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Leo and Zinikr have escaped from the Coliseum after being accused of trespassing in the Royal Palace in Fantasian: Neo Dimension, but their journey is only beginning. Now, with the young inventor Ez, the group must make their way through the Ancient Mountain Path and get back to the Royal Capital to finally find Leo’s third Toy Box.

Fantasian Neo Dimension: Coliseum Walkthrough
Battle the Minotaurus and win your freedom from the coliseum in this guide for Fantasian Neo Dimension.
The Ancient Mountain Path has a few hidden items to be on the lookout for, and a final boss that might catch you off guard, if you’re not careful. Below you can find a complete walkthrough for this area, including where to find each treasure chest and how to beat the boss, Lyranodon.
Ancient Mountain Path Walkthrough
Immediately upon entering the area, open the chest to the left with five Potion S, and the chest on the right with three Protein Drinks. Head up the ramp, then take the middle path to the left to find a chest containing ten Earth Fragments.
Return to the main path, then head a short distance ahead and open the chest holding nine Potion S. Shimmy across the rock wall, then climb further up the mountain ramps. After you get to the point where you jump across a gap, turn to the left and slide along the wall to open a chest holding an Amethyst M. Head back along the wall and continue to the next area.
Equip Zinikr with the Amethyst M, as this will make the boss fight later much easier.
In this area, turn down the path to the right to get the chest holding five Hard Shells, then jump over the gap. Ignore the chest in the area below for now, then head up the stairs. There’s a locked Machine Chest in the building on the left that you’ll also have to ignore, for now. Instead, follow the path between the two buildings to find a chest containing 10,000 gold.
Back at the fork where the two small buildings are, take the path down to get the chest containing the Tough Belt, then return back to the main path and continue until a cutscene begins, then cross the bridge to the final area.
In the Ancient Mountain Path – Overlook, loot the chest with a Potion L, then use the save crystal to prepare for the upcoming boss fight.
Lyranodon Boss Guide
The Lyranodon is weak to earth but absorbs lightning, and is essentially unaffected by status ailments. The battle will begin with the boss being joined by two Lightning Orblings, and one of them will immediately target the boss with lightning, which it will then absorb and add to its charge level.
As the Lyranodon absorbs lightning, its charge level will increase further, until it reaches level four, at which point it will unleash Thunderstorm, dealing damage to the whole party. Here are each of the Lyranodon’s attacks.
- Swipe: deals damage to one character.
- Strange Voice: deals damage to the whole party and has a chance to inflict Damage Down.
- Lightning: deals lightning damage to one character.
- Call: summons six Lightning Orblings to the fight.
- Thunderstorm: deals lightning damage to the whole party and pushes them back a step. Only used after reaching charge level four.
This fight is designed to teach you how to use your two new party members, Zinikr and Ez, with each character representing a different strategy. The real danger in this fight isn’t actually the boss itself, but the Lightning Orblings it repeatedly summons. These will constantly target the boss with lightning attacks which it will absorb, healing it and increasing its charge level.
Call will bring six more Orblings to the fight, which can quickly get overwhelming if you don’t deal with them quickly. The main strategy for this fight is to use Zinikr’s Taunt to draw the lightning attacks from the Lightning Orblings to himself, preventing the boss from absorbing them.
With the Amethyst M you looted earlier, Zinikr will take greatly reduced damage from these lightning strikes, allowing Leo and Ez to focus on taking down the Lightning Orblings and damaging the boss.
Ez’s Terra Grenade is also made for this fight, dealing 1,500 damage to at least four Lightning Orblings and the boss itself with each use. Just be mindful of your item stock before committing heavily to Terra Grenades, as you may run out before the fight is over.
If the boss is able to use Thunderstorm, this attack will not only deal damage to the party, it will also knock you backward a step, towards the edge of the cliff. If you are hit by Thunderstorm enough times, you will fall off the cliff and get an instant Game Over. Using the strategies outlined above, there’s probably no chance of this happening, but keep it in mind regardless.
Continue Taunting the Lightning Orblings and healing through the boss’s attacks, and you’ll eventually take it down, allowing you to continue into the Outskirts, one step closer to the Royal Capital and Leo’s third Toy Box.

Fantasian Neo Dimension: Maxi Toy Box Walkthrough
The final Toy Box in Fantasian is a tough one filled with puzzles and bosses. Here’s how to get through it all.
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