When is Fortnite OG Season 2?

Season 1 Chapter 1 has a certain charm, but it’s by far the least polished era of Fortnite, so when is Fortnite OG Season 2? Maybe it’s a little quick since the mode has only recently been released, but Fortnite has always thrived on change In new seasons coming, reinventing the loot pool, and adding new content.

Fortnite OG is a fun throwback, but it’ll really hit its stride once it reaches the part of Fortnite seasons that are best remembered by the player base. Which will begin as we move into Season 2.

Fortnite OG might be a recreation of the past, but it’s not totally limited. It’s going through the first Chapter seasons of Fortnite. Beginning with the very start the rougher and thrown together Season 1. However, we’ll be arriving in Fortnite OG Season 2 pretty soon. If you want to get your pass finished and everything this is the date to keep in mind.

when is fortnite og season 2

Source: @ShiinaBR

When is Fortnite OG Season 2?

Chapter 1 Season 1 was the earliest stage of Fortnite, it’s frankly a tad unfished. While Epic has made a few changes to Fortnite OG like keeping modern movement and the removal of a single bush on a hill, it’s pretty faithful. That means a slightly wonky meta, near-instant pump kills, and a sparse map. Once Season 2 arrives we’ll get more exciting weapons, a more balanced meta, and eventually Tilted Towers. When is Fortnite OG Season 2?

It’s due to be released on January 31st 2025. That’s the official crossover date.

Usually, these seasons end dates are more drafted than set in stone. New content can get delayed or moved which can alter our timeline. However, for OG Season 2 we probably won’t see much change. Since it’s recreating the older parts of the game, it seems more likely to stick exactly to its dates. That’s when we’ll the big change to the Fortnite OG loot pool.

The current way Battle Passes are being portioned out also seems designed to retain Fortntie Crew subscribers by spacing out the Pass now all are included. We’ll also see this a few weeks before the end of Chapter 6 Season 1. That should mean we’ll get something fresh to do with the second OG season while the first Chapter 6 season is feeling a bit older.

If you’re looking at Fortnite betting on the upcoming OG tournaments, keep this date in mind. The double pump and other strange Season 1 features will be gone with Season 2.

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