The Strongest Elder Dragons In Monster Hunter, Ranked According To Lore

The Strongest Elder Dragons In Monster Hunter, Ranked According To Lore

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Key Takeaways

  • Known for its elemental versatility and unstable nature, Alatreon is an immensely challenging and powerful Elder Dragon.
  • Fatalis, in all its forms, is a Dangerous First-Class Monster with incredible control over elements and unprecedented strength.
  • Disufiroa, the Frozen Seraphim Dragon, is the most dangerous Elder Dragon, capable of bringing about the World’s End with its specialized element.

The Monster Hunter franchise has introduced a strikingly vast assortment of creatures for hunters to face. Over two hundred different monsters exist in this fantastical world, and each is defined by their distinct traits and backgrounds. There are nineteen categories that monsters can fall into, each of them boasting unique features and abilities. Of the various classes, the most powerful and impactful group is the renowned elder dragons.

Monster Hunter Game Tier List

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak only recently came to all systems, but Capcom’s flagship action series has a long history of groundbreaking titles.

Elder dragons are not defined by their appearance, but instead by the immense power and influence they hold. These ancient creatures possess incomprehensible abilities capable of enacting widespread destruction and chaos. Their legendary status within the world sets them apart from common monsters, with some being revered as gods. Every one of these creatures is a formidable foe, but a select few stand above the rest.

Updated December 6, 2024 by Blaise Santi: Fighting an Elder Dragon in any Monster Hunter game is no easy task. These hunts, more than others, take preparation and focus from every hunter in a given party. Even experienced veteran hunters feel a lot of pressure to complete these quests as best as they can.

As players examine these additional Elder Dragons that the in-game lore specifies as especially powerful, take a look at what weapon elements should be prioritized in facing off against them to make sure you’re not the party member dragging the rest of your team back to the Quest Hub with their tails between their legs.

20 Dah’ren Mohran

Huge Mountain Dragon

Dah'ren Mohran jumping over a ship in a desert

Related Monsters

Jhen Mohran, Hallowed Jhen Mohran

Elements/Status Ailments



Thunder, Dragon

First Appearance

Monster Hunter 4

The Dah’ren Mohran is surprisingly not the first of its kind in the Monster Hunter franchise. The third generation games introduced the Jhen Mohran, a massive, serpentine dragon that burrows through deserts like a killer whale. However, it was certainly elevated for Monster Hunter 4 by introducing its cousin, the Dah’ren Mohran, who sports a single drill-like horn and much tougher skin.

Given its better durability compared to its third-generation predecessor, the Dah’ren Mohran makes for a much bigger threat to villages and traveling ships alike. It even makes a cameo in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, in which it’s swiftly defeated by Hulk and Ryu in a cutscene, which probably can’t be said the same for any of the other Elder Dragons.

19 Gogmazios

Giant Halberd Dragon

Gogmazios shooting fire from its mouth

Related Monsters


Elements/Status Ailments

Fireblight, Tarred


Dragon, Fire

First Appearance

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

If there’s anything that indicates how dangerous the Gogmazios is, just get a look at the Dragonator lodged in its back. This sticky Elder Dragon isn’t any weaker with the devastating weapon stuck inside it, plaguing measly hunters with a fiery laser beam and coating them in tar that will render players unable to move.

As if that’s not enough to put the spooks in any hunter facing off against it, the Gogmazios can also fly, despite its massive size. Compared to weaker Elder Dragons in the franchise, the Gogmazios is quite the survivor, so hopefully, hunters are prepared to defend against its unique attacks.

18 Ahtal-Ka

Pavilion Mantis

Ahtal-Ka in its normal, insect-like form in Generations Ultimate

Related Monsters


Elements/Status Ailments



Thunder, Water

First Appearance

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

Technically speaking, the Ahtal-Ka is not an Elder Dragon. However, this Neopteron is as climactic of a fight as any other final boss in the Monster Hunter franchise, mainly because it tends to masquerade as an Elder Dragon-esque monster. The monster has assembled a wyvern-like war machine, the Ahtal-Neset, from scrap metal and debris, puppeteering it against hunters.

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Given this monster’s canonical cunning and strategic mind, it is said that it can level entire towns and fortresses by piloting the Ahtal-Neset. For players to even get a chance to battle the Ahtal-Ka, they’re going to have to get through this Trojan Horse of a fake Elder Dragon.

17 Valstrax

Sky Comet Dragon

Crimson Glow Valstrax flying in mid-air with its wings glowing red

Related Monsters

Crimson Glow Valstrax

Elements/Status Ailments



Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice

First Appearance

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

It’s quite an achievement to be the most cinematic of all the Elder Dragons. Valstrax made its first appearance in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, where it is mistaken for a shooting star rather than an actual monster. However, it is known to be quite aggressive towards its enemies, using its wings to not only pierce its enemies but to blast them with a fiery glow.

