Key Takeaways
- Darklords in the Domains of Dread reign with cruelty and delight in tormenting their subjects.
- Some Darklords, like Draga Salt-Biter, have ironic fears or unique backstories that add depth to their villainy.
- Darklords like Strahd Von Zarovich are complex and intriguing villains with unique abilities and characteristics that make them memorable.
The Domains of Dread are often placed where despair, corruption, and injustice are irrevocably rooted in the foundations, impossible for anyone to weed out. Those unlucky enough to be born into this place or drawn in through the mists find themselves suffering from the tyrannical cruelty of the Lords of that domain.

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked
The world of Dungeons & Dragons is host to some of the greatest villains, but which takes the title as the strongest across the multiverses?
These Darklords often harbor the strength and skills needed to enforce their draconian rule, delighting in the torment of any who are born or wander too far into the mists. From vampires to pirates, and doctors to ancient liches these Darklords are among some of the best villains in all of Dungeons and Dragons.
8 Draga Salt-Biter
A WereShark with a Rather Ironic Fear
Out of all the Darklords, Draga Salt-Biter is among those least evil, even if he has committed many dastardly deeds over his years as a pirate, and later as a Darklord. On board the ship he treated his men with fairness, even if he could be a bit of a hard-ass. It was simply people not part of the crew that suffered from his wrath, as he truly reveled in the life of a pirate. The only thing he despised about his life in the ocean were the sharks swimming in the ocean, despite being a wereshark himself.
This contradictory fear persisted even as he took over the domain of Saragoss, ruling with callousness in the melancholic company of himself, even more terrified of sharks now. But to those who dared to tread into his land, they could find themselves face to face with a megalodon, as even though he fears them, he can raise the courage to use them as weapons against his enemies.
7 Tristen ApBlanc
Leads a Cursed Existence of Both Vampire and Ghost
Though the smallest Domain of Dread, Forlorn is by no means insignificant. It was the second domain to become part of the Demiplane, after Barovia. It became a temporary refuge for Jander after his failed attempts to slay Strahd and is where the peculiar humanoid Tristan dwells, straddling the line between the living and the dead. During the day, he is a living vampire, but every night he rises as a ghost, only to return to being a vampire at dawn.
This contradictory nature would drive anyone mad, so it is little wonder Tristan kills anyone who draws too close, even those who are family. But there is also the fact that Tristan is unapologetically evil, as he was born with the curse of vampirism. This fact does not detract from Tristan’s status as a notable Darklord and enjoyable villain. The time shifts that occur for adventurers who enter his castle allow them a glimpse into parts of Tristan’s, revealing different facets that could make him more sympathetic or reviled.
6 Tsien Chiang
Uses the Bodies of Her Enemies to Build Her Home
Even before becoming a Darklord, Tsien was one twisted individual, usurping her entire family to secure the seat of power in the Chiang kingdom Kara-Tur. Once she obtained the seat by slaying her father and enfeebling the minds of the rest of her family, her reign was filled with cruelty and savagery. Any suitors who wished to win her hand had to survive combat, and they were only a means for her to sire daughters. Once they outlived her usefulness, they were slain, and their bones, blood, and flesh were used to decorate her home.

