How To Beat The Lyranadon In Fantasian Neo Dimension

How To Beat The Lyranadon In Fantasian Neo Dimension

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From the moment you begin playing Fantasian Neo Dimension, Leo is something of an amnesiac. No memory of anything, which doesn’t really change until near the end of Act 1. The one thing he does seem to remember though? His love for rice omelets.


Fantasian Neo Dimension Challenged Me More Than Any Final Fantasy Game Has In Years

Fantasian Neo Dimension looks set to be a challenge, especially for those of us entirely new to it.

Once you’ve begun Act 2, a great many new quests open themselves up to Leo, and of course his favourite bar owner has a request for him. Both of them, actually. Nothing like a bit of brotherly competition to create the finest cuisine.

Where To Find The Omelet Quests

While it may be raining Mechteria in En and Leo’s friends are spread across the multiverse, that doesn’t mean there isn’t time to stop for a quick meal. Or a rather involved meal, in this instance. After getting the lay-of-the-land from Sid, he makes a little request – could you pretty please get him the Ultimate Egg for the greatest rice omelet ever made.

This gives you the Ultimate Rice Omelet quest. Not willing to be outdone though, Sid’s brother in Vence offers up a quest of his own, the Supreme Rice Omelet. You do need to finish the former quest first however, as Sid’s brother needs something to compare to his brother’s supposedly lacklustre dish.

The Ultimate Egg

Reaching The Egg

Much of the world of Fantasian has changed in Act 2, and the Ancient Hill has gone through some of the most significant. In the original version of the Ancient Hill, reaching the Ultimate Egg was as simple as just walking. However, crates block your access to the upper bridges now.

After entering the Ancient Hill, follow the path as normal until you hit the crates. There will be a rope here you can climb down. Do so, and you’ll see some sparkles on the hill to the east. This is where we need to go to collect our egg.

Make sure to pick up the Iris Quartz right beside the crates before going on.

Head down south and progress through the zones until you reach the golem you defeated earlier in the game. Head on up the bridge now, and then save at the Save Point. You’ll find your egg in the next area, as well as a boss with a rather challenging gimmick.

Beating The Giant Slime

This is a Slime, though different than you’ve fought before. The Giant Slime has the same physical resistance as other Slimes, so you’ll want to use exclusively elemental attacks here. That is where the Giant Slime’s unique mechanics comes in. It has no resistance to any particular element until you attack it. Then each subsequent attack from that element is weaker and weaker.

Considering non-elemental attacks are functionally negligible, you just have to use your elemental attacks anyway, trying to alternate as much as possible. After you’ve struck the boss with enough elemental attacks, they will unleash all of them on the party. They will strike randomly, and for a good amount of damage, hitting you with the exact elements you attacked it with.

The most important part of this battle is keeping the boss weakened. Using Crush with Valrika or Blade Break with Leo is great for this, massively reducing the damage you take. Beyond this Magical Explosion move, they’re not that fearsome. Leo and Valrika should keep up the pressure at all times, while Prickle is dedicated to support.

Once they’re defeated, you get the Ultimate Egg, and can return to Sid for a scrumptious rice omelet, as well as a Diamond L, SP Capsule, and the rather mysterious Ancient Relic. That’s for another quest later with Ez, don’t worry about it for now.

The Lyranodon Egg

Beating The Lyranodon

After you initially escaped prison with Leo, Zinikr, and Ez, you may recall battling a Lyranodon on the Ancient Mountain Path just before you reached the Outskirts of the Vibran Royal Capital. Well, it is a Lyranodon egg you’re after, and you can hardly expect it to be unguarded.

Seeing as this battle was originally designed around Leo, Ez, and Zinikr, that’s the party we used again this time around. This fight is a significant difficulty jump compared to the Giant Slime, so make sure you save and heal up in advance.

The Safe Taunt skill is essential for Zinikr here, so make sure to acquire it from his Growth Map before starting. Quick All for Ez is also a massive help.

This battle isn’t all that different from the original one, though it has a few new caveats to make it that much more difficult. You are put right on the edge from the beginning of the battle, so you can’t let the boss get a full charge at all. Oh, and there are plenty more Lightning Orblings this time around, around eight or so. The boss only needs three charges, so they should always be your priority.

In this battle, you’ll want to have the highest possible speed and attack so you can tear through the Lightning Orblings before they have a chance to strike the boss to charge their ultimate move. Zinikr will be taking all the damage, so make sure to equip him with an Amethyst to reduce the Lightning damage he takes.

Support Charge can be activated by Safe Taunt, so try to acquire this as well so he can deal more damage when he needs to attack.

The general flow of the battle is this: Ez casts Quick All on the party to give them more turns, Zinikr uses Safe Taunt so the Lightning Orblings strike him instead of the boss, and Leo uses Fire Slash to cut through the ranks. Whenever Ez gets the chance, he should be using Terra Grenades to take down the Lightning Orblings.

And that’s it. The boss only summons more Lightning Orblings every few turns, so you should have ample time to get in some hits. Zinikr’s Earth Strike is a massive help here, as is his Tension Skill when in a pinch. If you feel like Leo’s Fire Slash can’t reach enough enemies, swap him out for Valrika so she can use Arrow Rain.

Getting a Replacement

Once defeated, you’ll get the Supreme Egg, but not for very long. It hatches immediately after, now without a family to even return to. Refusing to deal with the guilt of it all, Leo simply leaves the newborn chick behind. A freshly-hatched Lyranodon can hardly be cooked into a rice omelet.

Back in Vence, Leo elects to get an egg from the market instead. It’s not like Sid’s brother knows what a Lyranodon egg looks like anyway. Head to the market to pick up a fresh, ordinary egg from one of the many merchants, and return to the bar.

If you try to return to the bar without the egg, Leo will simply remind you to go to the market.

Lucky for Leo, Sid’s brother really can’t tell his eggs apart, and cooks what he believes to be the Supreme Rice Omelet with absolute glee. Leo claims it tastes delicious regardless, and you get rewarded with an Amethyst L and SP Capsule for your dishonesty.


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