All String Light Locations In Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island

All String Light Locations In Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island

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There’s a lot to get done in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island, including befriending the forgotten gods struck with amnesia. Each of them has a unique personality and role to play on the island, and only you can bring them all back together again.


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The dynamic duo of Zeus and Hera are not to be trifled with. They rule over the rest of the gods on the island and throw elaborate parties to celebrate the joy of being alive, but lately they’ve been quiet. It’s up to you to bring the party back to the island and ignite the lights that shimmer across the temple.

How To Unlock Zeus And Hera

Zeus and Hera standing in the atrium above the island.

To meet Zeus and Hera, you’ll need to enter the temple after obtaining a seal from Hermes, messenger of the gods. Head up the staircases to the north and proceed through the atrium to meet the king and queen of the Greek gods.

Once you’re there, you’ll realize they have the same affliction that Hermes had. They’ve lost their memories and their precious mementos of the past. You’ll need to complete a favor for them and find their treasures.

Zeus And Hera Friendship Level One

Zeus and Hera request that you power up the various string lights around the island using Zeus’ lightning bolt. Take it and try it out on the statues marked with a lightning bolt. There’s one to the east of the dining table in their midst.

Open your map and search for the lightning bolt icons to see where more lights are!

You’ll only need to power up four at first, then return to Zeus to find out more about their mementos. You’ll need the following ones to reach the first friendship rank with this dynamic duo:

Make sure to pick up Zeus and Hera’s seal so you can access other areas, like Aphrodite’s Gardens, Hephaestus’ workshop, and Ares orchard!

Memento Name


Golden Platter

In Hephaestus’ bedroom, to the right of his bed.

Wine Amphora

On Aphrodite’s bed, in her room.

Bard’s Lyre

Inside Ares’ tent, to the right of his desk.

With all the mementos collected, bring them to Zeus and Hera to reach friendship level one!

You can now visit them whenever you’d like and visit their bedroom.

Zeus And Hera Friendship Level Two

As soon as you restore some of their memories, Zeus and Hera will ask you to continue powering up the island lights with the lightning bolt. With the bolt recharged, head back out to find more darkened string lights, then tap the bolt on the statues to bring them back to life.

This time, you’ll need to find another four. Check your map to see which locations you’ve unlocked and which lights haven’t yet been activated. Once you’ve found them, it’s time to start searching for mementos.

You’ll need to find the following to reach the next level:

Memento Name


Hot Peppers

Head west of the temple, then circle around the bridge to the small dip where you’ll find a stream. A memento will pass through the grate.

Pickled Peacock Eggs

In the sandcastle by the mosiac at the back of the lighthouse.

Clam Juice

Buried in the northwest corner of Poseidon’s docks, in the sand beside a boat.

Bring it all to Zeus and Hera to reach friendship level two and get one step closer to restoring their memories!

Zeus And Hera Friendship Level Three

To max out your friendship, you’ll have to start lighting the rest of the island with Zeus’ lightning bolt. Keep an eye out for the lights hanging along the walls and follow them to reach the statue you must interact with.

There are eight remaining lights to find. Don’t forget to check south of the lighthouse!

After you’ve ignited all the lights, you’ll need to find the final mementos for the king and queen, so it’s only fitting that you find their diadems. Below is everything you need to know to locate them on the island:

Memento Name


King’s Wreath

Along the southern beach, left of a fountain and a wind turbine.

Queen’s Wreath

Swap 150 ambrosia fruit with Poseidon.

When you return these last items to Zeus and Hera, you’ll max out your relationship and restore their memories to them!

What Can You Trade Ambrosia Fruit For With Zeus And Hera?

Browsing cassette tapes with Zeus and Hera.

After you reach level one with Zeus and Hera, you can swap ambrosia fruit with them in exchange for cassette tapes. Below are all the cassettes you can purchase from them.

Cassette Name


“Ambrosia” Cassette

10 Ambrosia Fruit

“Halcyon Days” Cassette

10 Ambrosia Fruit

“Echoes” Cassette

15 Ambrosia Fruit

“Luna” Cassette

15 Ambrosia Fruit

“Oracle” Cassette

15 Ambrosia Fruit

“Fireflies” Cassette

20 Ambrosia Fruit

“Sun Prayer” Cassette

20 Ambrosia Fruit

You can listen to any of the cassette tapes at a chill out spot. For a complete list, check out our guide here!


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