Best Female Villains in Anime, Ranked
From femme fatales to bloodthirsty demons, these villainous anime women are three-dimensional, complex characters with engaging motivations.
Now she continues to rule with ruthlessness the Domain of Dread I’Cath, instilling fear into all who dwell in the cursed land and falling back into her patterns of literally painting with the blood of her enemies. The face she revels in such brutality makes Tsien one of the more fearsome and savage Darklords, one people can’t help but admire, even while flat-out disagreeing with every one of her convictions.
5 Mother Lorinda
A Contender for the Worst Mother Figure of All
All is not as it seems in the land of Tepest. Those rolling, green hills hide dark secrets and whispers of great evil lurking wherever the golden rays of the sun don’t quite reach. Mother Lorinda claimed the villagers as her own children, but there doesn’t seem to be a maternal bone in her body. Rather, she uses these villagers as livestock for her own accursed offspring.
A hag cast out from her coven for coveting the love of her own children, there are few lengths Mother Lorinda would not go to in order to secure her dreams of a loving child, even if she has to threaten, coerce, or force the love out of others. She certainly stands out as unique among the Darklords, and her warped interpretation of motherhood opens up interesting ways to interpret and role-play her character.
4 Frantisek Markov
A Doctor Who Harms More Than He Heals
Markovia might be just the most disturbing domain adventurers could have the misfortune of stumbling into. While most other Domains of Dread have semblances of life other than their Darklords, Markovia is more desolate in that regard. The inhabitants of Markovia don’t just merely suffer from poverty or illness under his rule but are the unwilling victims of his depraved experiments. AThistwisted doctor has a vision of creating a creature that is both man and beast and so far hasn’t had much success.
So in this world, it is just Markov and broken ones, whose mental state degrades from the trauma of the experiment, until they are nothing more than mindless and savage beasts. Even if Markov is a one-track mind, he is still a fascinating Darklord. Players will be tormented by curiosity as to why this project means so much to him, and what his end goal is. But is there truly any method to Frantisek’s madness?
3 Azalin
The Most Draconian Darklord
Lording over a domain with strong ties to death and darkness, Azalin is as deathly and dark as characters come, from his skeletal-like appearance to the iron fist he uses to rule over his domain, Darkon. Even before he became the dreaded Darklord, Azalin was far from a benevolent and gentle being. Overlooked by his parents as a child, he turned his mind to the pursuit of magic, something not welcomed with open arms in his family’s kingdom.
His fanatical pursuit of immortality led him from the path of humanity to lichdom, inevitably leading him to the realms of mist and finding his own kingdom after his dispute with Barovian’s own ruler, Strahd Von Zarovich. With some pretty interesting lore in his backstory and a character that wasn’t once completely corrupt, Azalin remains one of the more intriguing Darklords, with an interesting domain to boot.
2 Ivana Boritsi and Ivan Dilisnya
The Joint Rulers Are Equally Cruel and Creepy
Unfortunately for the denizens of Borza, they get two Darklords for the price of one–Ivana Bortisi and Ivan Dilisnya. Also unfortunately for them, the class divide between the poor and rich is so wide not even an aasimar could make the leap. The poor suffer severe destitution while the nobility indulge in the finer things in life, ignorant or apathetic to the struggles of the gentry.

Best Video Game Duos, Ranked
There have been some great duos in video games throughout the years. Here are some of the absolute best pairs.
None are more hardened to their plight than the rulers. Ivana is a skilled poisoner who won’t hesitate to use her skills for her own gain, and Ivan, though bedridden, makes creepy toys that aren’t the kind a child would want to find underneath the tree on Christmas morning. As cruel as they are unsettling, this terrifying duo are not just among the best Darklords, but the best villains in Dungeons and Dragons altogether.
1 Strahd Von Zarovich
A Deceitfully Charming Vampire
This particular Darklord is the most famous, featured in two campaigns in Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, and D&D 5e. Ruling over the despairing and somber land of Barovia, the Barovians live in fear of this tyrannical vampire who has lured many of the citizens to his castle. None other than Ireena Kolyana suffers more from Strahd, who pursues her because of her resemblance to Tatiana.
If this story sounds familiar, that might be because of its similarity to Dracula, which was most likely a great source of inspiration. Thankfully, Strahd’s tale and character bear enough differences to be a truly unique and intriguing character. Though skilled in battle with many spells at his disposal, Strahd prefers to toy with his prey rather than kill them outright, which makes him such a fun villain to play, and the best Darklord of all.

Dungeons and Dragons
- Franchise
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Original Release Date
- 1974-00-00
- Designer
- E. Gary Gygax , Dave Arneson
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