All Operators in Delta Force

All Operators in Delta Force

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Delta Force features a roster of unique operators spread across four different classes, with each class specializing in at least one playstyle. The difference between how each operator feels and plays is staggering, and players will want to figure out which character works best in specific scenarios if they want to get the most mileage out of them.

All operators are available in every game mode Delta Force has to offer, and while Warfare and Operations play very differently from each other, you can expect the characters to function more or less the same regardless of where they are. Here’s a guide covering all playable operators, their abilities and gadgets, as well as some tips on how to use them.

As of writing, Operators are unlocked via battle pass progression or events.

6 Best FPS Games With Mature 17+ ESRB Ratings

Most FPS games get slapped with a mature rating by default, but the following make the best use of their 17+ ESRB rating.

D-Wolf (Kai Silva – Assault)

D-Wolf's abilities in Delta Force

D-Wolf is the quintessential run-and-gun character. His main ability, Motorized Exoskeleton, lets him run around the battlefield significantly faster than other operators, and so far, he’s the only character who can slide after sprinting. His job is to flank enemies with his superior speed and take hostiles out with his grenade launchers and primary weapon. D-Wolf is a great pick, even with just level one weapons, though his effectiveness largely hinges on player skill.

D-Wolf Kit Breakdown

Tactical Gear – Motorized Exoskeleton

Increases your sprint speed. Knocking enemies down restores health and extends the ability’s duration.

Trait – Tactical Slide

You can slide after sprinting.

Gadget 1 – Triple Blaster

Arm-mounted grenade launcher that fires a three-round volley of grenades. Projectiles can stick to and damage vehicles.

Gadget 2 – Smoke Grenade

A grenade that covers an area with smoke.

D-Wolf Tips

  • Due to his aggressive nature, D-Wolf works best with weapons built for high handling and hipfire accuracy.
  • Always move to flank the enemy. Equip a slienced weapon to prevent players from seeing you on the minimap while firing.
  • Triple Blaster can be used to damage vehicles in a pinch, though it’s best used against infantry.
  • Throw your Smoke Grenades at the enemy to force them into the open.

Vyron (Wang Yuhao – Assault)

Vyron's abilities in Delta Force

Vyron may not be as fast as D-Wolf, but he has much higher maneuverability. He can use his Dynamic Propulsion skill to rapidly dash towards a chosen direction, giving him an easy way to engage or retreat. Vyron’s main ability equips him with a grenade launcher that knocks enemies down over a large area, rendering them harmless and vulnerable to damage, making this operator a great pick for breaching tight spaces.

Vyron Kit Breakdown

Tactical Gear – QLL32 Crouching Tiger

Fires a compressed air round that knocks down nearby enemies.

Trait – Dynamic Auxilliary System

Take reduced fall damage and increased movement speed after using Dynamic Propulsion

Gadget 1 – Dynamic Propulsion

Rapidly dash toward a chosen direction.

Gadget 2 – Magnetic Bomb

Throw an explosive charge that sticks to surfaces and detonates after a short countdown.

Vyron Tips

  • Crouching Tiger is best used to clear indoor areas.
  • Don’t be afraid to dash off of high ground. Your passive will keep you safe from the fall.
  • Always be ready to dash out of a losing gunfight.
  • Two Magnetic Bombs are usually enough to destroy tanks and other armored vehicles.

Stinger (Roy Smee – Support)

Stinger's kit in Delta Force

Stinger is a combat medic who can provide a ton of support to his team. Apart from healing, reviving, and resupplying teammates, he often leads the charge by providing smokescreens to cover the team’s advance. Stinger doesn’t have the offensive capabilities of the Assault characters, but he can be just as deadly with weapons like the CAR-15 or AKS-74 in Delta Force.

Stinger Kit Breakdown

Tactical Gear – Hive Tech Pistol

Equip a pistol that fires target-seeking healing darts.

Trait – Expertly Rescue

Revive allies faster and restore more health after reviving a teammate.

Gadget 1 – Smokescreen

Launches a steerable drone that deploys a smokescreen through its flight path.

Gadget 2 – Hive-Tech Smoke Grenade

Deploys a vision-obscuring smoke grenade. The smoke heals all allies inside if hit by a Hive-Tech Pistol dart.

Stinger Tips

  • Always bring an Ammo Crates or Ammo Packs in Warfare mode.
  • Always pay attention to allies who need to be healed or revived.
  • Go prone and lay down some smoke before reviving allies in exposed areas.
  • You can double as an effective flanker thanks to your smokescreens and self-healing.

Best Tactical Shooters With A Focus On Realism

There is a wide variety of shooters out there for players to choose from, and that includes tactical shooters with impressive levels of realism.

Toxik (Zoya Pomchenkova – Support)

Toxik's kit in Delta Force

Toxik focuses more on offensive tactics compared to Stinger. Instead of healing directly with gadgets, she reduces the time it takes for passive health regeneration to start for nearby squadmates. Toxik buffs teammates with her mini-UAVs to boost their weapon handling and reduce the effects of hit flinch while disrupting the enemy’s vision, hearing, and maximum health.

Toxik Kit Breakdown

Tactical Gear – Dragonfly Swarm System

Launches a wave of drones that give allies the Adrenaline buff while impairing the sight, hearing, and max health of enemies hit.

Trait – Swift Healing

Reduces the natural health regeneration delay of nearby squadmates in Warfare. Reduces consumable usage time in Operations.

