How To Unlock Smithing Parts In Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

How To Unlock Smithing Parts In Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

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There are lots of ways of making a living in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. These include trading, waging wars, and even becoming an adept blacksmith. But to earn tons of Denars in exchange for your smithing crafts, you’ll need to forge higher-tier weapons. To craft higher tier weapons, you’ll need to unlock lots of Smithing parts.

But unlocking new and higher-tier smithing parts in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord can be a long and ardous process, which can take you hours of grinding if you can’t do it right. So, to help you make this process significantly easier, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to unlock smithing parts in a hasslefree manner.

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How To Unlock Smithing Parts In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

Forging a Sword in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord

Unlocking smithing parts in Bannerlord isn’t as easy as you might think it to be. While there are quite a few ways to unlock these parts, you won’t be able to unlock later tier parts if you don’t follow the right steps consistently. The two ways to unlock new smithing parts are by either melting items or crafting new weapons.

So, start by refining hardwood into charcoal and smelting weapons obtained from looters or marketplace purchases. This not only levels up your Smithing skills but also provides essential materials for crafting. Once you can level up your primary Smithing character to at least 75 to unlock the ‘Curious Smith’ perk, you can then start crafting your own weapons.

Focus on Crafting Polearms

While you can craft any weapon to unlock new parts, the best option is to focus on crafting Polearms. Not only do they provide higher EXP and smithing parts, but also sell for much higher price. Here are some tips to help you craft Polearms quicker, and for better profits:

  • Use fewer components: A head and a handle are sufficient to craft Polearms in Bannerlord, you don’t need to fill every crafting slot. This not only helps you save on materials, but also to craft more weapons.
  • Prioritize Glaive heads: Using Glaive heads can help you unlock a wide range of valuable parts when created or smelted. Also, start with tier one handles and upgrade to tier three as you unlock throwable traits.

After crafting or smelting, your character’s stamina will deplete. So, try to rest in town to recover and repeat the process. This cycle of burning wood, smelting weapons, refining resources and forging weapons is the key to unlocking all parts quickly.

So, after each battle, try to collect weapons rather than selling them outright. You can smelt these weapons to unlock more parts and also get materials. You can even use the extra resources to craft new weapons which will translate into extra Denars.

What Are Smithing Parts, And Why Should You Unlock Them?

Smelting a Sword in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord

Smithing parts are individual components used to craft weapons in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. These include blades, handles, and other pieces that determine a weapon’s type, damage, and every stat related to it. Unlocking these parts is crucial because:

If you can unlock more smithing parts, this provides you access to higher-tier parts using which you can craft high-damage weapons that can fit your playstyle. Moreover, Smithing is one of the most lucrative ways to farm Denars.

The higher tier parts you use for a craft, the higher is the tier for your forged weapons. The same applies for your smelted weapons. The higher their tier, the better Smithing parts you unlock.


Mount And Blade

October 25, 2022

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