There’s a lot to do in Infinity Nikki, and aside from filling out your wardrobe, you’ll have your hands full with collecting resources and fighting off esselings. You’ll also have to face challenges and trials to become the best Stylist in Miraland.
Exploring Wishfield means encountering the Dream Warehouse behind Florawish. It’s a magical place that the Faewish sprites protect with fervor. We’ll show you how to get inside and find all the Whimstars and Dews of Inspiration so you can mark this dungeon off your to-do list with Nikki and Momo. Here’s how to fully explore the warehouse in Infinity Nikki!
The Dream Warehouse Entrance
When you enter the Dream Warehouse, there are wishes everywhere in the shape of cranes and stored boxes. You’ll need to reach the center of the room, then leap across the giant paper cranes to reach the back window and move further into the warehouse.
The giant cranes will tip in the direction you distribute your weight, so use that to create a ramp!
Before you do, you’ll want to search the room for Whimstars and Dews of Inspiration. Below are their locations, so you can grab them all:
- Eastern balcony. There are two Dews of Inspiration at the back of the balcony to the right of the entrance.
- Western balcony. There are two Dews of Inspiration at the back of the balcony to the left of the entrance.
- Back shelves. There are two Dews of Inspiration above the shelves in the back of the reception hall.
- Above the eastern balcony. Above the dews are a couple of giant cranes. Take them up to find a Whimstar.
The Dream Warehouse Reception Room Back Window
Within the next section of the warehouse, you’ll use a series of escalators and giant cranes to cross the broken pathways. There are also esselings in the warehouse that you’ll have to deal with.
There are no collectibles in the middle section of this area, but the surrounding walls will start to collapse. Watch your step!
There are also more Dews of Inspiration for you to find here. To grab everything, here’s the best order to go in:
- Above the second escalator. After taking the trip down further into the warehouse, head to the east and take the hidden escalator here to the top. You’ll find esselings and two Dews of Inspiration.
- In the ruined building. From the top of the second escalator, take the giant paper crane into the broken building to collect a Whimstar.
- Below the cranes. Continue across the broken platforms, then drop to the level below the two cranes. You’ll find two Dews of Inspiration down here.
- After the Corner. Drop into the ruined building before the last stretch of the shelving to find two Dews of Inspiration.
- In the tower. Take the giant cranes winding around the tower to the left all the way to the top to find a Whimstar and two Dews of Inspiration off to the side.
- Under the stairs. While crossing the chasm, drop behind the last staircases to find two Dews of Inspirations.
The Paper Crane Warehouse
In the last searchable portion of the Dream Warehouse, before reaching the original structure filled with Faewish sprites, you’ll be navigating the shelves again.
The way out is just like before, as you’ll need to ascend on the giant paper cranes to reach the top of the room.
Here’s where to find all the Dews of Inspiration within the Paper Crane Warehouse before you leave the area:
- Between the cases to the left. There are two located on the short set of stairs between the first set of bookcases on the left.
- Second floor on the right. Two more can be found on the second floor, along the shelves close to the entrance.
- At the top of the shelves on the right. Head to the front-most set of shelves on the right to spot two more Dews hovering on the high shelves.
- Among the paper cranes. At the top of the room, in the next chamber, you’ll find these Dews in the back corner, mixed with the hanging paper cranes.
- Atop the crane display. In the same area, on the opposite side of the room, you’ll find the last two dews atop the case.
When you’re ready, head through the open archway to the original warehouse. Here, you’ll step right onto the original paper crane and get a scenic view of the warehouse.

Infinity Nikki: Complete Florawish Factions Guide
To stop the Ebony Scissors, you’ll need to defeat the Sovereign.
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