Disney Dreamlight Valley generally focuses on helping your neighbors feel at home, but your time in Storybook Vale will be spent solving puzzles and reuniting old friends. Working together is the only way to get things done here, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Before you can even reach the next Mythic Trial, you’ll already have to consult Hades for help. Once you enter the trial, he’s there again to supervise your actions. If you can tolerate his condescending attitude for long enough, both of you can make it out in once piece and get one step closer to reaching Mount Olympus!
How To Solve The First Marble Puzzle
When you’re inside the trial, speak to Hades. He tells you to pull the lever by the bridge, but there’s nothing to keep the bridge from going all the way down.
Take the stairs to the right down and you’ll find a large column being carried on a cart. You’ll need to get the cart moving and position it under the bridge so it can hold up the platform while you cross over.
You’ll have to raise the bridge again before you find a way to keep it in place.
However, one of the platforms is underwater. Use your Royal Fishing Rod to pull it up, then use your Royal Net on the spinning wheel to redirect the glowing lines.
Stand behind the cart and push it in the direction you want it to go. Once it’s underneath the bridge, head back up and use the lever again. You can now cross over the bridge.
How To Solve The Second Marble Puzzle
In the second area, you’ll use your net to rotate the platform, but there’s nothing stopping the platform from spinning in circles. Talk to Hades, then take the stairs down to where you’ll find another column on a cart.
Before you can start moving things though, you’ll need to use your Royal Watering Can on the gears to get the mechanism working. From there, circle around to a gathering of rocks and break through them to reach a spinning wheel.
Whack it with your net to change the course of the glowing lights, then start moving the cart into place.
Once it’s blocking the path of the platform, head back up and follow Hades. Rotate the platform again and cross over to the final area. From there, you can either complete the trial or solve one last puzzle!
How To Solve The Third Marble Puzzle
The third puzzle is optional, but you can access a treasure chest if you completely solve it. While you can just move the cart in your path out of the way, you can continue to move it to the end of the track.
Break the rocks surrounding the raised platform, then pour water on the gears to lower it. Move the cart again until it reaches the final platform. Doing so will grant you access to a green treasure chest.
When you’re ready, head over to the source of corruption and interact with it to leave. Afterward, go find Hades to wrap up the quest. You’re one step closer to reaching Mount Olympus!

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