Bitey Fabric is a crafting material in Infinity Nikki that is used to create clothes and items, and it is obtained by purifying Bitey Bags. While those Esselings are not particularly difficult to defeat, they can be a bit tricky to find. Fortunately, there are several spots where Bitey Bags are guaranteed to appear, and players who are looking for Bitey Fabric in Infinity Nikki should definitely consider visiting them.
To purify a Bitey Bag, players must simply hit it with Nikki’s Purfiy ability. That ability is always available, and the input that is used to trigger it is indicated in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Infinity Nikki: How to Get Longstocking Wool
Players who are looking for Longstocking Wool in Infinity Nikki can find details about the location of that material in this guide.
Infinity Nikki: Bitey Fabric Locations
Inside the Dream Warehouse
There are several Bitey Bags in the Dream Warehouse, a dungeon that is accessed via the ruins in northern Florawish. While this is a great place to obtain Bitey Fabric, players will need to do some preliminary work before they can enter the Dream Warehouse. Specifically, fans must reach Chapter 2 of Infinity Nikki‘s main story and initiate the Go to the Dream Warehouse main quest, which leads directly into the dungeon.
After completing
Infinity Nikki
‘s Go to the Dream Warehouse quest
, players are free to return to the dungeon for additional Bitey Fabric. It does take some time for Bitey Bags to respawn, though, which limits the rate at which Bitey Fabric can be collected from this location.
South of Rockfall Valley Warp Spire
Players can also find some Bitey Bags just south of the Rockfall Valley Warp Spire. This Warp Spire in Infinity Nikki is just northwest of the village of Stoneville, and the location that fans should target has been marked on the following maps.
The advantage of this location over the Dream Warehouse is that story progress is not required to access it. Indeed, while fans will visit Stoneville, and the surrounding areas, as they work through main quests, that story progress is not a strict requirement. This means that players can make their way down to Rockfall Valley at any time, and fans who are in need of Bitey Fabric before reaching Chapter 2 may want to do exactly that.
The first trip from Florawish to Rockfall Valley can be a bit lengthy, and players may want to expedite the journey by renting a
bike in
Infinity Nikki
. That said, fans will be able to activate several Warp Spires along the way, making return visits much faster.
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