Warhammer 40k has grown from a niche hobby to a mainstream sci-fi setting in recent years. Its widespread appeal has been helped by numerous book series and video games, such as Rogue Trader and Space Marine 2. In addition, the online community has further helped spread the hobby, making it more accessible than ever.

Warhammer 40k: 7 Tips for New Hobbyists
The rabbit hole of Warhammer 40k can feel a little overwhelming and intimidating to newcomers. Here’s what new hobbyists should know before starting.
However, at the heart of Warhammer 40k are its miniatures, and no other faction has as many as the Space Marines. The poster boys of the setting not only have the biggest range but have more named characters as well. They are the most fleshed out in terms of lore and the most popular for hobbyists to collect. Some of the best models have been released over the last few years and have quickly become favorites among painters and players alike.
10 Belial
Grandmaster of the Deathwing
Belial is one of the most skilled and capable warriors in the Dark Angels chapter of Space Marines. As the Commander of the 1st company, known as the Deathwing, Belial is a trusted leader who demands excellence from everyone who follows him. His primary task is hunting and bringing the Fallen to justice.
Belial’s miniature is a recent addition to the Dark Angel’s army line and one of the best in the range. Marching forth in powerful terminator armor, and adorned in green-red robes, Belial is the very image of authority and conviction. He wields a legendary relic sword, named The Sword of Silence and a master-crafted bolter that brings death to the enemies of the Imperium.
9 Supreme Grand Master Azrael
Keeper of the Truth
Azrael is a renowned leader and warrior who is respected throughout the Imperium. Known for his tactical genius and decisive actions, the chapter master is privy to the Dark Angel’s most guarded secrets. In recent lore, he called forth all the Dark Angel’s successor chapters to aid in the defense of The Rock in their greatest hour and bore witness to Lion El’Jonson’s clash with the Daemon Primarch Angron.

Warhammer 40k: 7 Reasons To Play Space Marines
The Space Marines and their many Chapters make up the most popular faction in Warhammer 40k, and there are many reasons to pick up and play as them.
Supreme Grand Master Azrael’s miniature offers a simple yet heroic stance that is filled with small details. With the Sword of Secrets held aloft, the model comes with a Watcher in the Dark that holds either The Lion Helm or the Grand Master’s Scabbard. Azrael is a perfect leader for a Dark Angel army and a fun miniature to paint.
8 Mephiston
Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels
Mephiston is one of the most powerful psykers in the setting and the only known Blood Angel to fall into the Black Rage curse and completely overcome it. He is as feared as he is respected among the Blood Angels chapter and one of their most potent weapons against the forces of Chaos.
Mephiston’s model is a unique Space Marine miniature that epitomizes the Blood Angel’s vampiric style. He wears ornate custom armor with a billowing cape, while wielding the force sword Vitarus and a devastating Plasma Pistol. Mephiston is a powerful character in the lore, a stunning miniature on the tabletop, and a must-have for any Blood Angels collection.
7 Chaplain Grimuldus and Retinue
The Hero of Helsreach
This renowned hero of the Third War of Armageddon is a fantastic addition to a Black Templar army. Grimuldus’s finest hour came in Hive Helsreach, where he alone survived the defense of the Temple of the Emperor Ascendant. Chaplain Grimuldus is a veteran of countless wars and a pillar of Black Templar faith and tenacity.

Warhammer 40k: 14 Best Black Library Books
Fans of Warhammer 40k looking for some extra lore are sure to enjoy the publishings of Black Library. Here are the best books from them to check out.
Grimuldus’s model is a highly detailed figure that wields an artificer crozius and a plasma pistol. The set comes with three servitors as the character’s retinue, each an image of fanatical faith commonly seen in the grimdark future.
6 Marneus Calgar with Victrix Honour Guard
Chapter Master of the Ultramarines
One of the most respected leaders in the Imperium, Marneus Calgar, is a peerless strategist and feared warrior. He leads his Ultramarines with fierce loyalty and determination. Space Marine 2 players will recognize the Chapter Master from his recent appearance in the game, where he saves Titus and his battle brothers from the forces of Chaos.

