Key Takeaways
- Fun & effective Bot Lane combos in League of Legends offer hilarious gameplay.
- Champions paired skillfully provide synergy for unique strategies.
- Combining abilities, CC, and ultimates, can lead to exciting and successful Bot Lanes.
League of Legends was released well over a decade ago, and since then, Riot Games has done a good job of constantly updating Champions, items, and Summoner’s Rift. The game certainly has its issues, whether it be overloaded Champions or in-game toxicity, but it is still played by millions of people. League of Legends requires a fair bit of strategy, but it is simple to understand, especially since every Champion has a designated role.
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Bot Lane tends to have an ADC, who is usually a marksman capable of dealing a lot of physical or true damage in the later stages of a game. The ADC is always paired with a Support, who typically helps the team by tanking damage, or by providing healing, shielding, or crowd control. Most games feature traditional Bot Lanes, but there are a few unorthodox, funny Bot Lane combos that can be quite effective.
Updated on December 6, 2024 by Joe Grantham: If there’s one constant regarding League of Legends, it’s the fact that it never stops changing. Every two weeks, patches shake things up, and even the smallest of changes can open the door for new innovations. Therefore, there will always be new hilarious combos to try out for better or worse. The most fun Bot Lane combos in League typically rely on two abilities working in tandem in a way that the enemy just isn’t ready for. While these funny Bot Lane duos might not always be suited for climbing the ranked ladder, they are perfect for having a laugh with friends in casual games.
32 Caitlyn & Vi
Lovers From Arcane & A Surprisingly Good Lane
Caitlyn and Vi are two of the main characters in Arcane and, by the end, a power couple. While Vi is traditionally played in the Jungle, she has enough engage and CC to work as a support, especially if the two enforcers get ahead. With exceptional range, Caitlyn is a lane bully, punishing any who step up.
At her side, Vi can attempt to push these advantages further with her Q which can be charged up inside one of the bushes. While this fun lane is more about reenacting Arcane, the lane can get super powerful upon hitting level 6, as both of their ults are great for picking off a single target. As Vi has more innate damage than most other melee supports, kills aren’t hard to come by.
31 Cassiopeia & Singed
Cassiopeia Deals More Damage & Heals Against Poisoned Enemies
Champions such as Twitch, Teemo, and Singed have always been a fun combo to pair with Cassiopeia, as her E – Twin Fangs deal more damage against poisoned enemies, while also healing her. While any of these three could be played alongside her, Singed is arguably best as a support thanks to his CC.
With both Cassio and Singed having abilities that apply the Grounded state, this is a horrible lane to face for those with dashes as they can’t be used. If one of them builds Rylai’s, an item that slows, then enemies will never be able to get away from all the poison damage. As this lane has lots of AP damage, it is best paired with an AD Mid Laner and topside.
30 Miss Fortune & Elise
By Maxing Elise’s Stun, MF Can Channel Her Entire Ult
Miss Fortune is a standard ADC, which is admittedly a rarity on this list of funny Bot Lane combos in LoL. MF’s major selling point is her ultimate, Bullet Time, which if placed on top of CC, can wipe out a player or entire team. One surprisingly good support to pair alongside her is Elise, who has a hidden weapon as support.
In her Jungle role, Elise maxes her damage spells first, but without needing to farm, she can instead max her E which is a stun in human form. Each rank into her E increases the stun duration, eventually reaching a whopping 2.5 seconds. With Miss Fortune’s ult lasting 3 seconds, it’s easy to see why this duo lane can be deadly. Even before MF’s ult is unlocked, her Q and autos pack quite a punch to pair alongside Elise’s strong early game.
29 Kalista & Jarvan IV
Kalista Throws Jarvan In For His Full Combo & His Flag Increases Her Attack Speed
Kalista is the cornerstone of many fun Bot Lane combos thanks to her ultimate ability, which pulls her bonded partner in, before giving them the option to launch themselves out. This ability can be used defensively, but it is usually more fun to use it aggressively. One incredibly fun partner for Kalista is Jarvan IV, who always wants to go in.
