How To Craft Orbs In Disney Pixel RPG

How To Craft Orbs In Disney Pixel RPG
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In any gacha title, the name of the game is characters. To keep moving forward and beating whatever challenge is in front of you, you must continually upgrade characters while gaining new friends to help on your quest. And that is very true for Disney Pixel RPG.


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And in this Disney gacha game, it’s going to cost you a mix of Truth, Kindness, and Justice orbs to do that. One of the best and most reliable ways to gather those materials is to find the fragments of them. But how do you find them and in a high enough quantity? This guide will answer that very question.

What Are Truth, Kindness, And Justice Orbs?

Just as you need upgrade pixels to level up your characters, if you want to increase their rarity, then you will eventually need Truth, Kindness, and Justice orbs. You’ll need the following amounts based on rarity:

Rarity Increase

Orbs Needed

From One to Two Stars

From Two to Three Stars

  • 30 Truth Orbs
  • 3 Kindness Orbs

From Three to Four Stars

  • 100 Truth Orbs
  • 10 Kindness Orbs
  • 3 Justice Orbs

From Four to Five Stars

  • 200 Truth Orbs
  • 20 Kindness Orbs
  • 6 Justice Orbs

Obtaining Truth orbs is pretty darn easy. But for Kindness and Justice orbs, while the game does say you can obtain them through bonus stages, they don’t drop with the same type of frequency and you can burn through a lot of energy trying to gather enough for a singular character.

That’s where fragments come in. It is easier to find fragments and craft them into Kindness and Justice orbs. And, while you may not need to find Truth fragments often, the methods below will still obtain them in great numbers.


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How To Start Farming Fragments

Disney Pixel RPG battle stage info screen for 3-16 on normal difficulty.

First things first, you have to play your way through Chapters Two and Three of the story. The normal difficulty missions will net you upgrade pixels, Truth fragments, and Kindness fragments for Chapter Three only.

But you really don’t start hitting gold until you’ve unlocked the hard-difficulty Zootopia stages. Every time you clear one of the hard Chapter Three stages, you have a chance to receive fragments of each type. Naturally, you’ll find more Truth fragments than Kindness ones, and then more Kindness fragments than Justice ones.

Once you’ve started clearing these story missions, you can replay them as often as your energy allows.

Disney Pixel RPG battle stage info screen for 3-2 on hard difficulty

Pick one of the hard Chapter Three stages that you know your party can clear easily and then, next to the “Start” button, choose Auto-Battle. It will bring you to a screen where you can determine how many times you want to clear the stage. Once you’ve made your selection, it’s off to the races.

Still struggling to clear Chapter Three? The hard versions of the Chapter Two story stages can also grant you fragments of each type. Continually clear these stages until you can increase the rarity and level of your characters to make beating Chapter Three in hard mode easier.

Depending on your energy level, you can keep clearing these stages as many times as you’d like, racking up any combination of fragments each time. Then continue to do this every time your energy gauge refills. Before no time, you’ll have your hands full of fragments.

Crafting Orbs

Disney Pixel RPG Crafting menu screen showing recipes for Truth, Kindness, and Justice orbs.

Now that you have fragments, it is time to turn them into the orbs you need.

Through crafting. As you’ve played through the story, crafting is unlocked naturally and, as you continue through, new recipes become available. This includes how to craft Truth, Kindness, and Justice orbs.

This is where all of your fragments will feed into. Each recipe will require an amount of fragments and upgrade pixels.

Truth Orb Crafting Requirements

  • 5 Truth Fragments
  • 10 Upgrade Pixels

Kindness Orb Crafting Requirements

  • 5 Kindness Fragments
  • 100 Upgrade Pixels

Justice Orb Crafting Requirements

  • 5 Justice Fragments
  • 500 Upgrade Pixels

Once you’ve started crafting orbs, you just continually rinse and repeat the process. When you either want to create more orbs or have a character to upgrade, keep clearing your comfort Chapter Three stage in hard mode each time your energy refills then take all those fragments and upgrade pixels you’ve gained and craft them into orbs.


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Other Ways To Obtain Orbs And Fragments

Disney Pixel RPG Cranival Chip rarity upgrade screen.

As stated above, gaining these fragments that you turn into orbs is the most reliable way. But it’s not the only way to get orbs.

Playing Bonus Stage 2-1

Disney Pixel RPG Bonus Stage screen showing the stages and their primary rewards.

As you may have guessed, Truth orbs are the easiest to obtain. Not only can you gain them for clearing certain story stages, there is an entire bonus stage dedicated to finding these orbs.

Bonus Stage 2-1 can find Truth orbs as opposed to fragments. However, if you decide you want to play this stage for a while, you also have a chance at getting Kindness fragments.

Since this won’t produce any Justice fragments, story stages are still the best for winning fragments. With that said, if you find yourself low on upgrade pixels or just want Truth orbs without crafting, this is still a solid way to keep obtaining them.


Disney Pixel RPG Expedition List showing two expeditions active at the same time.

You won’t find any fragments on the Princess Aurora or Zootopia expeditions, but on the Zootopia one, you will have a chance to find Truth orbs and upgrade pixels. The beautiful thing about the expeditions is that they don’t cost any energy and run in the background, even when you don’t have the game open.

While it won’t help you gain Kindness or Justice orbs, it’s a reliable way to get Truth orbs and net a decent amount of those required upgrade pixels.

Exchange Shops

In both the Battle Challenge and Rescue Signal exchange shops, you will find that you can purchase all three kinds of orbs by using the event-only currency. While this can start to get costly, it’s an easy way to build up your orb surplus. All you have to do here is play through the events as you normally would and then spend your BC or RS however you’d like.

There are often other items, including event-exclusive characters, in the exchange shops as well. You’ll want to look over the stock and determine what you want to focus on purchasing first.

Purchase From The Crystals Shop

Disney Pixel RPG crystals shop bundles showcased with their contents and prices.

Now if you’ve got the money to slap down on it, another option is to purchase orbs with real money from the Shops. Some choices include each type of orb, but some of those buying options give you some of all three orbs.

While some items can be purchased with Pix, the Truth, Kindness, and Justice orbs can only be bought with orange crystals, which can only be obtained using real money, either by purchasing them directly or through one of the game’s passes.

While many players won’t want to use these microtransactions, it is an avenue open to you that will help get a jump start on collecting the three orbs.


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