Valstrax’s subsequent appearance in the series, however, is as the Crimson Glow Valstrax in Monster Hunter Rise, which is even more aggressive than its original form. What’s especially dangerous about this variant of the Valstrax is how it can spot its prey from high into the atmosphere before swooping down to attack, appearing as is from nowhere.

16 Amatsu

Wind Dragon God

Amatsu in Monster Hunter Rise

Related Monsters


Elements/Status Ailments

Waterblight, Thunderblight


Dragon, Fire

First Appearance

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

The Storm Dragon, Amatsu, is an Elder Dragon capable of manipulating the weather to fashion intense storms that cause devastating destruction at Amatsu’s location. Wherever Amatsu appears, a trail of cyclones and gales is left to tread the destroyed lands Amatsu has inhabited, leaving a world-shaking impact on the ecosystem.

Upon trespassing into its territory, Amatsu is quick to confront and despatch any intruders, whether Guilds or monsters. Amatsu’s abilities often grow stronger the more damage is taken, leading to destructive lightning being harnessed to defeat opposing forces.

15 Teostra

Emperor Of Flame

Monster Hunter Teostra

Related Monsters

Lunastra, Toa Tesukatora

Elements/Status Ailments

Fireblight, Blastblight


Dragon, Water, Ice

First Appearance

Monster Hunter 2

The Flame King Dragon, Teostra, is a fiery Elder Dragon with a notably short temperament. Teostra is a powerful and territorial beast with a remarkable affinity for Fire, and as of the fourth generation games, has the explosive power of Blast as well. Anything that embarks upon its domain will be seen as a challenger, and will thus meet the Elder Dragon’s vicious fury.

While Teostra’s flames and physical prowess are imposing, its most deadly trait is its anger. Teostra’s short temper often leads it to rampage, attacking anything within its path. Because of this, Guilds often make note of Teostra’s location and attitude, so they may intervene, should it endanger ecosystems or cities.

14 Nakarkos

Corpse Dragon

Monster Hunter Nakarkos

Related Monsters


Elements/Status Ailments

Mucus, Boned, Fireblight, Blastblight, Dragonblight, Thunderblight, Paralysis


Dragon, Fire

First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter Generations

Introduced in Monster Hunter Generations, Nakarkos is a voracious Elder Dragon with a ghastly appearance, resembling some sort of squid than an actual dragon. Nakarkos’ sticky mucus offers it great offensive and defensive capabilities. In its natural habitat, Nakarkos becomes a near-indisputable apex predator that will indiscriminately attack any on its turf.

Nakarkos’ adhesive mucus and gluttonous appetite make it a considerable threat. When Nakarkos settles, it annihilates every living thing within its vicinity. It then begins amassing the corpses of its kills, using them to build a nest or create makeshift armor. The negative effect Nakarkos can have on an ecosystem is catastrophic.

13 Nergigante

Extinction Dragon

Monster Hunter Nergigante

Related Monsters

Ruiner Nergigante

Elements/Status Ailments




First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter World

Nergigante, the mascot monster for Monster Hunter World, is unyielding and has a taste for others of its class. It is a brutal creature that will continue fighting even at the cost of its own bodily safety. Regardless of its limits, the agile and massively strong Nergigante will hunt down and feed on other Elder Dragons, leaving destruction in its wake.

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While Nergigante is lacking in elemental ability, its physical strength and endurance make it an unprecedented threat. Its mindless aggression will cause it to attack anything, regardless of its intent or any danger it poses. This spells disaster for any ecosystem that Nergigante inhabits, as anything and everything within is deemed prey.

12 Lao-Shan Lung

Moving Sacred Mountain

Monster Hunter Lao Shan Lung

Related Monsters

Ashen Lao-Shan Lung, Zorah Magdaros

Elements/Status Ailments




First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter

The Old Mountain Dragon, Lao-Shan Lung, has a knack for trampling everything it comes across. Lao-Shan Lung’s gigantic size and power make it a nearly unstoppable creature. In its wake, this Elder Dragon can decimate villages, devastate cities, and ruin fortresses with remarkable ease.

Lao-Shan Lung’s immense bulk and destructive tendencies make it an imposing threat. Almost anything that crosses Lao-Shan Lung’s path will be left in a near-irreparable state. The devastation that it inflicts is comparable to that of a natural disaster. It makes for a climactic fight in the very first Monster Hunter game, even though there have been many more powerful Elder Dragons since.

