Wishfield Journal Event Day 1 Guide (Whimstar Collection)

Wishfield Journal Event Day 1 Guide (Whimstar Collection)

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The first day of Infinity Nikki‘s Wishfield Journal event is dubbed “Whimstar Collection,” and it features four tasks. As the name of the day suggests, those tasks focus on collecting Whimstars, and players will receive 50 Travel Insights every time that they complete one. This guide is here to help fans address all the Whimstar Collection tasks and complete Day 1 of Infinity Nikki‘s Wishfield Journal event.

The Wishfield Journal event ends on December 29, 2024.

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Players can get over 126 free pulls to celebrate the launch of Infinity Nikki; here’s how to get all the freebies.

Infinity Nikki: A Whimstar Decoration

The Whimstar Decoration task instructs players to find the vine-covered Whimstar under the eaves by the river in Florawish. To complete this task, gacha game fans should navigate to the house that has been marked on the following map.

infinity nikki wishfield journal event day 1

Upon reaching the house, players should get onto its roof and approach the ball of yarn that they find there. This will cause a circle to emanate from the ball, and Infinity Nikki players should drop to the ground and check the house’s east exterior wall.

Here, fans will find a green star hanging in front of a window, and they should approach that object and interact with it. This will cause the ball of yarn to transform into a Whimstar, and the Whimstar Decoration task will be marked as complete as soon as it has been collected.

infinity nikki wishfield journal event day 1

Infinity Nikki: Whimstar over Florawish

The Whimstar over Florawish task instructs players to get the Whimstar on the dome of the Circular Plaza in the Ruins. The Circular Plaza is in the northwest corner of Florawish, and its position has been marked on the following map.

To get onto the dome, players should enter the tower to the west and ascend until they reach the Dream Warehouse Tower Warp Spire. After activating that spire, fans of dress-up games should walk to the tower’s southwest exterior corner and jump to the nearby pillar. Players should then jump to the taller pillars, to gain some additional height, and then jump to the dome of the tower that they have just climbed.

From here, players should use the trampoline at the northern edge to get to the dome’s highest point, where they will find Momoda. There are a series of trampolines that lead from this position to the Whimstar on the dome of the Circular Plaza, and the Whimstar over Florawish task will be marked as complete when it is collected.

Infinity Nikki: Little Big Whimstar

The Little Big Whimstar task instructs players to trade small Whimstars for large ones at the Florawish fishing association. This location is south of Florawish’s central hub, and it has been marked on the following map.

infinity nikki wishfield journal event day 1

After reaching the fishing association, players should navigate to its west entrance. There is a translucent Whimstar in that position, and touching it will cause a large cloud to appear. When that occurs, fans of free-to-play games should jump on the cloud, collect all the Whimstar pieces that they pass, and grab the Whimstar at the end of the ride to complete the Little Big Whimstar task.

Infinity Nikki: Whimflutter Hunt

The Whimflutter Hunt task instructs players to catch a Whimflutter using the Bug-Catching Outfit. Fans can find a Whimflutter in the ruins in north Florwaish, and the position of this bug has been marked on the following map.

infinity nikki wishfield journal event day 1

Upon reaching this ruin, players should climb its northwest corner and wait for the Whimflutter to fly near them. Fans of open-world games should then use their Bug Catching ability on the insect to obtain a Whimstar and complete the Whimflutter Hunt task.

Infinity Nikki Tag Page Cover Art

Infinity Nikki

December 5, 2024

Papergames , Infold Games

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