Dynamax and Gigantamax Pokemon were introduced in Pokemon GO through the Max Out Season, including the new Power Spots mechanic, which are on-map objectives that will show up during your adventure and give you an opportunity to earn Max Particles and participate in Dynamax Battles. Max Monday has continued to become a recurring event through the following Dual Destiny Season, incorporating new Dynamax bosses to create a more versatile range of Dynamax and Gigantamax Pokemon in the game.
As Max Mondays are short, recurring events, Trainers have limited time to prepare for each one before the designated featured Pokemon takes over all nearby Power Spots and gives players an opportunity to go up against it in battle time and time again. On December 9, 2024, Krabby is appearing as the Max Monday featured boss, meaning Trainers will need to consider the key weaknesses, resistances, and best counters for this monster ahead of time in order to make the most of this limited opportunity. Everything you need to know about Krabby’s Max Monday event has been included in the guide below.

Pokemon GO: How To Get Shiny Genesect (Chill Drive)
You can get a Shiny Genesect (Chill Drive) in Pokemon GO by going through this detailed guide.
Pokemon GO Max Monday: Dynamax Krabby Max Battle Guide
In Pokemon GO,Krabby is featured in the November 9 Max Monday event as the designated Max Battle boss. The Max Monday event on this date begins on 6 PM local time, and concluded on 7 PM local time, giving Trainers just one hour to make the most of Krabby’s appearances throughout all local Power Spots, and hopefully capture one or more suitable Krabby specimens to add to their collection. For Trainers wondering about Krabby’s potential, Gigantamax Kingler is one of the many G-Max specimens in existence, and with Krabby’s arrival as a Dynamax specimen in Pokemon GO, Trainers will eventually be able to evolve it to gain their own Gigantamax Kingler.
Dynamax Krabby Weaknesses & Resistances
In Pokemon GO, Krabby is a pure Water Type Pokemon, meaning that its core weaknesses and resistances are fairly straightforward to keep in mind. Krabby is resistant to Fire, Ice, Steel, and Water Type Pokemon, so players should aim to avoid incorporating such specimens into their Max Battle teams whenever possible, to avoid any disadvantages when going up against Dynamax Krabby.
Krabby has its damage potential increased when battling in Rain weather, thanks to the
Weather Boost mechanic
. For this reason, Trainers may wish to keep this in mind and avoid Max Battles against Krabby in such areas, whenever possible.
Luckily, Krabby also takes increased damage from Grass and Electric Types, so players should instead attempt to incorporate these attributes into their lineups and utilize monsters who can deliver strong attacks of these Types.
Dynamax Krabby Counters
In Pokemon GO, Pokemon can only participate in Max Battles if they are also a Dynamax or Gigantamax Pokemon, themselves. For this reason, the choices that Trainers can bring into battle are fairly limited, making things a bit trickier than general Raid opportunities. A few key suitable counters have been identified below, based on the best Type Matchups and damage potential of each specimen.
- Dynamax Grookey/Thwackey/Rillaboom are excellent choices due to their Grass Typing, which allows them to deal super effective damage against Dynamax Krabby.
- Dynamax Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur also stand out as strong options, as much like the Rillaboom line, their Grass Type enables them to dish out super effective damage against Dynamax Krabby.
- Dynamax Toxtricity is another powerful contender, using its Electric Type attacks to deal huge damage to Dynamax Krabby.
- If you don’t have access to any of these Pokemon listed above, you may also choose to utilize whichever secondary or final evolution Dynamax Pokemon you have available that do not also share a Type that Krabby is resistant to. In this scenario, choices such as Dynamax Dubwool, Dynamax Greedent, Dynamax Haunter/Gengar, Dynamax Falinks, and Dynamax Machoke/Machamp are all suitable backups.
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