11 Shara Ishvalda

The Old Everwyrm MHW ICE Shara Ishvalda

Related Monsters


Elements/Status Ailments




First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

Shara Ishvalda, the Earth Singing Dragon, is an earth-shattering behemoth with two differing but menacing iterations. Shara Ishvalda’s first form is depicted as a blanket of earth, featuring wings reminiscent of roots from the ground. In its second form, Shara Ishvalda unshackles from its rocky manifestation, revealing a hellish figure with beady eyes that hold a sinister gaze at foes.

In combat, Shara Ishvalda can mold and utilize earth, with the ground being reconstructed to its will using vibrations emitted directly from the monster. Despite lacking vision, Shara Ishvalda utilizes its sensory organs to make sense of its surroundings, making the monster agonizingly tough to battle in its domain.

10 Zorah Magdaros

Scorching Mountain Dragon

Monster Hunter Zorah Magdaros

Related Monsters

Lao-Shan Lung

Elements/Status Ailments

Fireblight, Stun


Water, Dragon

First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter World

The Zorah Magdaros is a colossal Elder Dragon whose motives are ambiguous to all, making dealing with it the center of the narrative of Monster Hunter World. Zorah Magdaros is essentially a walking volcano that ruins everything in its path. While this dragon is not openly hostile, simply treading near it will result in a great deal of chaos and destruction.

Zorah Magdaros’ colossal size alone is enough to cause cataclysmic damage in its wake. Additionally, the magma within its body can rain down, causing significant harm to all around it. Although Zorah Magdaros’ intentions are unknown and its behavior is mostly docile, the Guilds recognize it as a prominent threat.

9 Shagaru Magala

Heavenly Revolving Dragon


Related Monsters

Gore Magala, Chaotic Gore Magala

Elements/Status Ailments

Frenzy Virus


Dragon, Fire, Ice

First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter 4

Referred to with the divine nickname “Heaven’s Wheel,” this oddly beautiful yet ferocious Elder Dragon holds a sinister power. Shagaru Magala is the adult form of the already-vicious Gore Magala, and as such, is a far more formidable threat. While Shagaru Magala is a capable fighter, its deadliest quality is the Frenzy Virus it carries.

6 Weapon Types That Need Reworks in Monster Hunter Wilds

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Shagaru Magala can afflict this horrendous disease upon other creatures through its wings and breath. The Frenzy Virus causes monsters to become mindlessly aggressive and nullifies a person’s natural healing capabilities. With this disease, Shagaru Magala can easily ruin an ecosystem, and inspire destruction elsewhere.

8 Safi’jiiva

Red Dragon

Safi'jiiva in Monster Hunter World

Related Monsters


Elements/Status Ailments



Fire, Ice, Water, Thunder, Dragon

First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

Known simply as the Red Dragon, Safi’jiiva, possesses otherworldly capabilities. Like the Shagaru Magala, it is the adult form of Xeno’jiiva and, as such, holds far better control of its fire-like power. While Safi’jiiva is a powerful adversary, its ability to drain energy from the surrounding land is far more destructive than anything else it can do.

Safi’jiiva absorbs energy from its environment to heal itself and bolster its power. This not only kills surrounding wildlife but empowers Safi’jiiva as well. The power that this dragon attains fuels energy attacks capable of leveling forests.

7 Dalamadur

Serpent King Dragon

Monster Hunter Dalamadur

Related Monsters

Shah Dalamadur

Elements/Status Ailments




First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter 4

The Serpent King Dragon, Dalamadur, is a serpentine Elder Dragon and the largest of its class. Dalamadur’s phenomenal size and hook-like spines allow it to easily burrow through the earth. According to legend, it can level mountains simply by twitching. While this is likely a glorified tale, it is true that Dalamadur can easily burrow underground and forever change the landscape above.

Dalamadur’s digging can cause a great deal of damage to the area under which it traverses. This tunneling is believed to cause the ground to shift and mountains to shake. While this alone is damaging enough, Dalamudar also utilizes a blazing blue fire against anything it may encounter.

6 Merphistophelin

Barren Disaster Dragon

Monster Hunter Merphistophelin artwork

Related Monsters

Elemental Merphistophelin

Elements/Status Ailments

Fireblight, Dragon, Stun


Water, Thunder, Fire, Ice

First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter Online

The sinister-looking Merphistophelin, classified as a Dangerous First-Class Monster, made only one appearance in the series’ underrated Monster Hunter Online. Merphistophelin possesses mastery over the elements of Fire and Dragon, but it is known to utilize others as well. Should Merphistophelin succumb to its anger, it will decimate everything in its path.

Merphistophelin’s control over various elements through different form changes makes it a difficult creature to fight against. No matter what precautions a Guild may take, nearly nothing can hinder Mephistophelin’s assault. This elemental versatility is Merphistophelin’s greatest weapon and makes it capable of inflicting widespread devastation.