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Enchanter supports in League of Legends are the backbone of any bot lane. These champs have everything players need to dominate the support role.
Jarvan can use Kalista’s ult to close a big gap on the enemy and follow up with his own ult, which creates a circular wall of terrain. Only a Flash or dash will help enemies escape this earthy prison. He also has his flag and drag combo to knock up the enemy, while Kalista impales them with spears. To top off this combo, Jarvan’s flag grants Kalista bonus attack speed to make her hit even harder. The Summon Aery rune even works with Jarvan’s flag, either damaging the enemy or shielding an ally.
28 Brand & Nami
Watch Fire & Water Bounce Between Foes, With Nami Making Brand Deal More Damage
Brand and Nami both have abilities that can bounce between enemies, these being Brand’s ult and Nami’s W. This makes them both ideal for the Bot Lane where there are two targets for these abilities to bounce between. Paired with the fact that the former is all about fire and the latter all about water, this duo may already sound intriguing.
The selling point, however, of this fun but powerful duo lane, is the fact that Nami’s E can buff up to three of Brand’s next abilities. With Tidecaller’s Blessing applied, Brand can perform his full combo to deal extra damage and slow the enemy. Nami’s CC can also help set up Brand’s combo and keep enemies close together for maximum splash damage.
27 Anivia & Poppy
Anivia Creates A Wall For Poppy To Stun Enemies Against
If players are looking for a funny Bot Lane combo to try out with a friend, then Anivia with Poppy is the answer. The premise is simple; Poppy can stun enemies against walls, and Anvia can create a wall with her W.
Pop a wall behind an enemy in lane, and Poppy can charge them into the wall. Anivia can then follow up with her own stun and ultimate for even more CC and damage. If the enemy somehow survives this onslaught, Poppy can be waiting with her W, which will knockup any enemy who tries to dash.
26 Nasus & Yuumi
Yuumi’s Shield, Heal, & Slow Allow Nasus To Stack & Fight
Nasus is meant to be played Top – where he is supposed to farm until the late stages of the game. If Nasus kills a minion, Jungle monster, or enemy Champion with his Q, he will gain a permanent damage stack. With enough stacks, he can two-shot an enemy ADC or Mage. Nasus needs to farm though, and it would be difficult for him to farm Bot Lane unless he has a Yuumi by his side.
Yummi is a Support, and she can attach herself to Nasus. While attached, she can shield Nasus with her E so he can farm better. Nasus can slow enemies with his W, and Yummi can do the same with her Ult – which would heal Nasus at the same time. With this amount of slow, Nasus can Q enemy Champions a lot easier. Yummi’s shield would also boost Nasus’ Ult – which temporarily increases his health, armor, and magic resist.
25 Heimerdinger & Zyra
They Can Immobilize Champions & Push Lanes With Their Turrets
Heimerdinger is usually seen in Mid or Top Lane, but there are times when he can be played as an ADC or Support. In this instance, it would be smart to pair Heimer with someone like Zyra, who is capable of rooting enemy Champions. She can also use her Ultimate to slow and knock enemies up.
Heimer can stun enemies with his E, which means that he and Zyra can immobilize the enemy Bot Laners for quite some time. Heimer is known for pushing lanes with his turrets, which can deal a lot of damage with items like Liandry’s Anguish. Zyra spawns plants that can turn into mini turrets as well, which means that they can endlessly push lanes.
24 Samira & Amumu
Amumu’s Crowd Control Would Allow Samira To Deal A lot Of Damage
Samira gets banned a lot because she can literally delete squishy Champions when she uses her Ultimate. This is because she rapidly shoots all nearby Champions, and each shot has a chance to crit. Amumu is meant to Jungle, but he can be a Support, and he can secure a quick kill because he is one of the strongest Level 1 Champions.
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All The Champions That Appeared In Arcane, Ranked
Quite a few League of Legends Champions showed up throughout Arcane’s first season, so let’s take a look at how impactful they were.
