How To Beat Rudy In Fantasian Neo Dimension

How To Beat Rudy In Fantasian Neo Dimension

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After finally recruiting Tan in Fantasian Neo Dimension, one part of his past has finally been put to rest. However, his story is not yet done. After arriving in Valrika’s Laboratory, he asks a favour of you, if you could accompany him to the Nameless Island.


Fantasian Neo Dimension Challenged Me More Than Any Final Fantasy Game Has In Years

Fantasian Neo Dimension looks set to be a challenge, especially for those of us entirely new to it.

This is the place that Tan ended up after abandoning his home, and where he and Blue became the fiercest of rivals. Return here to help him put those memories to bed, and find a familiar face from his past there to greet and challenge him.

Where To Find The Nameless Island

Tan and Leo stepping onto the beach of the nameless island in fantasian neo dimension.

A place called the Nameless Island is one you might expect to be, well, not really shown on maps. Things don’t tend to stay nameless for long after being discovered. Thankfully, there aren’t actually any other islands to discover in Fantasian besides this one.

All you have to do is hop into the Uzra and sail as south as you can in the ocean until you come upon it. There’ll be a save point right by the entrance, so stop there to get yourself ready for the journey ahead.

You can travel to the Nameless Island whenever, though it doesn’t let you progress beyond the save point until you have recruited Tan.

With Tan in your party, he will give a brief explanation as to how the Nameless Island works. It is covered in mist, but by interacting with the large orbs around the area, you can shift where the mist is to allow you to move forward. Simple enough.

After touching the first one he teaches you with, the mist ahead of you disappears. You can now head forward to another orb, which alters the mist again. Go to the left now. Along the way, head south to the small hill overlooking the beach to find a Whetstone in a chest.

Near the entrance to the next area will be two green orbs. Press the closer of these to remove the fog blocking a chest near the beginning, which holds the Crush Edge weapon for Ez. Proceed into the next area now.

For the chest near the entrance to the next area, you must proceed forward first and then back to reset the fog. Then interacting with the lower sphere should remove the mist guarding it. It has an SP Capsule inside.

Another scene will play with Tan once you enter this area. Once that’s finished, you can find a nearby chest holding some Order Motes. Head down to the main area now, where there are two orbs you can interact with.

Use the centre one first, which blocks access to the upper orb from the left side, and removes the fog from the chest there. Inside is the Evil Negotiations 101 book, which unlocks nodes in the Growth Map. Do not interact with the upper orb now though, and head back to the centre one to reset the fog.

After doing so, now head to the upper orb, activate it, and head down to the removed fog to find another chest, this time containing an Amber L. With all those collected, you can proceed to the next area.

This is a pretty large area, though also has no more of the mist puzzles to deal with. Head to the Save Point ahead, heal up, then go back to the hill that contains a few chests. Here you can pick up two Whetstones, and a Smoky Quartz. Up next is the boss fight, so make sure you’re all prepared.

How To Defeat Rudy

If you were paying attention to all of Tan’s backstory, you might remember that there were three Spirit Beasts in total. Galf and Adolfo are accounted for, but Rudy is nowhere to be seen. She died on the Nameless Island, and remained behind to defend it. Seeing new people in the form of Leo’s party arrive sends her into a rage.

With no choice but to fight her, try to get your team sorted. Tan has to be in this battle, so our next two slots are open. Leo is always a safe bet, and you’ll want Ez along at the beginning to buff the party. With Rudy, you want to always be on the offensive, so characters like Zinikr, Prickle and Kina are useless here. Keep them as back-up for specific moments.

For the most part, Rudy won’t battle you directly in this fight. Instead, they summon an army of wolves and then prepare a move called All-Out Assault. This gets every wolf to charge at the party, with Rudy then landing a final strike. This can easily wipe the party, so make it a priority to defeat the wolves first.

Rudy will still do the attack without the wolves, but only she will attack for around 2,000 damage.

Valrika, Cheryl, and Ez are massively useful here for their area-of-effect abilities. With Quick All and Attack Power Up applied, they can easily demolish them before the main attack comes. With Tan, you’ll want to focus on using Galf Slash and Adolfo Impact to cut through them.

Try equip a Morganite jewel to Tan so he recovers some of his HP with each enemy he defeats.

As the fight progresses, Rudy’s tactics will change. She will use a counter on any attack that hits her, decreasing the attack and defense of whoever performed the attack. There’s no real way of defending against this, so try to use Energize with Tan, Iron Wall with Zinikr, or Defence and Attack Power Up with Ez to counter it.

The most fearsome move Rudy has is Rudy Strike. When they reach around half HP, they will start boosting themselves in preparation, using Charge to power-up Rudy Strike. There’s no way of removing this Charge, so make sure to lower their attack before the next attack.

Rudy Strike can easily deal over 10,000 damage even when weakened, so make sure to have defence boosted and a barrier for good measure. There’s still a good chance Rudy can defeat you in a single hit, so make sure the rest of your party is healed up before this attack lands.

The scariest move Rudy has is Barrier. Not unlike the Barrier you can cast, this gives a Barrier for 20 hits to Rudy and every wolf that is currently summoned. At this point, you’ll need to rely on attack like Arrow Rain and Frenzy to wear this down. There is a great way of avoiding this altogether though.

Curse. Rudy is suspectible to Curse, which stops them from casting any beneficial status effects. That includes Charge and any other stat-boosting moves they can perform. It doesn’t matter how many turns it takes, it is of the utmost importance that you cast Curse on them to make this fight exponentially easier. Valrika has a Curse move you can use.

Beyond that, the fight stays the same. Surviving Rudy Strike and keeping Curse on her is the most important part of the fight. After she is defeated, Tan will unlock the full power of his Divine Artefact, and can even unlock Rudy Strike for himself.


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