Dragon Ball Characters Who Have Defeated The Most Saiyans

Dragon Ball Characters Who Have Defeated The Most Saiyans

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Key Takeaways

  • Characters like Piccolo and Android 18 have defeated Saiyans despite not being the most powerful.
  • Frieza stands out with the most wins against Saiyans due to genociding the Saiyan race.
  • Powerful characters like Beerus and Jiren have also managed to defeat multiple Saiyans, showcasing their strength.

The Saiyans are the most popular race of characters in the Dragon Ball series. While this mainly comes down to Goku, the main protagonist being a Saiyan, it’s also because the late Akira Toriyama, the series creator, has gone to great lengths to etch out the lore about Saiyans. They’re a powerful race of warriors who have an insatiable thirst for battle and have limitless combat potential. However, this doesn’t necessarily make them insurmountable or undefeatable.

Dragon Ball: 8 Weakest Saiyan Characters, Ranked

Saiyans like Goku and Broly set the bar really high, but not every member of the Saiyan race are super-powerful, such as these weaker members.

Throughout the Dragon Ball series, there are quite a few characters who have defeated Saiyans. In fact, there are characters who have defeated multiple saiyans, including Goku, in combat. The characters who have the most wins against Saiyans are either incredibly powerful, have access to impressive combat abilities and tactfulness, or both.

10 Piccolo

A Double Kill on Saiyan Brothers

Piccolo charges his Special Beam Cannon to attack Raditz while Goku holds him in place in Dragon Ball Z (1989 - 1996))

Dragon Ball Z

Release Date
April 26, 1989

Number of Episodes


Piccolo may not be among the strongest characters now, but he does have two wins against Saiyans to his name. He’s no slouch either, because he was the strongest character among the Z fighters at multiple points during the events of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. The caveat is that both his wins against Saiyans came right at the beginning of Dragon Ball Z – in the same fight, in fact.

When Goku and Piccolo are fighting Goku’s brother Raditz, they run out of options and have to resort to Goku holding Raditz in a full nelson while Piccolo fires a charged special beam cannon at the Saiyan brothers. The attack drills through both Raditz and Goku’s bodies, killing them both.

9 Recoome

The Ginyu Force Warrior

Recoome anticipating his battle against Vegeta during the Namek saga in Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996)

  • Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996)

Another unexpected character who has wins against two Saiyans is Recoome. Recoome is a member of the Ginyu Force, a powerful squad in Frieza’s army summoned to planet Namek to deal with the threat posed by Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin and recover the Dragon Balls Vegeta stole.

Despite Vegeta’s multiple Zenkai boosts on Namek, the Saiyan prince is no match for Recoome, who comfortably tanks all of his attacks and handily defeats him. He’s about to finish Vegeta off until Krillin and Gohan rescue him and face Recoome themselves. Recoome comfortably defeats Krillin and then Gohan, his second Saiyan victim.

8 Broly

The Legendary Super Saiyan

Broly powers up in his Super Saiyan Berserk state against Gogeta in Dragon Ball Super: Broly (2018)

Dragon Ball Super: Broly

Release Date
December 14, 2018

Tatsuya Nagamine

Toei Animation

Broly made his debut in the film Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan, in which he single-handedly defeated four Super Saiyans in the form of Goku, Gohan, Future Trunks, and Vegeta. However, Akira Toriyama has since retconned him into the canonical Dragon Ball universe with the film Dragon Ball Super: Broly in 2018.

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These are some of the best cinematic fights in the Dragon Ball franchise.

In this film, he comfortably defeats Goku, Vegeta, and Golden Frieza before Goku and Vegeta perform a fusion dance and become Gogeta to finally defeat the powerful Saiyan. So, while the non-canonical variant of Broly would have defeated more Saiyans, the canonical one only has victories against two Saiyans: Goku and Vegeta.

7 Vegeta

The Only Saiyan to Defeat Goku

Vegeta fires his Gallick Gun attack on Goku during his battle against Goku in the Saiyan Saga in Dragon Ball Z (1989 - 1996)

  • Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996)

Vegeta was an absolute menace when he first made his appearance in Dragon Ball Z during the Saiyan saga. After he kills Nappa for failing him and losing to Goku, he battles Goku in a mountain range away from civilization. It is seemingly a stalemate, with Goku’s Kaioken technique evening the odds until Vegeta becomes the Great Ape. In this form, he cripples Goku and later defeats Gohan, even in his Great Ape form.

He does get a couple of wins against Goku later in the series (one as Majin Vegeta, where Goku is holding back his Super Saiyan 3 transformation, and one in the Dragon Ball Super Manga), but they’re against a Saiyan he has defeated before. So, Vegeta has defeated two Saiyans: Goku and Gohan.