Amumu is a tanky Champion, and his E throws bandages at enemies. It will stun the first enemy Champion that it hits, and it will pull Amumu towards them. Later on, Amumu can force enemies to attack him by taunting them, and he can knock people down and stun them with his Ultimate. Thanks to Amumu’s CC, Samira can destroy an enemy ADC in lane.
23 Veigar & Ziggs
They Can Deal A Lot Of Magic Damage & Ziggs Can Get Enemies Stuck In Veigar’s Wall
Ziggs has been used an ADC in previous seasons, and he is usually accompanied by a tanky Support. Veigar’s magic damage passively increases as the game goes on, so he can be played as a tank. Ziggs can push lanes very easily because his bombs clear minion waves quickly. If Ziggs is given enough time to attack the enemy’s turret, he can destroy it early with his W.
If this combo decides to be aggressive, they can be very effective and annoying. Ziggs can slow enemy Champions with his E and Veigar can then stun them with his wall. Ziggs could also use his W to knock enemies into Veigar’s wall. If either of these scenarios happen, Ziggs and Veigar can bombard the enemy with their spells. Enemy Champions would be forced to use Flash, and if they manage to survive the combo, Ziggs can Ult and throw a massive bomb at them.
22 Ivern & Rengar
Ivern Makes Bushes For Rengar To Leap From
Ivern and Rengar are both Junglers, but the argument can be made that they were born to play together. Ivern is more of a Support-type Jungler since he can shield allies with his E. He can also Root enemies with his Q, and allies can then dash towards them. His Ultimate creates a golem that can tank enemy spells and tower shots.
Rengar is a pure assassin, and he benefits from not being seen because it triggers a part of his Passive which allows him to leap at enemies and unleash his combo. This means that Rengar benefits from bushes without vision, and Ivern can create multiple bushes with his W. He can also shield Rengar when he leaps at enemies, as the shield damages and slows surrounding enemies upon ending.
21 Shaco & Teemo
A Frustrating Combo That Involves Poison, Fear & Traps
Individually, Teemo and Shaco can cause a great deal of frustration, and it is even more frustrating when they team up. Teemo can blind and poison enemies with his Q, and his E applies poison and an on-hit effect to his basic attacks. This is why Teemo would serve as the ADC, and he would need to build items like Nashor’s Tooth and Wit’s End.
Shaco can turn invisible and blink with his Q, and if he gets behind an enemy, he may be able to crit them with his Passive. His Ultimate produces a clone and the main body vanishes. What makes this duo so aggravating is their traps. Teemo can throw invisible mushrooms that slow and poison those who step on them, while Shaco places invisible boxes which shoot and slow enemies. With these traps, Bot Lane becomes a literal minefield.
20 Lux & Xerath
Can Use Their Ranged Spells To Bombard The Enemy Team
Lux and Xerath are both mages who can deal a lot of damage. All of their spells are ranged skillshots, so they can easily pressure the enemy Bot Lane from a safe distance. Xerath would need to be the ADC because he can recover mana through his Passive by basic attacking minions and enemy Champions.
Lux can root an enemy Champion and Xerath can stun them right after. This would allow them to hit the same Champion with their damaging spells. If Lux builds traditional Support items, she can shield Xerath every time the enemy attacks. If Xerath stuns an enemy, Lux can use her Ult combo to chunk an Enemy Champion’s health. If they survive, Xerath can use his Ult to take them down as they retreat.
19 Sion & Zoe
Zoe Can Unleash Her Deadly Combo With Sion’s Slams
Depending on the build, Sion can decimate Top Lane, and he can do the same thing at Bot Lane as a Support. Zoe may be a squishy Mage, but she can deal an insane amount of damage if her combo connects. In fact, she can easily one-shot an ADC even if they are at half health.
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This pairing can be effective as long as Sion builds tank for survivability. If he lands a fully charged Q, he will knock enemies into the air and stun them, and if he Ults into them, he will deal damage and knock them up. Zoe can use this to her advantage by using her E, which puts enemies to sleep, and she can then hit them with an empowered missile.
