I’ll always be a Pokemon TCG Pocket defender. Sure, it’s a transparent moneymaking exercise that has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in its first couple of months alone, but I like opening pretty cards.
This game has turned me into a bit of a conspiracy theorist, but in my heart I still know that I’ll open countless packs of the new set, whenever that may be. I’ve got 200 hourglasses saved up and I’ll have to resist inflating that eye-watering revenue number, so I’m ready to go all over again.
However, this game has terrible events. I’ve played them all, but that’s more due to FOMO than any sense of enjoyment. And the latest event takes the Probopass.
Pokemon TCG Pocket Venusaur Ex Event
The Venusaur ex event, like the Lapras ex event before it, has you do battle against a strong deck featuring the titular ex card. You’re rewarded for beating it with event packs, which contain one of five Pokemon. Sounds good, right? Wrong.
The real boss of this event is Kangaskhan, but that’s another story.
Whether through luck, pure pack-opening skill, or slightly altered pull rates, I completed the Lapras ex event comfortably. The biggest challenge in the event is beating the legendary difficulty deck 20 times, and by the time I’d done that, I’d just about collected two copies of each event exclusive card. It was timed well, the drop rates felt in line with the difficulty and length of the event, and I left feeling satisfied.
That’s not the case with Venusaur. I’ve now beaten the legendary deck 20 times to unlock the meagre reward, and I’m yet to pack a Venusaur. That’s 25 battles, 23 packs opened, and not a single big plant dinosaur. What was even more wild was that, at 23 battles I hadn’t packed Jigglypuff either, the only other card with a drastically different effect to that of its non-event counterpart (at least in terms of creating a fun deck).
I got two Jigglypuff in as many packs, so I’m hoping that my luck swings around to Venusaur next, but if not, what gives? How many times am I going to have to click Crimson Storm in order to see the beautiful full art Venusaur ex in my inventory? Will I even find it before the event ends in a matter of days? I’m starting to think that the drop rates have been significantly altered since Lapras. Did too many people get the chase card? Was Lapras ex too oppressive in the meta?
How To Beat Venusaur Ex In Pokemon TCG Pocket
Thus, I am determined to min-max my way to victory against this leafy frog. I will beat it in the most effective manner possible in order to maximise my packs. There’s no room for fun any more. Charizard, I choose you.
The best deck to defeat Venusaur ex in Pokemon TCG Pocket is Charizard ex and Moltres ex. Moltres can ramp up your energy before Charizard fires off devastating super-effective attacks. My deck looks a little like this:
- 2x Charmander
- 2x Charmeleon
- 2x Charizard ex
- 2x Moltres ex
- 2x Potion
- 2x X Speed
- 2x Poke Ball
- 1x Red Card
- 2x Professor’s Research
- 1x Giovanni
- 2x Sabrina
Don’t ask me how many times the bottom four cards in my deck have been two Poke Balls and two Charmanders, because it happened twice in a row and feels terrible. However, you don’t lose any energy if you lose to Venusaur ex, so those matches didn’t feel wasted.
This deck is simple to use and nearly impossible to lose with, aside from the above situation and if you end up with a single Charmander up against their Kangaskhan on turn one. That’s also happened to me multiple times, albeit before I added the second Moltres ex to the deck.
Will it help me to pull Venusaur? I’ve no idea. But it’ll certainly help me to win more packs, and therefore more chances to pull Venusaur. Even if the rates are abysmally low, that’s all I can do in this situation. But after so many battle events and Wonder Pick events, I just long for an event that I can play a fun deck in, or one that’s not based entirely on chance. But that wouldn’t make as much money, would it?

Your Pokemon Pocket Account Could Be Suspended If You Have An Offensive Username
Pokemon has finally promised to take action against Pocket players with offensive usernames.
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