Where To Find Everyone For The All Aboard Quest In Fantasian Neo Dimension

Where To Find Everyone For The All Aboard Quest In Fantasian Neo Dimension

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Like any good RPG, you need a means of traveling around the world a bit more quickly than your feet. While it doesn’t unlock until Act 2, that comes in the form of the Uzra in Fantasian Neo Dimension. Previously moored, the ship is now yours to pilot.


Fantasian Neo Dimension Challenged Me More Than Any Final Fantasy Game Has In Years

Fantasian Neo Dimension looks set to be a challenge, especially for those of us entirely new to it.

And with the Uzra hitting the Sandsea once again, everyone suddenly wants to board it for an adventurous cruise around the world. Make sure to oblige them, because they are more than generous in what they offer. You just have to find them first.

How To Start The All Aboard Quest

After beginning Act 2, you’re pretty free to do what you want. Though with the areas available quite limited to Leo, you’ll want to travel to the Uzra first. After a brief mistake that almost sinks the ship, Leo is made temporary captain of the Uzra, and can now pilot it across the world freely.

To pick up the All Aboard quest, your first stop as freshly-minted captain should be the harbour at Vence. Once you moor the ship, there will be a man stood right beside all those Mechteria chests. Speak with him to hear his joy at the Uzra sailing once again, and how he wishes to be a passenger on this new voyage.

Without the option to deny him for how dangerous it is, Leo agrees to let him aboard, and even agrees to find his many friends across the world to join him. So begins a globe-trotting adventure to find some rather eccentric passengers.

Where To Find Everyone Who Wants To Board The Uzra

Well, the man makes it sound like it will be a globe-trotting adventure, but he actually doesn’t have all that many friends you need to speak with, and they are all pretty close together. After picking up the quest, head into the city of Vence to find the following new passengers:

  • Go south from City Hall in Central Vence until you reach the waterways, then go east to where the Gondola is. There will be a prospective passenger to speak with here.
  • Head to Western Vence, and right by the barrels beside Sid’s Bar will be our next passenger.

That’s everyone interested in Vence aboard the Uzra, so let’s head over to the Vibran Royal Capital next. Specifically, all of our prospective passengers are in the Town Center rather than the Outskirts or Shopping District. Of course, no one as affluent and odd as these passengers would be poor, would they?

You can find these passengers in any order you want, and don’t have to start in Vence.

In the Town Center, here’s where to check:

  • At the bottom of the stairs right beside Leo’s House will be another passenger you can speak with.
  • Head south of her and down the stairs to find the next passenger stood right outside the Inn, on the bottom floor.
  • Our final passenger is stood outside the bottom floor of the Housing Complex, just before the archway that leads to the small city square.

With all five of our cruise-loving quest giver’s friends aboard, we are immediately brought to the Uzra to see to the conclusion of our quest. Because Leo clearly has nothing better to do.

The Reward For Bringing Everyone To The Uzra

Leo being given a Smoky Quartz, Citrine Quartz, and Moss Quartz as a reward for the All Aboard quest in Fantasian Neo Dimension.

After you are brought to the Uzra, you are greeted by a wide view of the hall, which features all the passengers you recruited, and their copious number of friends, dancing gleefully in the Uzra. Once such individual approaches Leo, thanking him for bringing all of these people on board.

As thanks, he gives Leo one each of a Smoky Quartz, Citrine Quartz, and Moss Quartz. Respectively, these jewels grant immunity to the Mist, Sleep, and Seal status effects. At least all of that time that could have been spent saving your companions wasn’t wasted after all.


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