Gadget 1 – Adreno Boost

Grants allies the Adrenaline buff, improving weapon handling and dampening incoming hit flinch. Allies who score kills or assists while Adreno Boost is active receive a stronger buff the next time.

Gadget 2 – Blinding Gas

Gas grenade that blinds enemies in range.

Toxik Tips

  • Always stick with your squadmates so they benefit from your passive ability.
  • Buff allies before engaging, and if they score any kills or assists, buff them again.
  • Dragonfly Swam can be devastating when used together with grenade launchers from teammates.
  • Bring healing gadgets.

Shepard (Terry Mursa – Engineer)

Shepard's Abilities in Delta Force

Shepard is a defensive operator who specializes in locking down areas with sonic devices. His main ability, Sonic Paralysis, suppresses all enemies hit to reduce their fire rate and movement, making him great for attacking or holding points. As an Engineer, Shepard also has access to anti-tank weapons for destroying vehicles and the Active Defense System, which is used to intercept incoming grenades.

Shepard Kit Breakdown

Tactical Gear – Sonic Paralysis

Send out a drone that supresses enemies over a 30m area, reducing their rate of fire and movement speed. Hold the button to deploy the drone in place.

Trait – Sonic Defense

Take reduced damage from explosions.

Gadget 1 – Sonic Trap

Place a sticky proximity mine that damages and slows enemies that approach it.

Gadget 2 – GE2 Frag Grenade

Throw an explosive grenade that’s effective against infantry.

Shepard Tips

  • Place Sonic Traps behind corners or above doorways.
  • If the enemy team is attacking you, deploy Sonic Paralysis in place so it releases more pulses.
  • You always come equipped with a Repair Tool in Warfare mode. Keep your vehicles alive.

Uluru (David Feller – Engineer)

Uluru's skills in Delta Force

Uluru is Shepard’s offensive counterpart. He specializes in taking out important targets with TV-guided missiles and creating hardpoints with deployable cover. Uluru is also equipped with incendiary grenades that can cut off choke points, and like Shepard, he has access to the powerful SCAR-H assault rifle for engaging enemies from close-medium ranges.

Uluru Kit Breakdown

Tactical Gear – Loitering Munition

Fire a TV-guided missile that splits into four smaller explosives on impact.

Trait – Battle Hardened

Passively gain greater resistance to slowing effects.

Gadget 1 – Quickset Cover

Throw a grenade that deploys a small concrete barrier.

Gadget 2 – Composite Incendiary

Throw a grenade that covers an area in

Uluru Tips

  • Loitering Munition is best used against groups of infantry.
  • Try to use Loitering Munition from the flanks, as enemies can shoot the missile down mid-flight.
  • Use Quickset Cover to block doorways.
  • If an enemy Uluru is blocking you with Quickset Cover, use Composite Incendiary to get rid of it immediately.

Luna (Luna Kim – Recon)

Luna's abilities in Delta Force

Luna’s kit bears a heavy resemblance to Sova from Valorant — she uses her bow to launch electric arrows that can deny ground as well as scanner arrows that let her entire team see enemies hiding behind smoke and solid cover. As part of the Recon class, Luna can place Respawn Beacons, allowing her and her squadmates to deploy closer to the frontline or behind enemy lines.

Luna Kit Breakdown

Tactical Gear – Detection Arrow

Fire an arrow that reveals all moving enemies in its range. Scans twice.

Trait – Enemy Analysis

Briefly reveal enemies you hit.

Gadget 1 – Volt Arrow

Fire an electric arrow that shocks all enemies near it. Can lightly damage vehicles.

Gadget 2 – GE2 Frag Grenade

Throw a grenade that’s effective against enemy infantry.

Luna Tips

  • On open maps, fire your Detection Arrow at the sky above the enemy.
  • Use Volt Arrow to flush enemies out of cover or to prevent them from rushing chokepoints.
  • When sniping, use the Ping button to mark enemy positions and reveal their approximate distance from you. Use this info to account for range drop-off and bullet drop.
  • Place Respawn Beacons in hard-to-see places, like near wreckages or inside foliage.

Hackclaw (Mai Xiaowen – Recon)

Hackclaw's kit in Delta Force

Hackclaw specializes in tracking, disruption, and stealth. She uses her Signal Decoder to reveal the general location of the three closest enemies to her, giving her increased situational awareness when skulking behind the enemy team. Additionally, she can use throwing knives to disable gadgets and a drone that emits blinding flashes of light, both of which are great for assaulting targets.

Hackclaw Kit Breakdown

Tactical Gear – Signal Decoder

Activate a scanner that leads you to the three closest enemies in your vicinity.

Trait – Silent Step

Your footsteps are quieter. You move faster while walking or crouching.

Gadget 1 – Flash Drone

Deploy a drone that flies forward while periodically emitting blinding flashes. The drone can be sent to follow Signal Decoder’s detected signals.

Gadget 2 – Data Knife

Throw a knife that disables enemy electronics within 10m of its point of impact. Deals significant damage to enemies when hit directly.

Hackclaw Tips

  • Hackclaw works best as a sneaky flanker with multiple engagement options.
  • Use Signal Decoder often, and pair it with Flash Drone against nearby enemies.
  • Deploy Flash Drone when emerging from smoke.
  • Data Knife is best used to disable drones, traps, beacons, and other electronic gadgets.

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