How To Beat Golem In The Ancient Hill In Fantasian: Neo Dimension

How To Beat Golem In The Ancient Hill In Fantasian: Neo Dimension

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Leo has obtained the Warp Device, allowing him and his party to instantly travel to any previously visited location in Fantasian: Neo Dimension. With this newfound power, he decides to return to En’s inn for an omelet, but when they arrive they learn that Owen has disappeared.


Fantasian Neo Dimension Challenged Me More Than Any Final Fantasy Game Has In Years

Fantasian Neo Dimension looks set to be a challenge, especially for those of us entirely new to it.

After reading the letter Owen left behind, the party learns that he went searching for something at the Ancient Hill, marking their next location. Below you can find a complete walkthrough for the Ancient Hill, including how to beat the Golem boss at the end, and what to do against Funi enemies, if you encounter them.

Ancient Hill Walkthrough

You can get to the Ancient Hill by heading through the newly-opened passage from En’s Harbor. Head to the world map from the Harbor, then proceed along the path until you reach the Ancient Hill.

The primary type of enemy you’ll encounter here Goblins. These monsters can buff their attack while reducing their own defense, making them quick to take down, but not before they deal a sizable amount of damage to your own party. You’ll probably want to stock up on potions and make ample using of healing magic to make it through this area.

As you enter the Ancient Hill, make use of the save crystal, then take a few steps forward to encounter Tan, the mysterious spirit summoner you met in the Harbor earlier in the game. After speaking to him, you’ll be attacked by bandits; fight them off using Tan’s abilities. After a few battles composed of different party members, Tan will leave and you’ll be free to explore the Ancient Hill.

Head to the left, then to the right to find a chest containing a Heal Stone, then continue back along the left path for another chest holding a Small Agate. Return to the save crystal, then continue forward.

Continue along the path of bridges, which will eventually lead to the Nail Rock Region of the Ancient Hill. Stay on the path forward, ignoring the unreachable chest on top of the small hill, until you reach the River area of the Ancient Hill. Use the save crystal and get your party ready for a boss fight, then continue along the path.

Funi Encounter Guide

The party encountering a Funi, who asks for an item.

The Ancient Hill is the first location where you can encounter Funi, a strange enemy that will ask you to give it different items so that it can mix them around and give you something new.

Each turn, the Funi will ask you to give it a different item. Once you’ve given the Funi enough, it will tell you to give it a good smack. To do this, you’ll need to hit it with your highest damage attack. You can boost your damage by first lowering the Funi’s defense using Leo’s Helm Bash.

If you succeed, you can either take the item the Funi made or try to make a stronger one, repeating the process. However, to make a stronger item, you’ll need to hit it with an even stronger attack, which might not be possible at this point in the game for you.

In any case, if you fail to give the Funi the correct items or don’t deal enough damage, it will turn on you. It deals high damage with each attack and has a lot of health, so we recommend retreating if it comes to this.

Golem Boss Fight Guide

The Golem has no weaknesses, but takes half damage from earth attacks. Status effects are also mostly ineffective against the Golem. Additionally, the Golem has targetable Right and Left Arms, and dealing damage to these appendages also damages the Golem’s total health. Here are the main attacks the Golem will use.

  • Earth: deals earth damage to one character.
  • Pummel: strikes one character for high damage with each Arm.
  • Earthquake: deals high earth damage to the whole party.
  • Silvery Ray: charges for one turn then deals high damage to the whole party.

When the fight starts, immediately have Leo use Helm Bash on either of the Golem’s Arms, then focus on that Arm with your other attacks until it is destroyed. Repeat this process for the second Arm.

The reason for this is that the Golem will use Pummel, striking a single character with each Arm. Each punch will deal about a thousand damage, meaning unless your characters have over 2,000 health, they will die in one shot of Pummel.

To avoid this, focus on one Arm and destroy it as quickly as possible before focusing on the next Arm. When one Arm is down, Pummel will become a simple punch, but this attack still does 1,000 damage, so be careful.

The Golem will also occasionally use Earth and Earthquake, dealing earth damage to one party member or the whole party, respectively. If you have an Amber jewel, consider equipping it to Kina or Cheryl to reduce the amount of earth damage they take.

Later in the fight, the Golem will begin charging up for a turn, then unleash Silvery Ray on its next turn, dealing very high damage to the whole party. Use the turn the Golem spends charging up to make sure everyone is near full health, or you risk an instant defeat.

After Silvery Ray, and with both Arms destroyed, the Golem becomes much easier. Use Leo’s Samidare and Cheryl’s Ice Strike to deal consistent damage to it until it goes down.

Defeating the Golem will earn your party 888 experience and around 3,000 gold. With the Golem defeated, the party will help Owen back to his house in En before continuing on their journey. Next stop: the fortune teller in Vence.


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