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Path of Exile 2 will give players all sorts of gear, with higher rarity gear having various magical effects making them even better than they appear based on their base stats. While many items can be picked up and equipped right away, some first need to be identified.
Unidentified gear won’t be useable and you won’t see any of the bonuses on that gear until it is identified. You should always identify gear to make sure you know exactly what you’re dealing with before you decide what to do with it; here is how to mass-identify items for free.

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How To Identify Gear For Free In Path of Exile 2
To mass identify items for free, all you have to do is talk to The Hooded One and select the identify items option in his dialogue box. This will identify all the currently unidentified items in your inventory for free, without the use of any Scrolls of Wisdom. All items will be identified and the total number identified will appear along the left side of the screen, completing the process without opening your inventory.
This process is incredibly quick, and you can use a town Portal anytime to travel back to The Hooded One in the hub of each Act to always be identifying gear and keeping your inventory from filling up and having to leave loot behind.
Scrolls Of Wisdom can also be used to identify gear without using the Hooded One and make you return to town. They can be purchased but also found for free while exploring. They are fairly common drops from blue rarity enemies and when looting chests. Scrolls Of Wisdom are helpful but The Hooded One effectively makes them obsolete once he is saved.

Path of Exile 2: All Ailments Explained
There are a few ailments that players can use or have used on them in Path of Exile 2; here’s what each one does.
When Does The Hooded One Join Town In Path of Exile 2
The Hooded One is the character seen in the opening cinematic of the game, and will soon join the town as an NPC during the first act of the game. He will join after you complete The Mysterious Shade, which is the fifth quest in the first act. He will become the fourth NPC in Clearfell Encampment, with the others being:
The Hooded One also gives you the ability to respec your passive skills to try out different builds, but it will cost a good bit of gold to undo multiple skills at once.
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