Pokemon GO’s Holiday Event Part 1 Adding New Costumed and Shiny Pokemon

Pokemon GO's Holiday Event Part 1 Adding New Costumed and Shiny Pokemon

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Key Takeaways

  • The Holiday Part 1 event will add costumed Dedenne and shiny Sandygast, available from December 17-22.
  • Trainers can enjoy 2x XP and 1/2 hatch distance, along with raids for Glaceon, Cryogonal, and Mega Latias and Latios.
  • Paid Timed Research, Collection Challenges, and more bonuses are available during the event.

Pokemon GO has announced the Holiday Part 1 event, which will see the debut of costumed Dedenne and shiny Sandygast. The 16th Pokemon GO Season began on December 3, so the expectation is that players will have engaging activities to celebrate the holidays.

While Dedenne and Sandygast variants are coming to Pokemon GO, their regular versions have been available on Niantic’s title for some time. Dedenne made its Pokemon GO debut in 2021 at the Festival of Lights event. Meanwhile, Sandygast was one of the additions made by Niantic last year, debuting during the Water Festival: Beach Week event.

Pokemon GO Announces New Event Featuring Mythical Pokemon

Pokemon GO announces a new event for the Dual Destiny season, and it will see the return of a Mythical Pokemon that hasn’t appeared for some time.

For the holiday event, Pokemon GO has revealed that shiny Sandygast and costumed Dedenne will be available for the first time. The Holiday Part 1 event will kick off on Tuesday, December 17, at 10 am, and will end on Sunday, December 22, at 9:59 am local time. During this period, players will encounter Dedenne in one-star raids, with the chance to catch the Pokemon from Kalos wearing an adorable holiday outfit. In addition to that, one-star raids will also feature Pikachu in a winter outfit and Psyduck in a holiday outfit. Sandygast will also appear in the same raids and in the wild spawns, which will feature nine other critters, such as Numel and Delibri in costume.

Pokemon GO Holiday Part 1 Event Details

  • When: Tuesday, December 17, at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, December 22, 2024, at 9:59 a.m. local time
  • New Pokemon: Dedenne wearing holiday attire and shiny Sandygast
  • Event Bonuses: 2× XP from catching Pokemon and 1/2 Hatch Distance for Eggs placed in Incubators
  • New Field Research Task rewards, Paid Timed Research, Collection Challenges, PokeStop Showcases, and two offers on the Pokemon Web Store will be available.

Wild Encounters

  • Alolan Sandshrew*
  • Alolan Diglett*
  • Swinub*
  • Delibird wearing a holiday ribbon*
  • Numel*
  • Snover*
  • Darumaka*
  • Litleo*
  • Bergmite*
  • Sandygast*

One-Star Raids

  • Pikachu wearing a Winter Carnival outfit*
  • Psyduck wearing holiday attire*
  • Dedenne wearing holiday attire*
  • Sandygast*

Three-Star Raids

  • Stantler wearing a holiday outfit*
  • Glaceon wearing an Undersea Holiday outfit*
  • Cryogonal*

Mega Raids

  • Mega Latias*
  • Mega Latios*

7 Km eggs

  • Hisuian Growlithe*
  • Pichu with summer flair*
  • Spheal wearing a holiday scarf*
  • Cubchoo wearing a holiday ribbon*
  • Amaura*
  • Charcadet

*Shiny chance

Players will receive double XP when catching Pokemon in Pokemon GO and need half the distance to hatch eggs in incubators during the event. In addition to the one-star raids, there will be three-star raids with Glaceon and Stantler in costume, and Cryogonal, and Mega Raids with Mega Latios and Mega Latias. Trainers hatching 7 km eggs will have a chance to get Hisuian Growlithe, costumed variants of Pichu, Spheal, and Cubchoo, along with Amaura, and Charcadet. A Paid Timed Research available for $2 will reward trainers with items such as two premium battle passes, and the Pokemon GO Web Store will sell two boxes, one for $4.99 and the other for $6.99. New Field Research tasks, Collection Challenges, and Showcases will be released for Holiday Part 1.

With the announcement of the first part of the holiday event, the continuation will run from December 22-27, with more details to be revealed. While the two events don’t start until later in December, others have already been confirmed. One will be the debut of Gigantamax Lapras on December 8, while December 14 will be the anticipated Raid Day with Necrozma. In addition, from December 10 to 14, there will be the Young and Wise event, an unmissable opportunity for players to get Genesect Chill Drive.

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