5 Dire Miralis

Smelting Black Dragon

Monster Hunter Dire Miralis (1)

Related Monsters

Fatalis, Crimson Fatalis, White Fatalis

Elements/Status Ailments



Dragon, Ice

First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

While the Dire Miralis may share more similarities with a volcano than an Elder Dragon, its design has a lot in common with Zorah Magdaros, albeit the destruction caused by the Dire Miralis is much more intentional. That’s likely why it is classified as a Dangerous First-Class Monster. Dire Miralis can launch the magma within its body to cause widespread devastation, similar to that of an erupting volcano.

5 Weapons Monster Hunter World 2 Needs to Keep

There’s no telling what will change or stay once the next mainline Monster Hunter arrives, but certain weapons can’t be left behind.

Dire Miralis’ massive size and destructive use of magma make it a walking disaster. Moreover, its short temper and tendency to overheat only further this monster’s cataclysmic capabilities far more than Elder Dragons like it. Plus, its magma becomes a kind of armor protecting the Dire Miralis from attacks, which makes underwater fights that much harder.

4 Alatreon

Symbol Of Destruction

capcom elder dragon fourth title update

Related Monsters


Elements/Status Ailments

Dragonblight, Fireblight, Iceblight, Thunderblight, Waterblight


Ice, Water, Fire, Dragon

First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter 3

The Blazing Black Dragon, Alatreon, is an elementally versatile yet immensely unstable Elder Dragon that is classified as a Dangerous First-Class Monster. Alatreon boasts the ability to use every element; however, its instability prevents complete mastery. As a result, Alatreon can unknowingly cause drastic weather changes and consequently inspire natural disasters.

Alatreon is very territorial, which may explain the lack of creatures wherever it resides. Any that enter this dragon’s habitat will be exposed to a flurry of elemental attacks of cataclysmic proportions.

3 Fatalis

The Dark Demise

A Split Image Of Fatalis' Forms

Related Monsters

Crimson Fatalis, White Fatalis, Dire Miralis

Elements/Status Ailments

Fireblight, Dragonblight, Bleeding, Blastblight


Dragon, Fire

First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter

The Black Dragon Fatalis comes in many forms, each of which is considered to be a Dangerous First-Class Monster. Fatalis holds incredible control over its respective elements and boasts unprecedented strength. According to legend, this dragon has destroyed entire civilizations and is widely believed to bring the world to an end.

Fatalis is highly aggressive towards all living things, especially humans, whom it seems to have a vendetta against. Many creatures, including other Elder Dragons, fear Fatalis for its violent tendencies, as it may very well bring about an apocalypse. While many of Fatalis’ capabilities are unknown, it can, without a doubt, annihilate ecosystems and, if fables hold true, kingdoms as well.

2 Shantien

Heavenly Flying Dragon

Monster Hunter Shantien

Related Monsters


Elements/Status Ailments

Tenshou, Paralysis


Ice, Dragon

First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter Frontier G1

Shantien, or Xiang Tien, looks upon all others with a haughty disdain. This arrogance is not without reason, as Shantien can dispatch airships and alter the world with relative ease. Using its unique element Tenshou, Shantien can make short work of any that dare to oppose it. Its astounding abilities are only matched by the most powerful Elder Dragon in existence.

Shantien’s use of Tenshou can cause widespread destruction to the surrounding environment. This, in conjunction with Shantien’s remarkable speed and strength, makes it a near-insurmountable threat. Fights with Shantien often involve a great deal of destruction, similar to natural disasters such as hurricanes. Thankfully, while Shantien is capable of widespread devastation, it often remains in the skies far away from anything it can destroy.

1 Disufiroa

Frozen Seraphim Dragon

Monster Hunter Disufiroa

Related Monsters


Elements/Status Ailments

Frozen Seraphim


Fire, Water, Thunder, Dragon

First Appearance

​​​​​​​Monster Hunter Frontier G2

​​​​​​​The Frozen Seraphim Dragon, Disufiroa, is the most dangerous Elder Dragon in existence and the apex of Dangerous First-Class Monsters. This legendary beast can bring the world around it into disarray simply with its presence, as it holds extraordinary control over its specialized element known as Frozen Seraphim. Disufiroa’s power is unmatched, and the only one capable of testing its strength is Shantien.

Frozen Seraphim can cause devastation well beyond a natural disaster. Disufiroa utilizes this powerful element for a variety of devastating attacks that forever alter the surrounding land. This disastrous beast is believed to be the sole cause of the World’s End, an inhospitable land where only it resides. If this is true, then Disufiroa is more than capable of ending the world should it so desire.

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