence and Steel crafting materials. This will differ from an animal such as Apple (hamster), who gives Cute Essence and Wood materials. Sometimes you’ll only receive a bag of Bells instead of materials.
Your Camp Caretaker will give you materials based on their species and type (ex: Natural, Hip). However, you may also receive collectible items such as bugs or fish.
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