Who Was Gloriosa In Love With On The Rocks Pirate Crew?

Who Was Gloriosa In Love With On The Rocks Pirate Crew?
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Key Takeaways

  • Every Amazon Lily Empress suffers from Love Sickness, leaving the island to pursue their love interest.
  • Gloriosa’s potential love was likely a Rocks Pirate, with narrowing down her love interests to only 6 named options.
  • Gloriosa’s true love is a mystery, but she may have fallen for Whitebeard or even a marine like Garp.

The world of One Piece, being so large, is full of unsolved mysteries. From the missing Void Century to the true nature of the One Piece itself, fans have been hoping to find some answers to these issues in the coming Final Saga. However, it doesn’t help the average viewer’s quest for answers when Oda adds mysteries on a whim to One Piece that he most likely has no intention of answering.

One such mystery involves the former leader of Amazon Lily, Gloriosa. Although she isn’t the most important character in the story of One Piece, Oda has revealed a few interesting aspects of Gloriosa’s personality that have left viewers with more questions than answers. One such question involves Gloriosa and her Love Sickness. More specifically, fans want to know who Gloriosa fell in love with, which made her leave behind Amazon Lily.

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One Piece’s Amazon Lily Empresses Suffer From Love Sickness

A Fatal Affliction

One Piece’s Amazon Lily is an island that completely consists of women, called the Kuja Tribe. This group is led by the Empress, Boa Hancock, though before her, Shakky and Gloriosa, or Elder Nyon as she is known nowadays, were both Empresses. However, at one point or another, each Empress in Amazon Lily’s history has been stricken by something called Love Sickness. To cure this affliction, the Empress of Amazon Lily must leave the island to pursue their love, similar to how Boa Hancock left to help Luffy on his quest to save Ace.

It is like what they say in the east, “Love is always a hurricane!” – Gloriosa

Of course, Gloriosa mentioned that she too was stricken by Love Sickness at one point in her life. This led the former Empress to leave her station and join One Piece’s Rocks Pirates. However, one clever reader came to the conclusion that the one that Gloriosa was in love with was a member of the Rocks Pirates, leading to them asking Oda about this. Oda responded in an SBS Volume, stating that her love was most likely a part of the Rocks Crew.

Gloriosa Was Potentially In Love With a Rocks Pirate

Adventuring For Love

One Piece Young Whitebeard in Wano

Sadly, Oda left it at that, teasing fans about whom this potential love could be without any direct answers. Luckily, at the very least, this hint narrows down just who the former Rocks Pirate, Gloriosa’s, love could have been drastically. In fact, if only looking at the named male characters revealed in the story so far, that leaves only around 6 options for potential love interests.

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Overall, Gloriosa’s love in One Piece could have been Kaido, Whitebeard, Shiki, John, Streusen, or Rocks D. Xebec himself. So far, One Piece has yet to reveal Gloriosa’s relationships with any other members of the Rocks Pirates, or these various love candidates. However, if the One Piece pirate, Boa Hancock’s, love for Luffy sets an example, an Amazon Empress usually falls for someone who defies the expectations of male stereotypes.

Most likely, characters like Big Mom’s guardian Streusen, the sluggish John, and the ambitious Shiki. Overall, these characters don’t seem to be a good fit for someone like the Empress of the Kuja Tribe. At the same time, a character like the Captain of the Beast Pirates, Kaido, may be too stereotypically masculine for Gloriosa. Most likely, Gloriosa was in love with the Former Emperor of the Sea, Whitebeard, a powerful person who still had a gentler side, especially regarding his family.

Other Options Are Still Possible

Garp or Xebex?

Monkey D. Garp laughing

As for the mysterious pirate, Rocks D. Xebec, too little is known about the character to make any strong decisions about whether or not Gloriosa was in love with him. Additionally, it is worth noting that none of the Rocks Pirates truly got along. This in-fighting of the group is probably why Gloriosa never ended up together with her love on the Rocks Pirates and returned to the island of Amazon Lily. This could mean she was trying to get the attention of a marine through the act of pirating, potentially making a character like Garp her true love.

Hmmm, if the way to curb the Love Sickness is to be close to the person you’re in love with… it might be someone from the Rocks Pirates. – Oda on Gloriosa’s Love Sickness

In the end, sadly, there is no concrete evidence as to who Gloriosa fell in love with before leaving the island Amazon Lily. The truth of the matter is the details of who Gloriosa left for isn’t really important to the overall story of One Piece. The fact that she left and joined the Rocks Pirates is the only thing that matters in the grand scheme of things, and any detail more than that is unnecessary in understanding the character’s motivations. Still, though, this would be an interesting fact for Oda to reveal in the future of One Piece.


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