18 Yasuo & Cho’Gath
Cho’Gath Can Trigger Yasuo’s Ult At Any Time
Yasuo ADC may seem like a troll pick, but it can be effective if he has a Tanky Support with a knock-up, which is where Cho’Gath comes in. Yasuo can farm pretty easily thanks to his Q and dash, and he can block ranged abilities with his Wind Wall.
Cho’Gath needs to build full tank, and he should have the Heartsteel Mythic so he can constantly gain extra health during fights. Yasuo’s Ultimate can be triggered if nearby enemies get knocked up, and Cho’Gath can knock up multiple enemies at once with his Q, which would allow Yasuo to Ult them all.
17 Tahm Kench & Yone
Tahm Kench’s Durability & Engage Power Compliments Yone’s Combo
Yone is typically a Mid or Top Lane fighter, and Tahm Kench is a Top Laner, but he has been used as a Support in the past. Tahm Kench is a tank that can deal a lot of damage to squishy ADCs. If he builds health and armor, it will be very difficult to take him down – especially since he has a shield. He can also rescue Yone with his Ult by temporarily eating him.
Yone can farm very easily, and he can help to harass the enemy Bot Lane with his E. He can do an insane amount of damage by building crit and attack speed. This combo will only work if Tahm Kench is able to knock enemy Champions up with his W. When this happens, Yone will be able to land his Ult combo – which shreds enemy Champions.
16 Ashe & Varus
An ADC Combo That Can Harass & Immobilize Enemies WIth Their Arrows
It is extremely risky to play two ADCs in Bot Lane, but there are some combos that work. Varus and Ashe can lane together, as long as Ashe plays Support and focuses on leveling her W, which fires a volley of arrows that deal damage and slow enemies. Her E also grants vision periodically to help spot enemy ganks/movements.
Ashe can harass the enemy team with her W, and Varus can farm and harass them with his Q, which deals significant damage if it is fully charged. His E slows enemies as well. Their Ults work very well together, as Ashe can stun them with her arrow, allowing Varus to then immobilize them with his.
15 Malphite & Orianna
They Can Execute A Devastating Ult Combo
Malphite is predominantly played Top Lane or Jungle, and although it is best for him to go Tank, he can go AP as well to obliterate squishy enemy Champions with his Ultimate. Orianna is a mage who is great in team fights because she can shield herself and her allies.
Ori is a decent farmer, and Malphite would provide her decent protection, but if they both go AP, they can clear Bot Lane easily once they hit level 6. Ori’s Ult draws her enemies towards her ball, and Malphite can follow it up with his Ult and E combo which deals massive magic damage.
14 Galio & Pantheon
Pantheon Can Deal With ADC’s While Galio Handles Mages & Tanks
Galio and Pantheon is the type of Bot Lane that is great to use when the enemy team has more than one assassin. Pantheon can stun an enemy Champion with his W, and he can burst an ADC with his Spear. Best of all, he can block all incoming damage when he uses his E.
Galio is usually played in Mid Lane, and he is a tank that completely counters AP Champions. He can neutralize assassins like Fizz and Katarina, and can also deal with AP Supports. Their Ults pair well together, as Pantheon can fly into lane and unleash his combo, and Galio can Ult onto him, which would knock enemies up and give Pantheon a magic shield.
13 Veigar & Lux
Powerful Burst Mages With Frustrating Crowd Control Spells
Veigar is a Mid Lane Champion who constantly gains extra damage whenever an enemy gets hit by one of his abilities, which means that he endlessly scales. Lux is another Mid Laner, but she can be played as Support as well since she has a root. She can also give a shield to her allies and to herself.
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Once she builds Luden’s Companion, Lux is capable of dealing massive damage, especially when she uses her Ultimate, which shoots a beam of light. Veigar can stun enemies with his wall, and Lux can then root them with her E and then unleash a devastating combo that will obliterate most ADCs.
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