Key Takeaways
- Togashi’s health issues, especially chronic back pain, cause irregular publishing of Hunter x Hunter.
- Togashi recently underwent surgery, finished new chapters, and hired assistants to help with serialization.
- Hunter x Hunter returned from hiatus with weekly chapters since October 2024.
Recently, Togashi gave some updates regarding Hunter x Hunter and his health in general. Hunter x Hunter has been running on Shueisha’s Shonen Jump since 1998, and the story has been compiled into 38 volumes so far.
Despite Shonen Jump being a weekly magazine, it’s been a few years that Hunter x Hunter has had an irregular publishing schedule. This is mostly due to creator Yoshihiro Togashi‘s health problems, especially regarding chronic back pain, that makes it hard for him to draw new chapters.
Hunter X Hunter: Togashi Reveals The Rarity of Each Nen Type
Nen is the power system of HxH. With six types of nen auras, Togashi reveals how common or rare each type is among the HxH population.
Anyway, he posted on his social media that he finished the name (as the original manuscript of a manga chapter is called) of two new chapters. He also stated that he went through medical surgery with local anesthesia and that the experience was valuable (apparently, the doctors explained to him what they were doing while they were doing it, since he was awake): Togashi didn’t explain what the surgery was for:
Here’s the translation:
Finished two chapters.
I had surgery. Local anesthesia.
It was for medical treatment reasons, so they explained everything.
It was great to learn it.
So I think it was a valuable experience.
Thank you very much.
Hunter x Hunter Latest Chapters
The latest Hunter x Hunter chapters were published this year. Chapter 400 was published in 2022, then the series went into hiatus once again. On October 7, 2024, chapter 401 was finally published, and now the series is getting weekly chapters since then (the latest one is chapter 408, published on November 25).
Generally, the chapters are published in “blocks”. Togashi prepares and then serializes around 10 chapters (the average number of chapters in a Hunter x Hunter volume) and then starts a new hiatus to prepare more chapters. It is not confirmed if the series will follow this pattern once again, but he has been working on chapters lately.
Togashi’s Back Pain and Health
Togashi has suffered from chronic back pain for a long time. This pain sometimes reaches a peak (“crisis”) in which he cannot do routine tasks. A few years ago, he even commented on Shonen Jump that he had trouble getting out of bed and going to the bathroom, and sometimes it’s such a hard pain he needs to call an ambulance.
It is not uncommon for mangaka to have pain in their backs and in their hands, so it is likely this problem came or was aggravated due to Togashi’s work routine. Since the pain is so hard, he cannot do trivial things, he also stops drawing manga during these hard times. Also, for a long time, Togashi didn’t have assistants (because he’d rather do all the job himself) but he recently hired a few of them to help him with Hunter x Hunter serialization.
Hunter x Hunter
manga and the
Hunter x Hunter
anime 2011 reboot are licensed in the US by Viz Media.
Em 2016
, ele deixou comentários bem claros na
Shonen Jump
, demonstrando a gravidade de sua situação de saúde, e as dificuldades de sua rotina diária, necessitando de ajuda para tudo.É por conta dessas dores que
Hunter x Hunter
, obra iniciada em 1998, conta com irregularidade em sua publicação, que chega a somar intervalos de anos sem um novo capítulo. A rotina extremamente exaustiva da profissão é exposta em diversos casos de dores crônicas, comuns entre desenhistas do meio.Olá, caso você esteja usando este texto para o seu site/conteúdo, lembre-se de nos mandar um salve. Como somos independentes, todo tipo de reconhecimento é muito bem-vindo. Muito obrigado!
–Equipe JBox
Source: Official Togashi Account on X (Formerly Twitter)

Hunter x Hunter
- Release Date
- October 2, 2011
- Studio
- Madhouse
- Creator
- Yoshihiro Togashi
- MyAnimeList Score
- 9.03
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