How To Put Out The Blue And Green Fires In Disney Dreamlight Valley

How To Put Out The Blue And Green Fires In Disney Dreamlight Valley

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In Disney Dreamlight Valley, you can decorate a variety of biomes to your heart’s content. Every villager you meet presents a new opportunity to design a home or biome based around them. Eventually, though, you’ll start to run out of room.


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Hades’ hubris knows no bounds.

Thankfully, the Storybook Vale offers expansive biomes for you to unlock, and each one leads you closer to solving the mystery of what happened to Princess Aurora in the aftermath of Maleficent and Hades’ fallout. We’ll help you find the next Mythic Trial in Mythopia so you can complete it and reach Mount Olympus with the Lord of the Underworld.

Where To Find The Fiery Plains Mythic Trial

Before you can find the Trial site, you’ll have to unlock the western region of Mythopia: the Fiery Plains. It will cost you 5,000 Story Magic to unlock, so complete your duties and collect the rewards so you have enough to open up more of Hades’ domain.

Once you’re inside, head up the hill just past the river to find the Trial site, but it’s blocked by blue and green flames. Take a photo of the fires, then take it to Hades.

He tells you that the fires appeared after he started arguing with Maleficent, but he doesn’t know how to put them out. However, the Lorekeeper might!

How To Reorder The Aurora And The Sacred Spring Story

When you talk to the Lorekeeper, you’ll learn that you need to catch the right Snippets to restore the story of the Sacred Spring, which would allow you to upgrade your watering can and put out the fires.

Collect the following Snippets:

  • Ten Red Bird Snippets from the Library of Lore.
  • Five Pink Demon Snippets from Mythopia.
  • Two Blue Demon Snippets from the Fiery Plains.

Once you have them, return to the Lorekeeper and unlock the story titled ‘Aurora and the Sacred Spring.’ With the puzzle in front of you, start by piecing together the corners, then the border, then fill in the middle parts.

Once you have the story, you can go find the Sacred Spring based on the picture!

How To Craft The Watering Can Potion

Based on the picture from the story, head to the Elysian Fields and search by the pond for the massive green tangle of brambles. Interact with it to have them withdraw and reveal the Sacred Spring.

Collect a vial of the water among the offerings by interacting with the spring, then return to Hades. He’ll tell you how to craft the potion for your watering can using the following materials:

  • Vial of Sacred Water
  • Three Magma
  • Five Crimson Eternal Poppies
  • Two Hippocampus Fish

Once you craft the potion, consume it and head back into the Fiery Plains. Use your Royal Watering Can to douse the flames, then use your net to activate the spinning wheel and access the Fiery Plains Mythic Trial!


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