Elbaf is a Look Back At What Makes One Piece Special

Elbaf is a Look Back At What Makes One Piece Special
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Key Takeaways

  • Elbaf Arc reintroduces whimsy and exploration to One Piece, reminiscent of early stages of series.
  • Elbaf Island offers softer conflicts, beautiful set pieces, and nostalgic references to original adventures.
  • Elbaf’s high power level is balanced with lower stakes, making the arc feel like a classic One Piece adventure.

In the early days of One Piece, the series often felt like the whimsical adventure of a group of friends as they navigated an interesting world. With lower stakes, lots of downtime, and tons of moments of joyous exploration, the early stages of the franchise had something special that hooked future fans for life. In a way, at its early stages, tonally, One Piece was something completely different from what it is today.

While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, with modern One Piece exploring interesting ideas and concepts that the early stages of the series could only dream of, at times, it’s hard not to miss what used to make the series so special. Nowadays, things feel like they’ve gotten a bit too big for their own good, with downtime, exploration, and whimsy, all at a minimum, and instead prioritizing high-stakes action and worldbuilding. However, One Piece’s Elbaf Arc helps to reintroduce some of the whimsy to the show, exploring some of the things that used to make One Piece so special.

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Elbaf is a Step Back From Egghead Islands Intensity

Softer Conflict and Exploration

At the end of Egghead Island, the Straw Hat Crew barely survived an encounter with the World Government at its deadliest. With the Elders themselves, an Admiral, and a world-changing message from Vegapunk, the intensity of Egghead Island was some of the highest the series has ever had. For that reason, after the Straw Hat Crew escaped and sailed towards Elbaf, the story definitely needed a slight change of pace.

Plants, trees, vines, flowers, insects, fish, birds and animals… everything is breathtakingly huge. – Louis Arnote

So far, this is exactly what Elbaf has given readers. From the beginning of One Piece’s Elbaf Arc, the crew has been given a chance to explore and maneuver the strange island of giants, in a much more low-stakes and self-contained story. Events like half the crew being kidnapped by Road, Luffy meeting the Elbaf prince, Loki, and the crew finally setting eyes on the land of Elbaf all feel like moments that tonally match early One Piece, as well as calling back upon those very moments as well.

One Piece Alludes to Classic One Piece

Giants Make Their Full Debut

Jaguar D. Saul One Piece

As many One Piece fans know, Elbaf has been an island that the Straw Hat Crew wanted to visit since the introduction of the first giants in the story, Dorry and Brogy. In fact, for Usopp specifically, this was one of Usopp’s major dreams throughout the series. Due to this, of course, Elbaf was going to reference older and more nostalgic points of the series in order to capture some nostalgia for the franchise.

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Firstly, tonally, although the power level of Elbaf Island is incredibly high, the stakes seem far gentler. With many moments being focused on the whimsy of exploring Elbaf, with beautiful set pieces, and interesting characters, it finally feels like the world-ending drama of One Piece has taken a backseat for some good old-fashioned pirating. On top of this, although Loki does seem like an intense figure, his conversations with Luffy and discussion of the world are a welcome change of pace from the Elders before.

Elbaf is Far More Whimsical and Adventurous Than Usual

An Enchanting Journey

loki elbaf island one piece 1132

On top of this, Elbaf also feels like it calls back to the original adventures of the series. When revealing the Elbaf Kingdom itself, the story flashes back to a moment of Luffy and Usopp singing about wanting to visit the land of the giants. Although this moment was brief, the extra dose of nostalgia helped the full art of Elbaf look even more beautiful. Additionally, Elbaf divided the crew between its older and newer members, once again making the arc so far feel like a classic One Piece adventure.

Most fail to find words to adequately describe its immense grandeur. – Louis Arnote

Although the intensity of Elbaf will most likely pick up down the line, it’s nice to see the story of One Piece reference and allude to what made fans fall in love with it in the first place. With clever nostalgic flashbacks, the return of characters like Saul, and the overall whimsical tone, One Piece’s Elbaf Arc may very well be what older fans of the series have been looking for. In the end, whether or not Elbaf keeps this tone, it was nice to get a glimpse again at what made One Piece so special in the first place.


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