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While playing Fisch, players can use different fishing rods. Some of them can be purchased, while others need to be crafted from various ingredients. So, in this guide, we will tell you how to get the Magic Thread ingredient in Fisch.
These items are required for most crafting recipes, so you will need a lot of them for this Roblox fishing sim. Luckily, there are several ways that players can farm different Threads. But, of course, all of them are quite time-consuming.

How to Get Magma Rod in Fisch
Magma Rod is one of a few fishing rods in Fisch that allow you to fish in Roslit Volcano. Here’s all you need to know to obtain it.
Where to Find Magic Thread in Fisch
Even though crafting ingredients are part of the Ancient Isle update, they spawn in different locations. More specifically, players can get Magic Thread in Fisch by fishing or by opening Treasure Chests. A rundown on each of these methods can be found below:
How to Catch Magic Thread
Fishing is probably the easiest way to get Magic Thread in Fisch. All you need to do is fish, which is pretty obvious. As with Treasure Maps, the ingredients drop regardless of where you fish in Fisch. So, you can just focus on completing one of the Bestiaries and farming crafting ingredients along the way.
It is worth noting that the drop rate is quite low, so you will need to be patient when using this method to get Magic Thread in
How to Find Magic Thread in a Treasure Chest
The second method, namely Treasure Chests, is the least effective. This is because Maps drop extremely rarely in Fisch. This isn’t the case for players with the Sunken Rod, however, since it provides an increased chance of catching Maps.
When you finally find the Map, you will need to decrypt it and then find the Chest using GPS. Even after spending so much effort, the chance that the Chest will contain Magic Thread is only 25%.
Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages, but regular fishing is the most effective for the majority of players. Only if you fish with the Sunken Rod should you use the second method to get Magic Thread in Fisch.

How to Get Scurvy Rod in Fisch
Scurvy Rod is a decent option for the mid-game in Fisch as it has no serious downsides. Here’s how to get it.
How to Use Magic Thread
Magic Thread is an ingredient that you need in order to craft fishing rods in Fisch. Of course, this is not the only item you will need. Fortunately, almost all crafting recipes require about one Magic Thread. So, by collecting enough of them, you will be one step closer to crafting these unique rods:
- Resourceful Rod
- Precision Rod
- Wisdom Rod
- Seasons Rod
- Voyager Rod
- Riptide Rod
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