6 Cell

A Winning Streak Against Super Saiyans

Perfect Cell turns to face Future Trunks after defeating Vegeta during the Cell Saga in Dragon Ball Z

  • Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996)

Cell was a complete menace and the main villain in Dragon Ball Z’s Cell Saga. In his semi-perfect form wherein he has absorbed Android 17 but is yet to absorb Android 18, Vegeta handily defeats him after training in the ROSAT with Future Trunks.

Vegeta allows him to absorb Android 18, believing it would be a better fight. In his perfect form, neither Vegeta nor Future Trunks are a match for him, and Goku goes on to lose against him in the Cell Games. This gives Cell victory over three Saiyans: Vegeta, Future Trunks, and Goku. Ultimately, he loses to Gohan.

5 Android 18

Because Super Saiyans Aren’t Strong Enough

Android 18 breaks Vegeta's arm in Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996) during the Android Saga

  • Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996)

This might come as something of a surprise, but Android 18 has defeated more Saiyans than Cell, Broly, or Vegeta. Vegeta, who is fresh from achieving his Super Saiyan form, challenges her to a fight. She defeats him by breaking both of his hands. Future Trunks intervenes, trying to save him, but he’s instantly defeated as well.

Dragon Ball Z: 10 Best Android Fights, Ranked

The Androids are at the core of the Cell arc, participating in some of the most violent fights in Dragon Ball Z.

Just before the Buu saga, Android 18 participates in the Tournament of Power. She advances to the semi-finals where she faces an opponent called Mighty Mask, who is actually Trunks and Goten in a cloak. She defeats the two young Saiyans by exposing them as children participating in the adult category. So, Android 18 has victories against four Saiyans: Vegeta, Future Trunks, Goten and Kid Trunks.

4 Buu

Defeated Every Saiyan Alive

Super Buu prepares to fight Ultimate Gohan, having absorbed Gotenks and Piccolo during the Buu saga in Dragon Ball Z (1989 - 1996)

  • Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996)

Buu is the next big villain after Cell, and he ups the ante on the Saiyans as well. As Fat Buu, he initially faces Goku in his Super Saiyan 3 form. But Goku is only stalling here, so it isn’t a proper fight. He also defeats Vegeta, whose sacrifice as a Super Saiyan 2 is still not enough to defeat him. He later turns into Super Buu, and in this form, he defeats Gotenks, technically by absorbing him, and then defeats Gohan in his Ultimate Form. In his Kid Buu form, he goes on to defeat Vegeta again.

So, Buu has victories against every Saiyan except for Goku, giving him wins against four Saiyans: Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks and Goten. Needless to say, he’d have a victory against a Super Saiyan 3 Goku as well, had Goku not found Vegeta to fuse into Vegito, making Buu’s victories a lot more menacing.

3 Jiren

A Mortal Stronger Than a God

Jiren punches Goku in the gut during the Tournament of Power in Dragon Ball Super (2015-2024)

Dragon Ball Super

Release Date
July 5, 2015

Number of Episodes


Probably the second-strongest character discussed so far, Jiren is an opponent that the Z fighters face during the Tournament of Power arc in Dragon Ball Super. He’s a member of the team from Universe 11 during the Tournament of Power and is considered a mortal who is even stronger than the God of Destruction in his universe.

During the Tournament of Power, he goes on to defeat Goku (multiple times), Vegeta, and Kefla (who is Kale and Caulifla fused with Potara Earrings). This gives him victories against four Saiyans, although two of them are from a different universe to Goku and Vegeta.

2 Beerus

The God of Destruction Has No Equal

Beerus is completely unfazed by a Super Saiyan 3 Goku on King Kai's planet in Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods (2013)

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods

Release Date
March 30, 2013

Masahiro Hosoda

Toei Animation

Simply put, Beerus is the strongest Dragon Ball character who has been discussed so far. As the God of Destruction of the Z Fighters’ universe, he was all set to destroy the Earth but holds himself back, believing he would face the “Saiyan God” as a result. In an effort to find and fight said Saiyan God, he ends up defeating every Saiyan on Earth, as well as Goku in his Super Saiyan 3 form on King Kai’s planet.

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This gives Beerus victories over Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks in the film Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods. Beerus can comfortably go on defeating Saiyans for days on end.

1 Frieza

By Genociding the Saiyan Race

Frieza wipes out the Saiyan race by destroying planet Vegeta in Dragon Ball Super: Broly (2018)

  • Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996), Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F (2015), Dragon Ball Super (2015-2018), Dragon Ball Super: Broly (2018)

It may be surprising to see Frieza here, because his presence indicates that he has defeated more Saiyans than even Beerus. But there’s a reason for this. In addition to defeating Vegeta and Gohan on Namek, he defeated Goku in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F. He also defeats Cabba, the Saiyan warrior from Universe 6 in the Tournament of Power Arc in Dragon Ball Super.

He single-handedly wipes out the Saiyan race by destroying Planet Vegeta before the events of the Dragon Ball series. This gives Frieza the most wins against Saiyans across the Dragon Ball series.

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