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Crafting is one of the most popular, and not to mention lucrative, activities in Final Fantasy 14, and the sprawling world of Eorzea is full of countless crafting materials for players to get their hands on. The more progress you make through Final Fantasy 14‘s main story, the more materials you’ll get access to, and with the right tools you can stock up on many of the most sought-after goods in the game.
One such good that’s key for crafting various weapons and gear is Adamantite Ore. To obtain it, you need to not only have the correct gathering job unlocked and leveled but also know where exactly to find this stunning blue mineral.

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How to Gather Adamantite Ore in Final Fantasy 14
To gather Adamantite Ore and any other rocks in minerals in Final Fantasy 14, you first need to have the Miner gathering job unlocked for your character. You can start it as early as Level 1 and the quest to unlock it is found at the Miner’s Guild in Ul’dah – Steps of Thal. To get there, teleport to the main aetheryte in Ul’dah, then if you have the various miniature aetherytes scattered around the city unlocked, you can use the local Aethernet to teleport directly to the entrance of the Miner’s Guild in the Steps of Thal district.
Once there, head inside and speak to the NPC named Linette at (X:11.3, Y:14.3), who will give you the Level 1 “Way of the Miner” quest. From there, you’ll need to level up your Miner by completing more job quests and also filling entries in your Gathering Log. Other helpful and popular methods of leveling gathering classes efficiently in Final Fantasy 14 include Levequests and each expansion’s Custom Deliveries, which are found in many of the game’s open-world areas.
When your Miner has reached at least Level 60, make sure that you have sufficient gear equipped (the Ironworks gearset is a prime choice), including a good pickaxe and your sledgehammer secondary tool. You’ll also need to have progressed far enough into the Heavensward expansion to have access to Azys Lla in the Abalathia’s Spine region of Ishgard. You also need to have flying unlocked there, which is done by finding all aether currents in the area.
Adamantite Ore is found in the far left side of the Beta Quadrant area of Azys Lla at (X:23.2, Y:5.8), as seen above. It spawns as a ‘Level 60 Unspoiled Mineral Deposit’, meaning that it’s on a timer rather than omnipresent like other more common materials. The node spawns twice a day (in-game) at 12PM and 12AM Eorzean Time. When it does you’ll receive the notification, “You sense a Level 60 unspoiled mineral deposit to the (cardinal direction)” while in Azys Lla. The node will be active for two in-game hours (e.g. – 12PM – 2PM), after which point the node will vanish and no longer be available until the next spawn time.
To help you track those spawn times, make sure to have your Eorzea Time clock activated via Character Configuration. The option can be found under the ‘HUD’ tab and can be toggled anytime along with your Local Time and Server Time.
Even if your main target right now is Adamantite Ore, you should still focus on getting your Miner leveled all the way up. It can give you access to all of the game’s mining materials, including all of the materials found in Dawntrail.

For newcomers to FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, this edition includes three award-winning titles – FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn the base game, and the first and second expansions: FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward and FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood. This edition also includes a 30-day free play period. Other expansions for the game include Dawntrail, Endwalker, and Shadowbringers.
Join over 30 million adventurers worldwide and take part in an epic and ever-changing FINAL FANTASY. Experience all the hallmarks of the best-selling franchise – an unforgettable story, exhilarating battles, and a myriad of diverse and captivating environments to explore. Party up with friends or play solo! Experience all the main story dungeons on your own by calling upon NPC allies to fight by your side.
Will you play as a healing mage or an offensive black mage? Perhaps you want to be a warrior and smash enemies in the face. The famed Final Fantasy job system lets you experiment!
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