PlayStation Is “Ignoring” Days Gone In 30th Anniversary Trailer, Says Director

PlayStation Is "Ignoring" Days Gone In 30th Anniversary Trailer, Says Director

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Key Takeaways

  • Days Gone writer has criticized PlayStation for “ignoring” the game in its 30th-anniversary trailer.
  • In the trailer, several PlayStation games are shown off in a sizzle reel, though Days Gone and Bend Studio in general are not included.
  • Garvin took to Twitter to complain about this, saying that it’s like “Syphon Filter and Days Gone never happened”.

It’s not unfair to say that Days Gone writer and creative director John Garvin isn’t the biggest fan of PlayStation and Sony these days. On top of being upset about the game’s critical reception when it launched, Garvin has stuck to his guns that Days Gone was done dirty by Sony and deserved a chance to be a full-blown franchise.

He’s been very critical of his former employer using Days Gone protagonist Deacon St. John, most notably calling his cameo in the recently released title Astro Bot “sad”, and criticizing Bend Studio for not protecting its legacy, a viewpoint that Bend Studio itself does not share. Basically, he’s still a bit sore about Days Gone, and now he has another bone to pick with Sony following its 30th anniversary celebrations.

PlayStation Is “Ignoring” Days Gone In 30th Anniversary Trailer, Says Director

Earlier this week, PlayStation released a special trailer for the platform’s anniversary, celebrating various iconic titles that have been released over the past 30 years. PlayStation titles like Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, and The Last of Us are included, as are several third-party titles considered synonymous with PlayStation, like Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, and Final Fantasy.

Even Bloodborne gets a little mention at the end, which happens once in a blue moon these days. However, one game that isn’t mentioned is Days Gone, or any of Bend Studio’s games for that matter. Unsurprisingly, this had rankled Garvin a little bit, as he took to Twitter to claim that PlayStaion is deliberately “ignoring” the studio.

Of course, we have no idea if this is the case. PlayStation could have deliberately left Days Gone out of the trailer to avoid another minor controversy, like with Astro Bot, or Days Gone just simply isn’t memorable enough to be in a sizzle reel of PlayStation classics. Only PlayStation knows for sure, though I doubt that any answer would appease Garvin.


In Days Gone, a PlayStation 4 exlusive on launch, you play the role of Deacon St. John, a biker outlaw who must find his missing wife in a post-apocalyptic world. It features a vast section of the Pacific Northwest, with various camps and missions to complete on your journey.

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