Warhammer 40k: 10 Great Miniatures Featured In Space Marine 2
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 features several models that tabletop enthusiasts will likely recognize. These are some of the best.
Marneus Calgar’s miniature exemplifies the warrior spirit, as Calgar roars with his fist held high. The set comes with two Victrix Honour guard models, Lethro Ados and Nemus Adranus. The model fits perfectly with an Ultramarines army and is a great miniature for the display shelf.
5 Commander Dante
Chapter Master of the Blood Angels
In Warhammer 40k’s lore, Dante is one of the most important figures in the setting. He is not only the Chapter Master of the Blood Angels and the longest-lived Space Marine, at over 1000 years, but he is also the Lord Regent of Imperium Nihilus. This places him at the head of half the galaxy and is second only to Roboute Guilliman.
Dante’s model is one of the most striking in the Space Marine range. His ornate golden armor easily stands out on the tabletop, while his pose is dramatic and unique. He wields two weapons, the Axe Mortalis, and a custom melta gun, while his helmet depicts the face of the Blood Angel’s Primarch, Sanguinius, at the moment of his death.
4 The Sanguinor
A Mysterious Figure of Legend
Little is known about this mysterious figure of Blood Angels legend. The Sanguinor only appears on the battlefield to fight in the most important battles and is considered a myth to many who have never seen him. His appearance is both a sign of hope and a sign of great danger.
The Sanguinor’s miniature, with its golden armor and huge wings, looks like an Angel from biblical tales. Holding a large sword in one hand and a silver chalice in the other, The Sanguinor is the perfect centerpiece for a Blood Angels army.
3 High Marshal Helbrecht
Chapter Master of the Black Templars
As the leader of the Black Templars, High Marshal Helbrecht is in command of one of the most powerful fighting forces in the galaxy. Rumored to far exceed the standard Codex Astartes number of 1000 Marines, The Black Templars have waged the longest crusade in the Imperium’s history. Helbrecht himself is renowned as the greatest naval commander of the Astartes and exemplifies the Black Templar’s spirit of loyalty and honor.
High Marshal Helbrecht’s miniature is a fantastic model, filled with personality and detail. Helbrecht stands victorious, with his Sword of the High Marshals embedded in a defeated Ork, while an attendant wipes the relic clean.
2 Roboute Guilliman
Lord Commander of the Imperium
Roboute Guilliman’s return to the setting was a big moment in 40k lore. The Primarch of the Ultramarines is one of the legendary sons of the Emperor, who had been in stasis due to mortal wounds for over 10 thousand years. Now at the head of the Imperium, he leads the galactic Indomitus Crusade to reunite humanity and push back the forces of Chaos.
His model is the centerpiece of an Ultramarine’s army and towers above the average Astartes. He wears stunning ornate armor and wields the Flaming Sword of the Emperor and the Hand of Dominion. Roboute Guilliman is one of the most detailed miniatures in the Space Marine range and a major project for painters to enjoy.
1 Lion El’Jonson
Son of the Forest
The Second loyalist Primarch to return to the 40k setting, Lion El’Jonson, is the gene-father of the Dark Angels line and one of the greatest warriors of humanity. After being in an unnatural sleep for 10 thousand years, he has awoken, older and more powerful than before. The Lion now leads his Dark Angels in battle on a mission to save humanity from the horrors of the galaxy.
The Lion’s model is a recent addition to the range and one of the best in the Space Marine faction. Striding forth, the model depicts the Lion with determination and nobility. He wields a huge sword named Fealty and the golden shield of the Emperor. Two of the mysterious Watchers in the Dark stand alongside the Primarch, and he also comes with four different head options. Lion El’Jonson is a stunning centerpiece for a Dark Angels army and one of the best miniatures in the entire range.
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